Think of it this way -- you're essentially recording a podcast, except including your video as well. Become really aware of reverb/echoey sound in your audio, and adjust for it. Ideas to try: Bring your mic as close to your mouth as possible (well, not so close as to distort the sound.) Fewer hard surfaces around you where sound can bounce around -- cover it with soft material like clothing or blankets. Or sound tiles. Which can be pieces of art! Get a better mic :) my favorite are Earpods (the wired type) purchased direct from Apple (don't get the knockoffs from Amazon and many retailers) Comment below with mics that have great sound for you! (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)
I use the apple white wires when doing client work but for YT videos am planning to use my Yeti Nano (will not be visible) and a CenterCam to hopefully get eye contact as well.
I learned something major from you when you mentioned the felt over your desk. Guess what my desk is? It's my bed, which is right next to a window so I get natural light and have a set up with the right height for my computer and a bamboo screen behind me. Maybe that partly accounts for the sound quality people say they like in my videos. So maybe I'll stop hiding the fact that I don't have a proper desk but pretend it's intentional. (I'll do anything for art.)
Real examples (taken via screenshot today) -- And this one I didn't get a screenshot before excitedly clicking on it to like and comment... ...this is from Elena Foucher one of our course participants! Besides the comments below (if any), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)
Logged into YouTube today and here were my recommended videos... (see bottom right)
...our own
Yes, change it here. However, be sure to also update everywhere you've mentioned or linked to that YT URL. Maybe google your YT URL and see where it's been mentioned.
I thought you need to have 100 subscribers to do that?
Click here for my tips on that Additional tips re: stabilizing your video
I will probably never record out of doors. But the ones you made on dog walks and Tad Hargrave's "walking tips" are among my favorites. It's always surprising how loud the wind can sound on a recording, even though you can't hear it at all when you're there.
Here is Shoubhik's first ever YouTube video! Besides the comments below (if any), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)
For those who missed the link at the top here, or on the FB page , re-Posting here, my first ever YouTube Video, as I promised to all of you last week: With great love, compassion and the highest of commitment to our collective journey on the planet:
If You Cannot FEEL, You Cannot Heal
My simple guidance (that I myself use!) for lighting, audio, and visuals on a budget: (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)
Recommendations for (free or very affordable) software that will turn a landscape video into a portrait video?
I have a question. If you recycle your Stage 2 content in the form of a video - but it's already on your YT channel - how do you repeat it? I get that you could post it on FB again, just as you could re-post an article on FB. But you're not going to re-post a video you made earlier on Youtube again. So what exactly do you mean by recycling it? the main hallmark of Stage 2 videos that you distribute them more widely, eg through ads? Does the same apply to written content? That in Stage 2 you start boosting thru ads. I confess the whole topic of ads scares me, as I've not been able to learn how to do it myself and have only lost money when I've invested, as far as I can see. Also, the whole absorption in stats and technicality is so not my forte that it's torture for me plus a waste of my genius (and my limited time and energy).
My hope is to grow my audience organically on YT through the power of my content if I create enough and consistently enough.