
Aman Birgi

About Aman

Hi, I'm Aman, a Relationship Coach helping individuals in relationships level up themselves and their relationship.

I believe strongly in my values of empowerment, freedom and connection. So much so that this forms the basis of my signature 90 day RelationShift program that takes people all the way to feeling bulletproof themselves and by extension a bulletproof relationship.

If you or anyone you know is going through any challenge in their relationship, feel free to reach out and connect with me. Many relationships end before their time because people aren't willing to use their relationship to fuel their personal growth. Once the shift of using your relationship as the path for growth is made, all challenges are welcomed and transformed with more ease and presence.

Fun Fact: I'm currently living between Kenya, Spain and Canada as I'm working remotely and enjoying travelling :)



Posts and comments

17 Jan 2024 Commented on Energy signature requires energy…