Myrna Natividad

Wife, Mother, Certified Business Mentor and Transformational Coach in the Philippines. I help business owners overcome their frustration, overwhelm and confusion in growing their business as they navigate through their growing pains.

Active 8d ago Joined 30 Nov 2023 Manila (GMT+08:00) Asia/Manila
George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Feedback about George-led ABC Calls for 2024

This is an ongoing / placeholder post that you can comment on after you attend any of the ABC calls that I lead... 


I welcome your feedback -- what was particularly good about the call that you just attended... and what might be changed/improved to make it even better? 😊 

Comment below (this encourages others to attend the calls and comment as well).

Or if you need to give anonymous feedback, click here instead 🙏🏼

Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC

Thank you so much for the clarity and confirmation of the direction of my business for the next year, @George Kao. Having been on the call with @Mira Rao was also a huge blessing. Your sharing about energy and coming from your heart gave me a deeper insight into how to create my courses moving forward! ❤️

Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC

I guess I am weird as I am now because there is nobody in the Philippines who has short grey hair, wears no makeup, always wears a white blouse/ shirt, who talks about the different areas of small businesses that owners should focus on. 

2 Begin by imagining your ideal 20 3:40
Let's begin imagining your 20...

Imagine 20 people you love to work with – they enjoy your style and skills just as you are now, without you needing to change or improve anything – and you enjoy them as well. Part of this work – as all work of "authentic business" – is to practice believing in the value of your skills and presence, and stepping more into your authentic service-oriented power. Those 20 people probably already in your life/network right now. Draw them forth by writing a heartfelt description of them...  You're welcome to comment below as you tell us about them – anything you can tell us is great, their inner characteristics, outer (visible) demographics, their interests, and most importantly – why they like and trust you. And what they believe that you can support them with. No perfection needed here... just write what comes to you.  You can always update it later – and likely will :) After writing your comment, turn around and comment on 2 others' descriptions, especially if you resonate or know someone who is exactly like that! :) Just because you reply to someone's comment doesn't mean that you'll get a spot as part of their 20 ;-) but later in this course, if there's still space, and it seems aligned for the time being, they might reach out to you with a gentle invitation to play :-)

Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC
My 20 people are influencers or would be influencers who have been enrolling in one course after another on how to create videos, posts, podcasts, book writing, and are stuck because they don’t know what of the many things they know should they talk about. They have been struggling to find their unique message.

0 Sales from Gentle Launch

I posted this question: @George Kao , I mentioned to my accountability buddy  @Dipanshu Rawal that I have 0 sales after doing 4 gentle launches and he suggested that I enroll in the Authentic Outreach Course because it contains what I need to be able to sell.  Would you recommend that I do this?

And you already replied and said that you can discuss this on an upcoming call,

Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC

Thank you, 

@George Kao .  Will do. 😊❤️
Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC

@George Kao Thank you very much for the video.  I'm sorry, I calendared the schedule of the Q&A call and then, I must have deleted it by mistake.  What I understood by gentle launch from the lessons was to offer something for sale weekly.  I offered my book in an email in the first week, a course in the second week, and a 1 on 1 coaching in the third week. But then again, I only have a few names in my email list.  That could be the reason why nobody bought.  What would you want me to prepare for the Q&A session?
Energy signature class-wide exercise - recognize each other's ES 4:12
Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...

The most valuable part of this course is the natural filtering process that gathered us here: we each resonated with the energy of this course, then cared enough about working on becoming keen observers and expressers of energy signature, to be here! Let's utilize this precious opportunity 💛 Step 1 -- Find a piece of content that you believe strongly reflects your energy signature. It could be a video, piece of writing, an image you created, a podcast episode, a webpage, or a social media post. Step 2 -- Add a comment below and give us the link to that piece of content. (First make sure it is publicly accessible, so we can see/experience it.) Don't tell us what part of your energy signature it expresses. Let us discover it for ourselves. If you don't yet have a piece to share with us, just go to Step 3 for now and reply to others' pieces. In the (near) future come back when you have a piece to share with us and take the above steps. Step 3 -- Reply to 2 other people's comments, especially if they haven't received any replies yet, to let them know: What aspect of their energy signature is very apparent for you... try to name something that other repliers haven't yet named... ...and also, what potential do you see with their energy signature that you'd love to see them strengthen? Enjoy this exercise! Besides the comments below (scroll down), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're not logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)

Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC

Here is a YouTube video I did that's on my YT channel more than 2 years ago when I still bothered to wear makeup and blazers while shooting videos. I also used lots of B-Rolls then.

Nowadays, I just wear a plain white blouse with no make-up.  I also don't use B-rolls anymore and just put out talking head videos. I feel less pressured, and feel more comfortable to do videos this way:
Hope to hear feedback from you. 

Myrna Natividad 🔤 ABC

@Bingz Huang Thank you so much! ❤️