Mary Barringer

I'm so happy to be here - especially after an extended hiatus from working on & in my biz!! 😊

My work with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) fills my soul with joy!! 🦋 I'm a counselor/mentor - mainly with young women in their 20s (thus far). While I work primarily 1:1, I look forward to creating a sma…

Active 6d ago Joined 9 Aug 2022 San Diego (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Bingz Huang 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

I found my Energy Signature through these photos! And I'd love to know yours!

I was recently gifted a 6-hour long glam photoshoot and they were very open for me to play with silk fan veils in their studio. Here are some of my favourite photos (unedited screenshots so I can't share them publicly) that I feel remind me of my energy signature. 

I feel that photos are so important in capturing our energy signature. Please feel free to share yours in the comments or anything that you feel that describes your energy signature

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

Ohh my goodness; these photos are gorgeous, @Bingz Huang, as are YOU‼️What a beautiful experience!! Joy-full; you are‼️🤩😍 xoxo 💃

Bingz Huang 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Mary Barringer thank you so much, dear Mary! How would you describe your energy signature?

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

@Bingz Huang Good question‼️😊 I believe my energy signature is a combo of joy-full-ness + grounded calmness + a pop of delightful quirkiness!! 🌻♥️🐈‍⬛🦋😉 lol. 😂🤣😂

Substack Wisdom to Share

Hi ABC community, I'm inspired to start playing with Substack (thanks @Ginny Branden for the nudge to check it out!). I'm curious if others, who have been on there for a while, may have any words of wisdom for newbies getting started. Seems like such a cool corner of the internet!

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

Hi Jackie!! Shortly after I started my biz a few years ago, I began working with an extraordinary holistic biz coach & tech guru named Val Cline. She designed my website too. 😊 We've become very good friends - soul sisters. 💟 Val & I want to collab on something special & are exploring Substack for that creation. She's wayyyyyy more tech savvy than I. 😉 We're both HSPs, love cats (& all animals), are fascinated by/with psychology/personal development & delight in writing. She's also an artist. 🎨 I'm sooooo looking forward to this endeavor. Please keep us posted on your explorations‼️🤩😍

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

@Mary Barringer I would love to give you a follow when you have it set up!

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

@Fi Kahani Aww. Thank you so much!! How kind‼️🌻♥️🍁🥰🙏

Life Update and Strategy Spot with George Open

Hi ABC Friends,

Surprising us a few weeks early, our family welcomed a new baby 9/15. We're all happy and healthy. Freshly home from the hospital, we're adjusting to new routines. 

Thinking we had some time, I had signed up for a strategy session during the ABC call 9/19 morning. And, now unfortunately won't be able to make it. The slot is up for grabs. So sorry for the last-minute cancellation @George Kao I look forward to joining another time.

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

Such joyous news, dear @Jackie Johansen!! 🥰 Wishing you, your new baby & your entire family many blessings!! 🙌 ♥️🙏 Please get some rest. 😊

ok I'm baffled -- you're not getting your questions answered on the call?!

Hi Folks, I'm really baffled by this... several people are saying that when you come to my Q&A calls, you don't get your questions answered. WTF?

I swear that I do my best (I thought) to make sure I answer all your questions... but I think what happens is that I ask for your questions... and then I wait for 10 seconds... and I see no questions... so then I start my segment. 

Maybe I need to wait 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes?

Truly, from the heart, I'm sad and embarrassed that you've had tha…

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

Unfortunately I've been unable to join any calls due to my ever changing, wacky work schedule; however, I watch many replays. 😊

I'm really sorry that it has been a difficult, "meltdown kind of a day" for you, George. 😪 Although emotionally painful, oftentimes there's so much light on the other side of these days/moments. 🌟 That's my experience, at least. And I know them well. HSP & INFP here. 😉🙋‍♀️

I truly can't imagine your Q&A calls being anything other than 💯 educational + enlightening + supportive + 🔥🔥🔥‼️

(Re. the unsettling feedback you received, it sounds like you've figured out a few possibilities. The only other factor I can think of = Sometimes people have specific  expectations - yet fail to state them. Sometimes *said people* expect others to be Mind Readers. When their unspoken expectations aren't met, they feel disappointed. I don't know if this is a factor in the present discussion - or not.)

YOU are a truly genuine, caring, generous & wise human being, George!! 🥰 A gem‼️💎

For the record: YOU ARE ENOUGH & the fabulous service you provide is enough‼️ MORE than enough -- on both counts!!

Tomorrow is a new day & a new start. Sending hugs + peace + love ... always. 💜💙💚💛🧡❤ 🐈‍⬛

Mary Barringer 🔤 ABC

Thank you kindly, 

@George Kao‼️ 🥰 I might take you up on that sometime!!! 💟