Tara Whitney

Active 3mo ago Joined 27 May 2022 (GMT-05:00) America/New_York
Energy signature class-wide exercise - recognize each other's ES 4:12
Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...

The most valuable part of this course is the natural filtering process that gathered us here: we each resonated with the energy of this course, then cared enough about working on becoming keen observers and expressers of energy signature, to be here! Let's utilize this precious opportunity 💛 Step 1 -- Find a piece of content that you believe strongly reflects your energy signature. It could be a video, piece of writing, an image you created, a podcast episode, a webpage, or a social media post. Step 2 -- Add a comment below and give us the link to that piece of content. (First make sure it is publicly accessible, so we can see/experience it.) Don't tell us what part of your energy signature it expresses. Let us discover it for ourselves. If you don't yet have a piece to share with us, just go to Step 3 for now and reply to others' pieces. In the (near) future come back when you have a piece to share with us and take the above steps. Step 3 -- Reply to 2 other people's comments, especially if they haven't received any replies yet, to let them know: What aspect of their energy signature is very apparent for you... try to name something that other repliers haven't yet named... ...and also, what potential do you see with their energy signature that you'd love to see them strengthen? Enjoy this exercise! Besides the comments below (scroll down), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're not logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)


this is one of my latest blogs/ videos:


thank you @Lori Bell@Myrna Natividad  and @Donna Becker! I appreciate it! 


@Lori Bell fierce, clear, courageous- i feel more straight lines and sharper edges than soft or swirly ones, there is precision and deep potent impact


This is a reel I recently did over what I'm processing and feels very me:


@Carlie Melody Mae playful, present, grateful, light