
Active 2y ago Joined 10 Jul 2022 Nyack (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Car Rides

My daughter is in her first year of High School. She was in a very small, sweet school from Kindergarten though 8th grade and has now entered what we know as the real world. This has been a confronting experience so far and it's been very enlightening for me. I have been thinking a lot about fear. I am witnessing her stepping up to a new level and having to take on new responsibilities and to learn to juggle, to organize and to take tests. There were no tests in her previous school. There was…


What a wonderful reminder of all our stages of life and the parallel process of mentoring others and growing our selves. This sentence really landed with me "To bring myself fully in."


@Patty Oji thank you! Yes we are such mirrors for each other. Thank you ❤️


The level of communication you share with your daughter touches me. You give her invaluable tools: listen to your body, know that your body is talking to you, and work intelligently and kindly with the info you are receiving rather than stuffiing it down and pushing on. Hmm... I may check in with my body right now! Thank you!


@Mara Clear Spring Cook I know we all go through these experiences. I love that my daughter is so expressive and that we can openly connect like this. It’s healing for both of us and I’m so grateful it touched you too. 

Bingz Huang 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Thank you for your beautiful sharing, Lauren. I love the soulful intimacy and gentle reminders to keep checking in with our nervous systems through your post. 

It's so easy to get distracted by fears and lose our center. 

This is beautiful. Are you sharing this post on social media?


@Bingz Huang thank you so much! I feel we can all relate. I have no shared yet. 

We are born to create

“He not busy being born is busy dying.” Bob Dylan

Every day I wake up is an opportunity to create. I create my thoughts. I create how I respond to whatever I have to face that day. I create how I want to meet others. With a smile or a frown of indifference. Each will have an impact just like any work of art makes an impact. 

We are creators. Every day, we are born again. Born to create. 

What will you create today?


I so love this. Thank you for sharing. I created space today. 

Work In Progress

I often think of myself as a turtle. Slow and steady wins the race. I remember years ago when I set out on “being an artist for a living” journey, someone told me to always remember that it takes 20 years to be an overnight success. I have been chipping away very slowly claiming a bit more of what I really want until I get to the kernel of truth. So many people on the outside now want you to know what that is instantly and begin marketing it but that’s a bit challenging for me. I am reflectiv…


This week, I felt very crushed by time and that there just wasn’t enough of it.  Everything I’ve been learning from TLC had gone out of the window.  Each day seemed to be over before it when it had barely started and I started to resent all the different commitments in my calendar (including this one!).  I felt as though the walls were closing in on me.

As I wrote the above paragraph, I realised that I feel this way because of the way I relate to time.  

Seeing time as limited is limiting me.…


So beautiful