Linda Natanagara

Hi Everyone! 

I've been a Feldenkrais practitioner since 2003. Before that, my background was in trashing my body in dance training (it doesn't have to be that way, but I sure did it that way!), and then a license in massage therapy 

I quickly understood that there was something else going on for …

Active 12d ago Joined 6 Jun 2022 (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West


@George Kao So . . now that I am moving through this at my own pace—pausing, re-watching sections, taking all the time i need with the writing parts—it's going great. I have somehow avoided doing this process in an organized way (and then I'd add another layer of learning to make it even harder to do) and so am very grateful you offered this. Thank you! 

Intentions: Week of May 15

  1. Comment with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. End of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how the intentio…


My intention this week is to 

  • organize for a class I'm teaching next week on restorative practices for low back pain
  • Reach out to one connection for speaking engagement
  • Make a hat list for tidying my closet

@Ericka O'Cain 

@George Kao I'm very inspired and curious about your moving process. Shedding most of your belongings. Have you made any videos, or is it in a course somewhere where you've talked about that? And . .  many congratulations! 

Last week . .well . . As I thaw out of  my lifetime functional freeze (a poly-vagal term) over the last few years, I'm now experimenting what it feels like just to "live" rather than "strive."  I've chosen an income number that I'm comfortable with, accepted that my style of practice is mostly local and personal (individual clients, speaking to live groups and an occasional online class) and then allowing my time to unfold. That's just me, but it's a lovely process. 

Finally, a collaboration!

Doing more collaborations has been on my list since the start of the year and, while I have been taking small steps, I am proud that today I initiated my first mutual interview.

I had to keep letting go of my perfectionism in so many ways - another reminder that we teach what we most need to learn! I didn't create the perfect plan for collaborations. I just followed a spark of aliveness and had a wonderful conversation with a colleague/client about both our work that also turned into a mini ca…


Popping in here because I made two huge moves forward today!

I taught a live class to public school teachers today. That was huge in itself, getting into a public school system AND being paid for it! 

It came about because of a collaboration with an Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist who came t my house to attend a talk. You wouldn't normally put me and collaboration in the same sentence! 

How did it go? Well, imperfectly but not terribly. I didn't know the space or the people attending (more than 40) and so had to re-think it all at the very last second. 

I guess that's the living and growing part. It would not have mattered how long I sat in my perfectionism to prepare (which I did!), there were bumps and funny moments. Hopefully they got a new POV and new ways of thinking about mental health (somatically). 

Anyway, I'm sitting here with a delicious Manhattan Cocktail (on a Monday night, no less)  and will reconnect with my partners tomorrow to keep moving forward. 

Sending love to all in our ABC community! 

Content Creation & Social Media Outreach Group: Every Friday, 8:30am Pacific

Content Creation & Social Media Outreach Group: Every Friday at 8:30am Pacific

This Friday group has been running for over a year and you're invited.  

People have worked on:

  • Writing articles/blog posts/landing pages
  • Organizing social media content calendar
  • Creating FB/IG ads
  • Designing courses
  • Outlining videos
  • Recording videos

We meet weekly. So, if you're interested and miss this date, join us on any Friday. 

It's an hour long with 45-50 minutes devoted to doing our own important work with…


HI Eric,

I enjoyed the session last week and look forward to joining again in the future. Thanks for making the space available. 

Co-Working with Shay, Friday, March 31st 12-1 pm CDT

We'll do an hour co-working session with a short check in at the beginning. Friday has become my favorite co-working day, mainly because of Eric's creative co-working session at 10:30 am CDT. I often continue working, and it would be lovely to share that energy with you!

Let me know if you plan on attending, and drop-ins welcome!


Password: 240245


Hi Shay, 

I'll be on the road this Friday, but would love to join in the future if you'll be sharing your workspace! 

Facebook ad not delivering

Hi everyone, 

I imagine the answer to this question is somewhere, but i'm not sure where! I've done FB ads about 80 times so feel comfortable with the process. I created an event today and then boosted it. It was approved, but when I go to ad manaager, it says "not delivering" as its status.        Can anyone point me in some direction? I've done the "help" function in ad manager but it does not actually help. 

Thank you!


Hi again. Well, after the boosted event just continued to sit there (after being approved three times) I finally just made a post, linking to the event on my website, boosted that and now it's running fine. I'm working on Thursday during the call so won't be able to figure that out with you live. I still wonder what went wrong with that. It would be good to know . . some setting I'm not aware of. Tx! 


Thank you! It was approved three times! And I changed my budget, changed the audience . . according to help centers that I read. Thank you for your reply. Not sure what to make of it . . . I thought I was a pro at boosting ads on FB!