Fi Kahani

Please add me wherever you find me!!


Current Endeavors:

unBlockMe Digital: Coding Bootcamp attendees, grads and career changers

I love kayaking, being 90% vegan, and meditating. 

Currently living on the road full-time as a digital nomad

Any Pronouns

Active 1d ago Joined 12 Apr 2023 Aptos (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific

IG Mastery Implementation in Sept & Oct

I am continuing the Instagram Mastery Course IMPLEMENTATION SESSIONS through September and October.

So SEPTEMBER 11th & 25th,
OCTOBER 9th & 23rd,
All sessions start 10am Pacific/ 1pm Eastern/ 7pm Central Europe.

ONE HOUR of coworking, cocreating, focusing on our Instagram accounts and putting ourselves - and our businesses - out there in the most joyful, purposeful way!


for the Zoom link & reminders and let's work alongside each other.

Fi Kahani 🔤

I can make September 11th and 25th! Could you email me the link:

Intentions : August 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify (or reiterate) your priorities.

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying to a few comments 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
    Tip: What …

Fi Kahani 🔤
Post one new Litterverse video every Monday (8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26)

Post one new Substack post every Friday (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30)

That's it! I don't care about anything else except for this. Consistency is the hardest thing for me. I'll take one week off the first week of September from these two things

I set a reminder for 8/15 to check in here

Fi Kahani 🔤
Post one new Litterverse video every Monday (8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26)
Post one new Substack post every Friday (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30)

Literally in shock. I haven't missed a single post. Just 5 more to go - need to stick the landing. 

Fi Kahani 🔤

I... Did it. It was a wild ride. So many emotions and reactions. Vulnerability hangovers. 

It feels surprising that I did it. And anti-climactic. 

Sometimes, I've noticed, success is boring. Or calm. Can't tell.

Question for call on 8/29


@George Kao  

I'm finally going to be on the call (better late than never, right?) tomorrow (yay accountability), and I'm really struggling in my business right now, and I have no idea where to even begin with a question at this point. I think I'd like to look at taking some of my stage 1 content and turning it into stage 2. 


Fi Kahani 🔤

So glad Ginny! Better late than never is so true

Can't log in to today's Q&A


@George Kao. I have attempted to log in to today's 5:30 pm PST Q& A call. Zoom tells me that you have another meeting in session. I've used the Zoom link in the ABC Masterheart section "for George led calls." Should I be using a different link?


ok I'm baffled -- you're not getting your questions answered on the call?!

Hi Folks, I'm really baffled by this... several people are saying that when you come to my Q&A calls, you don't get your questions answered. WTF?

I swear that I do my best (I thought) to make sure I answer all your questions... but I think what happens is that I ask for your questions... and then I wait for 10 seconds... and I see no questions... so then I start my segment. 

Maybe I need to wait 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes?

Truly, from the heart, I'm sad and embarrassed that you've had tha…

George Kao Ⓜ️ 💗 🔤

Ok, I've had a few hours to regain some balance and simply want to give a gratitude HUG to @Fi Kahani @Heather Tobin @Dipanshu Rawal @swetha jadapalli @Donna Becker @Marianne Nygaard for your quick replies to my annual meltdown thread. Ok maybe more than annual 🤣

Thank you from my heart.  I'm human and sometimes (often?) feel like I'm trying so hard but it's never enough, but then again welcome to the soulpreneur life, right?  May we all find peace, often, that is grounded in our sincere effort to serve, while having the strength to continue to improve where we can. 

LOVE TO YOU ALL ❤️‍🩹🙏🏼💛 

Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao You're human :) Yes. As I said in the coworking meeting, it feels like it's never enough because we are limitless; it's a paradox and I've learned that the closer you are to the paradox, the closer you are to the Truth. 

As a wise teacher once told me, pace yourself ;)

I'm sorry for causing you distress and pain. It wasn't my intention. Thank you for showing up again and again, despite all the hardships and setbacks
George Kao Ⓜ️ 💗 🔤

Maybe you can tell... I'm feeling really off-balanced right now by the accusation that I don't answer Qs on the call... because it has been my #1 priority on those calls.  They're called Q&A calls afterall.  I know I can do better and I will try.  But for today, can I get some emotional support please... 😭

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Heather Tobin Yeah, I don't feel neglected in any way, and that wasn't my intention in the other thread. I'm feeling bad to have caused an upset and I hope it can all get solved well for everyone, especially George
George Kao Ⓜ️ 💗 🔤

How I'm feeling today... it's a tough crowd 🥲 / the world's a tough place... there's increasing competition every year, month, week, for your time/attention... so it's no wonder you don't attend "my" calls.  There's always something better to do.  I need to obviously get better and deliver more value I know.  Not more content, but more value-per-second... 🙇🏻‍♂️🥋

Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao Hi George... I said this on the other thread. But I'll add it here:

George, you're forgiven for everything in the past and the future. Seriously. You don't know how much you've helped me. This is very minor.
AND I went back to find the question.
Turns out - YOU DID ANSWER IT to the best of your knowledge. I just don't see when you answered it. And I probably missed the update on Simplero. So probably the error was with ME. I do remember going to two calls though and there wasn't enough time. This was back in January. Probably there were a lot of start of the year people. I'm sorry for the distress I've caused
George, I'll ALWAYS give you the benefit of the doubt. It's a value of mine. I'm slow to trust, despite my friendliness so it's not going to just poof vanish my friend ✨

I'm going to start sharing what I'm learning from my business mentors...

Dear ABC Members,

In our calls going forward (Mondays/Thursdays) I'm going to offer short segments of what I'm learning from consuming the best business content, aka my mentors!

I'm tempted to not record these, because I really want you to attend of our calls ;-)

We'll see. I may end up recording a few of them.  Eventually though, I'll integrate the knowledge into future courses.

On our calls, I also want to start being clearer about the most useful actions each attendee can take.  I won't forc…

Fi Kahani 🔤

Wow, what a title and offering! Made me click on it ✅ 

Why do I love the idea of the information only being given to the live audience? I would say then that people should get to choose from more live sessions

Also... Is there enough time? I've been to Q&A calls and didn't get my question answered a few times in a row and I finally gave up on it 😁

George Kao Ⓜ️ 💗 🔤

@Fi Kahani please forgive me for not answering your questions -- it happened to be right after the JoyPro launch, that one week where you showed up twice and I was (very unusually) disorganized during that launch week which happened to be when you attended twice... I promise to answer all your Q's on the calls going forward. In fact I'm planning to give feedback on your offer today. Just for the record, I ALWAYS answer all pre-posted questions on my Q&A calls and almost always answer spontaneous questions too. I usually run OUT OF questions in fact LOL

Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao no no, not that one. It was about Instagram Ads from months ago
Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao George, you're forgiven for everything in the past and the future. Seriously. You don't know how much you've helped me. This is very minor. 

AND I went back to find the question.

Turns out - YOU DID ANSWER IT to the best of your knowledge. I just don't see when you answered it. And I probably missed the update on Simplero. So probably the error was with ME. I do remember going to two calls though and there wasn't enough time. This was back in January. Probably there were a lot of start of the year people. I'm sorry for the distress I've caused

George, I'll ALWAYS give you the benefit of the doubt. It's a value of mine. I'm slow to trust, despite my friendliness so it's not going to just poof vanish my friend ✨

Heather Tobin 💗 🔤

@George Kao  Will you be taking questions at the start of the calls from members who are in attendance first? And, talking about the most useful actions for each person, and then doing your segment? Or will you be doing your segment first? 

I attended a couple of weeks ago, but had to leave half way through your segment and couldn't get my question answered. 

I know there is an area to share questions first, but it was more of a dialogue type question versus a clear cut yes/no/do this directive I needed. 

Thank you!

Intentions : July 2024

Participate by commenting below -- it can help you clarify your priorities!

As you see other members post their intentions, it's an interesting way to get to know them. Cheer them on by replying under a few comments as you're able to 💛

How to participate:

  1. Comment with your most important intentions for the month. Feel free to @mention your Accountability Buddy so they know what you're up to.
            Examples: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.

Fi Kahani 🔤

Wow! 39 connection calls! What is a connection call? How was the quality of the conversation? What came out of it? It sounds like you made progress last month!

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Stephanie Benedetto I love this!!! I might start doing this! 

Feedback Needed on an Offer for a coder support online community


I'm putting together one offer after seeing George's Doorway Challenge...

I'm going to run it by the UnblockMe community we're serving too for their honest feedback.

Could you give me your thoughts?

@Colleen O'Connor thanks for your advice! I already included it.

Mike Wang 🔤

This is great. I imagine there are a lot of people in this situation. No real feedback. Thought it flowed really nicely. Might add one more example of a "bitcamp" so people could see additional relevant ways it could help.

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Mike Wang Thank you! Do you mean one more offer type? Or do you mean the testimonials?
Fi Kahani 🔤

@Mike Wang Ah, yes! This is one of 5 "doorways" so I'm trying to keep it simple for this doorway... the other examples are around early stage start ups, mid-career engineers, established small businesses and people who are actively job seeking. i haven't made those yet
Fi Kahani 🔤
actually wait 

@Guillaume Wiatr could you comment here? so it's all in one place for me when Igo back and make edits 

Hi Fi! 

I love the reframe of bootcamp with biteCamp. The post has a nice leadup but I wonder if we're burying the lede a bit. Maybe tease something about BiteCamps sooner. I can almost see the whole series starting on slide 5 and weaving in his bio in the you don't have to do it alone section. Just a quick note, there's a small typo on the second to last slide :) Cool offer and love the doorway perspective too. 

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Jackie Johansen Yes! We loved the BitCamp idea too. Do you mean to lead with the offer/solution sooner? And have more of the pains of bootcamps later?

Launch Your Group Program Implementation Classes (July & August) 💜

Join us to launch the group program you've been dreaming about for too long. Or to enhance your current group program.

Here is George's corresponding course:

  • Wednesday, July 24th, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, July 31st, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, August 21st, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, August 28st, 2024, 4:00 pm PST


Session Format:

  • 5 minutes for gr…


Hola! Class is starting now! Come work on launching your group program. It's joyful!

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Guillaume Wiatr Oh god... I missed this. But... I'm wondering if you would give feedback on an offer for the group program I'm helping with. I can email it!

JOIN ME! BizPlan Implementation Session this Friday, 8/23

Hello Fellow ABC/Masterheart Members,

 Join me for a 60 minute BizPlan implementation session this Friday, 8/23 @ 10 am PT / 1 pm ET/ 6 pm UK!

Feel free to attend no matter where you are in the BizPlan program. This is your time to implement what you have learned in the course in a supportive environment. 

Sign up here:

I look forward to connecting with you! 


Colleen O'Connor

Fi Kahani 🔤

I'm trying to get in but don't have the password...

Self-reflection on not getting any responses from my inner circle for my group program

#question #progress #learning

I made a lot of effort to go through George Kao's Launch Your Group Program program and was super happy to create the sales page and structure for the program.

But the feedback I received from my inner circle was:

  • great program! Very clear and well laid out.
  • BUT: they are either over-committed with other courses, or they don't have the budget (my pricing was pretty low) to commit.

After self-reflecting, here are my thoughts:

  • I didn't do enough market discovery…

Fi Kahani 🔤

I love and appreciate your vulnerability. I also agree with most of your points. I would ask one more thing... If they are already overcommitted with other courses, I'm wondering if there is overlap between your course and those courses. And maybe even asking them which courses those are. George mentioned once that he asks himself "Well can I offer that?" Or something that keeps that in mind.


Hi All,

If you're wanting to work on your Instagram and George & Shaun's IG course, then JOIN US TOMORROW, Wednesday 21st, at 8am Pacific for the next IG IMPLEMENTATION SESSION!!

BTW, you're welcome to come in after George's morning goalsetting session. 

My Zoom link is - come right on in. 

And if you'd like a 30 minute reminder DM me and I'll make sure to message you beforehand.  

@Fi Kahani @Christine Weddle @Mary Veerkamp @Donna Becker

Fi Kahani 🔤

Hi - thank you for tagging me! I ended up in another coworking session oh my gosh. When is the next one?

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Jenny Clift Awesome! If you can do just 30 minutes to 1 hour later, I can be there!!!

New learning (and love) on spreadsheets

I discovered that I actually am a fan of spreadsheets, thanks to George/ABC. After all these years…

The 4 things that have helped me enjoy them are:

1) Using a program that makes them easy and fun - like Numbers for Mac (I just never got into google docs personally)

2) Using a program that’s on my computer - in fact, I really prefer software on my computer because it runs faster and I use it more. I would also rather store my personal data on my computer than in a cloud, but that’s me.

3) …

Fi Kahani 🔤

Yes! My content planner is a spreadsheet and so is my submission tracker! ✨ 

Update about ABC-Masterheart 2025

I'm brewing up some exciting updates for the 2025 program... will start some discussions in the coming weeks to get your feedback, and announce it officially in October.

The price will be increasing in 2025, hopefully not by so much that it's prohibitive:

ABC will be $150/mo or $1,500/year.  Maximum of 60 members (this year we had 75.)

There will continue to be helper roles for those who need a stipend to support the cost!

Also, what's included in the price is the Joyful Productivity Club 🙌🏾 


Fi Kahani 🔤

I definitely want/need to do ABC again next year, so I'm happy you're sharing now!! I like that JoyPro is included, yay! I like the themed meetings :) 

Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao update to this... I talked with my partner and I'm not sure we can take on the fee increase for ABC. Wondering about the helper roles? Are those still around? 🤔 

8/8 Call Question

Hi George 

I'm doing marketing for UnblockMe. It's an online coding community for BootCamp 
grads or junior coders. 

We had 3 4 people sign up a 3-month live Interview Prep online course ($300)

We had 2 people sign up for a 3-month live AI for Coders online course ($125)

Facebook / IG / LinkedIn = None

Discord Community = 93 people

YouTube = 200 subscribers / 125 videos

Substack = 27 subscribers

These are all previous students of the instructor through the UC Berkeley coding bootcamps. So they'…

George Kao Ⓜ️ 💗 🔤

@Fi Kahani I definitely look forward to discussing this! I'm concerned about the $9/mo price point, unless there are multiple tiers that are (much) higher and more interesting. Low prices like that could work with far larger audiences... otherwise imagine 5 people signing up... would it be worth managing that program? What might some higher tiers offer?

Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao Awesome, I'll be there tomorrow! I updated this post btw with questions etc so we can be efficient. Thanks :)

Real money talk...

One of you wisely recommended that we have a real money talk here in ABC... would it be helpful to you?

A couple questions to consider... you can comment below if you want to reveal the responses to us here, or come to an ABC Q&A call and share it with us (without being recorded), or journal privately and just comment with some generalities below.

1. What's your freedom number?  The amount would you need to earn monthly to:

a) quit your job (if you have one)

b) have time to work on your busine…

Fi Kahani 🔤

1. What's your freedom number? $6000/mo if I'm living in the US and still have the usual bills we have! If we've managed to pay off the house, $2200/mo. Our mortgage and HOA is $3800. We have 15 years left. We have no kids and no pets. We've managed to cut our "rent" down to $900-$2000 a month living on the road full time. Our "net worth" number that we want to hit is $2 million by the time we retire (if we retire in the US). We're at about $720k in net worth. We're 35 and 34.

2. How aware are you of your monthly expenses... if I gave you 10 minutes could you give me the average amount of the past 12 months? Very. We look at finances weekly right before I head to my DA meeting for the week HAHA. 

3. Might it be helpful to move somewhere cheaper? I moved from California to Mexico and instantly saved about $2K USD monthly, without reducing our lifestyle. Plus, the CD savings return rate here is 10% (!). 10% is amazing. Yes, it would help to move somewhere cheaper and we've done that - we left Silicon Valley and pretty much anywhere else is cheaper LOL. And we're one of those spoiled work-from-home couples that have the freedom to move around. Yes, it's a huge privilege. Yes, I try to give back at every opportunity I can.

Or how else might you reduce your expenses if you aren't yet at your freedom number? The fastest way to earn money is to save it :) One thing I'm working on (I go to weekly DA meetings) is compulsive shopping. At best, I spend $200/mo on compulsive online shopping. At worst, I've spent $3000 in ONE month. Oy. Embarrassing. I have a lot of shame about this! Yes, I had the savings but there was no need to buy so much nonsense. And I did return some of it. When I graduated college, I had $18,000 JUST IN CREDIT CARD DEBT. It took so long to dig myself out of that.

4. Are you investing on a regular basis for your retirement?  I have a hobby-passion for helping people understand how to invest wisely for the long term.  We can discuss this anytime in our ABC Q&A calls. Yes, we invest but we're trying to cut down expenses to invest even more. Happy to get more advice on this! We work with a financial planner for bi-annual check-ins.

5. What's your plan for getting to your freedom number?  This is something we can certainly help you optimize here in ABC. I love this SO MUCH. Right now, we're working on building up my partner's coding community and we're taking on clients as they find us (no outreach). I'm in grad school and hope to pivot careers when I'm done. We left a HCOL area and are moving more into LCOL areas. I've drastically changed my online shopping habits (can share more about that if needed). Earlier, I used to keep trying to increase my income to keep up with expenses. It led to so much stress and churn and capitalist grind that it was soul-killing. Now, I'm practicing essentialism with our money. We both opened the business because we realized that, if we do it right and keep working at it, we could eventually get to a point where we can either sell it or let go of the daytime jobs that we have. We were growing in a big way the first two years (nearly 30% each year) but then this year, we've slowed WAY down because I had a lot of family issues.

Hope this helps you George! Excited to talk about this shame-inducing stigma-filled topic! I've read books on spirituality and money as well, to heal my relationship with money! Excited for this new turn

Fi Kahani 🔤

@George Kao Yeah, we're renting it out. Not for the full amount - We get about $3000/mo in rent for it. We put in the remainder. It's still cheaper than living in the bay since our monthly "rent" on the road is between $900-$2000 (if it's $2000, a lot has gone wrong haha). I just ran the numbers - our townhouse is doing 7% a year! So are you saying we could maybe be better off selling it and investing the equity?

We're kind of attached to it because we put so much work into it. But we also can't see ourselves moving back there. 

Yes, a lot of the net worth is stock market (VTI,  and some home equity and some HYSA). I know we're doing VTI but I can't say for sure about VXUS and BCD (I looked in Monarch and don't see that?). I couldn't even find what BCD is lol!

I would take an investing course from you George! Especially if it's easy to understand or has an ethical approach :)
Fi Kahani 🔤

@Heather Tobin yes! One of the things that I respect about 12 step groups is how shame is brought out and treated with love. That's what I feel like the whole world needs 🤣🤣🤣 we're all privately suffering and publicly pretending that we're fine
Heather Tobin 💗 🔤

Okay finally had some time to sit with this.

#1 - I quit my job in July of 2018 with 10K in savings, and my husband making $20 or so an hour on a 40-hour week. 

So, my freedom number would have to be a number that meant, I could quit my business now, 6 years in! 🤣

Things have changed for us immensely, back then, our rent was $900, and now the rent is $2600 (yes in a different place) but that’s how much rent has increased in the last 6 years here. 

Back then, we could have survived on… probably $3,500 a month? Our vehicles were paid for, we had no debt, etc so it was easily manageable. 

Now? The way I handle my revenue is, categorized in 3 different ways.

Essentials – as in, no extra planning – this is the skate by and not spend any extra amount.

Essentials + Tax Savings this is the money that the government is expecting from me every year.

Essentials + tax + “The Plan” – the plan is how I prepare for all annual expenses, in order to not have to use credit cards, so I have multiple accounts, things like debt pay off, medical care costs, business expenses, emergency savings, plus long term retirement planning etc etc.  But even things like haircuts, vacation, and so on. Even with paid health care here, there are always additional costs.   

So, in terms of a “freedom” number, at this point? I want to call it my “Dreamy Dream” number instead because I already feel very free - I’m going to go on the high side and say $10K-$12K per month to have a full buffer in all those accounts including retirement planning.

But I can survive right now, on $6-$7K including a little bit of buffer to accounts for pre-planning costs.

 #2 I am SO aware of my monthly expenses.  I have spreadsheets and know most numbers off the top of my head. I actually teach a money e-course to many of my clients.

#3 Unless I leave Canada, which I don’t expect I would, I don’t think it’s much cheaper elsewhere here. But who knows? A cottage in the words, living off the land like a Forest Witch is very appealing.

One thing we are during doing is selling our weekend-summer spot. We are just waiting for a buyer, a few bites but no money yet. So that’ll free up some debt.

#4 Investing for retirement is the one thing that we will start doing at the top of the new year, once my husband is working again. He is going to be a Real Estate Agent. Going back to school at 49!! I am so proud. Because it will add to our future immensely and we’ll be able to be sure we are very stable and secure.

#5 I have a high retention rate, which is why I’ve been able to do so well for the last 6 years. My clients are repeat buyers. So freedom number has already been hit, and I replaced my corporate income within the first couple of months in business, and then eventually surpassed it.  

Had it not been for terrible interest rates on borrowed money I’d probably have a lower debt load because the money would have been going toward the debt, and less interest. 🤷🏻‍♀️

My plan is audience growth. I’ve now been toying with putting something of mine on Skool, but also contemplating doing some in person talks at a few venues to put myself in front of new people

Fi Kahani 🔤

@Heather Tobin thank you so much for sharing this breakdown! This is incredible! Honestly what you're doing is goals for me. It's very inspiring to see that it's possible. It's also good to see actual numbers and to see the path that has unfolded for you. And it's really amazing that your husband pivoted at 49. I feel like people don't give themselves enough chances to do things like that and doom themselves just because of a number. I remember reading a post that said "Forget 30 under 30. Show me people who are still doing it in their 40s, 50s, beyond. Show me people who didn't give up even when other people thought they could." I resonate with that energy