Willamarie Moore

Greetings! I'm an Evolutionary Astrologer who incorporates the arts and mindfulness practices in my offerings.

Building on decades of experience as an educator in classrooms, museums, and yoga studios, it is my passion now to facilitate the weaving of left- and right-brain activity with my clients,…

Active 4mo ago Joined 8 Aug 2022 Santa Fe (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Feeling the "threat" of AI...

Who else is feeling the onslaught of AI faster than ever expected? I mean, I knew it was coming, but not at this insanely fast pace! For Thursday's Q&A call, if there's time, I would love to hear about how you ( 

@George Kao  and everyone else) are navigating this potential "threat" to our (coaches, counselors, educators)' livelihoods!

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Thanks for bringing up this important topic!  I just re-recorded my response from earlier today and now it's a public YouTube video, feel free to share if you find it helpful:



@George Kao Thank you so much for not only the initial conversation in this morning's call, but this more expanded fleshing out of your response! I most *definitely* found your YT video both helpful and uplifting!! 

I so appreciate your hand-in-hand realism-optimism! And sharing all the examples of how we can learn by observing what those who are harnessing AI are already doing to optimize their output/services. That feels so much better than fighting or trying to avoid the question altogether. 

Very much looking forward to continuing the conversation as things continue to evolve at lightning speed!

Feedback about George-led ABC Calls for 2024

This is an ongoing / placeholder post that you can comment on after you attend any of the ABC calls that I lead... 


I welcome your feedback -- what was particularly good about the call that you just attended... and what might be changed/improved to make it even better? 😊 

Comment below (this encourages others to attend the calls and comment as well).

Or if you need to give anonymous feedback, click here instead 🙏🏼


I so appreciate the shifted time -- glad to know it will continue at least once/month! So great to be back live with you, 

@George Kao  and everyone else on the call this morning!

Troubleshooting social media marketing - don't feel like I'm progressing

I have a question for Thursday's Q&A with 

@George Kao .

I feel that my marketing is limited these days. I've been focused on face-to-face conversations with colleagues, potential clients, and potential referral sources. This has proved an extremely high-impact practice in the past, so I'm trying to make it a regular part of my work. (As a side note, this is HARD! Trying to build your network is hard. I feel like half of what I do is reaching out to people who never respond. But when they do,…


@Rachel Oshinsky So much of what you share here parallels my situation and set of questions I'm currently reflecting on! I am so glad that I will finally be able to join the Thursday call, now that it's been moved back an hour! Very much looking forward to the discussion!

Post Live-Session Learnings

This is a thread to house any comments about how the live Soul Gym call (that I lead) went for you. You don't have to comment every week, but every now and then, you might return here and share about your experience... 

Was the session particularly insightful (or difficult) for you? 

Share your observations & learnings below. 

If your reflections here are long enough for a Soul Gym post (at least 3 sentences) then you might want to make a new post instead of making it a comment below.


I really appreciated especially the third question George offered about self-observation WHILE creating. I'd only ever paid attention to the feelings (that often overwhelm me) AFTER I've created and posted. Already, setting the intention to be aware while creating seems to have made an impact, in that I was definitely feeling calm and even-keeled while writing. That said -- I should also credit the power of the group's energy... which I SOOO value and appreciate! 

Thank you for the session, 

@George Kao !
To reclaim an old YouTube account/channel...

If you discovered that you had set up an old YouTube account/channel that has the handle/username you now want, here's what to do: If you think you created your account before May of 2009 and haven't signed in since 2011, then here are the instructions. Otherwise, try these steps... 1. If you already have videos on that old channel, try commenting on one of the old videos, because it might send an email to that old account and you might then remember which email address you used. If there are no videos, or you don't get an email, then do this -- first sign out of youtube, then try to sign in again using that old account's credentials... using any combination of username/password that you can remember. 2. If that doesn't work, try https://accounts.google.com/signin/recovery  3. You can try contacting the YouTube team but you better sign into whatever YouTube account where you've uploaded the most videos. They don't allow any Youtuber to contact them, but you can try this link -- if you're allowed, you'll see a contact form. Otherwise you'll just see a bunch of help articles.  You can also try posting your question to the YouTube expert community and you might get some better answers. Don't share any private details if you make a post. If you have other tips, or were able to successfully recover an old YouTube account, definitely comment below! Thank you.


Thanks so much for ALL of these suggestions,

@George Kao !

I tried them all (the instructions for pre-2009, and then each listed in your steps 1 - 3)... and alas... I am simply unable to access that original channel I apparently created 15 years ago. Along the way, I saw this: "If you don’t remember your old YouTube password, unfortunately there is no password recovery option for these accounts." 


I guess this means I just have to drop it, leave that one as is, and name my current channel in a new and creative way??

Energy signature class-wide exercise - recognize each other's ES 4:12
Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...

The most valuable part of this course is the natural filtering process that gathered us here: we each resonated with the energy of this course, then cared enough about working on becoming keen observers and expressers of energy signature, to be here! Let's utilize this precious opportunity 💛 Step 1 -- Find a piece of content that you believe strongly reflects your energy signature. It could be a video, piece of writing, an image you created, a podcast episode, a webpage, or a social media post. Step 2 -- Add a comment below and give us the link to that piece of content. (First make sure it is publicly accessible, so we can see/experience it.) Don't tell us what part of your energy signature it expresses. Let us discover it for ourselves. If you don't yet have a piece to share with us, just go to Step 3 for now and reply to others' pieces. In the (near) future come back when you have a piece to share with us and take the above steps. Step 3 -- Reply to 2 other people's comments, especially if they haven't received any replies yet, to let them know: What aspect of their energy signature is very apparent for you... try to name something that other repliers haven't yet named... ...and also, what potential do you see with their energy signature that you'd love to see them strengthen? Enjoy this exercise! Besides the comments below (scroll down), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're not logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)


@Willamarie Moore you create an impression of a person who is fully aligned with her energy signature =) other impressions - grounded presence, embodiment (the way you express your thoughts and emotions with your body), genuine, sincere, deep thinking. you create a comfortable mental and emotional space to be at (at least for a person with my energy signature).  your energy signature is much more vivid from your YT video vs instagram photos. so make more videos!!


@Anna Morozova Thank you so much for your generous sharing of your impression of my energy signature! AND for your encouragement for me to make more videos -- yaay! I am SOOO appreciative!!