Jutta Held

Every day is a chance to start new and create the next version of ... 

Active 7d ago Joined 7 Jun 2022 Roding (GMT+01:00) Berlin

Just Soul GYM Session starts and my brain open the creating channel

It is again and again amazing for me, when the Soul GYM Session starts, my content genius find the door to support me.

So in todays session, 18-Jun-2024, I create and published an Instagram Carousel Post. I start to work on this idea weeks before, but some doubts stopp me.

Now, it's done!

Thank you 

@George Kao and ALL in this session! 

Post Live-Session Learnings

This is a thread to house any comments about how the live Soul Gym call (that I lead) went for you. You don't have to comment every week, but every now and then, you might return here and share about your experience... 

Was the session particularly insightful (or difficult) for you? 

Share your observations & learnings below. 

If your reflections here are long enough for a Soul Gym post (at least 3 sentences) then you might want to make a new post instead of making it a comment below.


I love these sessions! 
They help me to come back on the content stage - again and again. Maybe consistency is the next level?
Thank you 

@George Kao and all the members in the session.

Thanks George! I love this life sessions effects and learnings for me

@George Kao 

Today in the morning, I start this reflection about Parachute silk. What an awesome material it is, so light, so strong, so flexible. By the way, my experiences with a parachute silk hammock, inspired me :).

I will sleep one night about the draft and publish it on Linkedin or Facebook page first.  Maybe with a photo or without ... will see.

Here is the text draft in English.
Thanks, ChatGPT, for translation. And for the support to check and improve the different versions.

Have you ever thought about how some people are as incredibly resilient and versatile as parachute silk? This material, known for its lightness yet amazing load-bearing capacity, inspired me today to reflect on human strengths and abilities.

Parachute silk doesn't just carry 50 or 80 kilos with ease—it combines flexibility with strength, safety with freedom. Just like this special silk, some people carry an inner strength that supports and sustains them in all walks of life.

In a world often obsessed with numbers and measurable outcomes, we easily forget that not all our most valuable abilities fit into such categories. How often do we hear about our weaknesses and how seldom about our strengths? It is an art to recognize and name our own strengths—especially when they lie beyond what is traditionally seen as "useful" or "valuable."

But security—the kind that allows us to be fully ourselves—doesn't come from the outside. It arises from the deep feeling of being safe and secure within oneself. Why then do we find it so hard to feel safe, even in peaceful environments?

Let's remind ourselves that we are all like parachute silk: light, yet unexpectedly strong; flexible, yet capable of carrying much. We must not underestimate our own abilities or let ourselves be pressed into categories that don't fit us.

In this spirit, I want to share an ode today to those special people who enrich our world with their resilience, strength, and versatility. Let's recognize, appreciate, and celebrate our inner strengths—for in each of us lies the energy and power of parachute silk.

Grateful! I create a peace of content in this session


I am really happy today!
Because I created two peaces of content and publish it!
Helpful was, saying NO to doubts. Thank you @Heather Tobinfor the NO inspiration on Facebook :)!
That's a change for me!

Thank you@George Kaofor this session! 
I create this FB Content in the SoulGym Session:

And one Instagram Live, earlier today!

I like to be with you in this adventure of joyful creation!

2023 SoulGYM Reflection - 12.12.2023 Year End Session

@George Kao 
Thank you George, for these 2 useful questions, to reflect on the SoulGYM Year 2023!

By the way, I was surprised what is possible in 25 minutes reflection time :). 

1. What did you learn about your content creation process (and yourself within that process) this year?

The challenge phases in the SoulGYM group were an effective exercise for me. I surprised myself with my ability to create and publish content daily.

And I have learned that after a phase of taking a break from content …

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Nicely done @Jutta Held -- highlighting this in the upcoming email -- as I think folks could learn from your share. 💜


@Heather Tobin Thank you, Heather! 
Felt like a high five! 

Consistency is champion - my take away SoulGYM session 28-11-2023


Consistency is the champion (plus showing up :)) 
Blocking my content is an act of boycotting. 

These words came up in my mind after this SoulGYM Session, Content Plan Clarity, today! 

Thank you George and everybody here for being here!