Brigitte Gemme

Brigitte Gemme is a vegan cooking mentor and passionate about helping more people eat more plants, even if they think they will never go vegan. She used to love rare steak and blue cheese but started cooking plant-based food in 2013 to reduce her environmental footprint. In 2015, she became vegan fo…

Active 4d ago Joined 27 May 2022 New Westminster (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Are you interested in getting together with others at similar business stage and discussing strategy/next steps?

Would you be interested in having discussions with other ABC/Masterheart members who are at similar stage of business as you... to discuss what strategy/next steps are most relevant?

...and then have me advise your group on those next steps?

We can easily do this as breakout groups during our weekly ABC calls.

Or would you rather discuss specific areas of business, with people who might be at different levels?

If we do breakout groups for stages of business, what do you think about coordinatin…

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Lots of great insight above, and I

@Aurora Meneghello 's suggestions resonate with me more. Also in line with @Dipanshu Rawal 's comments, I think "perceived" income, relative to aspirations, is more meaningful. I am personally not looking to create a full-time income from this business, for example, but I treat it as a full-time job and not a hobby. 

So... this is a great idea but the execution may be a bit fuzzy at the beginning and everyone will need to have patience as you explore meaningful ways to divide people up!  Thanks for cooking it up for us. :) 

PO Box Alternatives

Hi everyone,

For years I've kept a PO Box to be in compliance with having an address connected to my newsletters. However, the rates keep going up, the box just fills with physical junk mail that I never check and I don't think that USPS is too happy about that :) Anyway, curious what others are doing and if there are options I'm not thinking of. Right now I'm paying $91 every six months. Thanks everyone!

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Hi Jackie! I'm late to the party but you may want to make sure that your domain name(s) is set to be anonymously registered, which means that your mailing address will not be available for all junk-mailers to see. I have stop receiving almost all physical spam since doing that.

The physical mailing address for my newsletter is that of our family lawyer's office. He was the one who offered - they only charge if they forward something to me. I've written it as "Brigitte Gemme c/o Law Firm Name, Law Firm Address." In the last four years since I started doing that, they have had to forward exactly two pieces of mail to me (including one handwritten thank-you card from a client!), no spam (and I have a few thousand subscribers on my email list). If you do have a lawyer you deal with regularly, they may be willing to do this for you. 

Our 2024 official events calendar -- are you able to see it?

Click here to see the calendar.

Let me know if you're able to see it?  Let me know what device you're using to access it.  I just need someone with each type of device to confirm :)

To add it to your own google calendar or apple calendar, click here for those instructions.

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Yes, using Thunderbird on PC Windows 10 computer.

2024 ABC + MasterHeart
✍🏽 What is your joyful productivity structure for 2024 of working your business?

To have a financially sustainable business will require you to have a sustainable time/energy management structure for you to work on your business. I'll call that your "joyful productivity structure". What does that look like for you? Comment below and share with us anything you'd like to share about your structure. Resource to help you create -- and keep integrity with -- your joyful pro structure: The 111 Formula -- Go to the BizPlan course and scroll down to the 111 Formula Module. The Weekly Plan -- Go to Joyful Pro course and scroll down to the module "Weekly Planning". The Q&A calls with me -- they start in January -- come to any Q&A call and ask for help to clarify your structure. Your monthly call with your Accountability Buddy (starting in January) is where you can revisit your structure, what you're learning about it (and about yourself), and recommit to the integrity of the structure. Besides adding your comment below, also look at some of the latest comments -- what do you appreciate about what they wrote? What can you learn from it? (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're currently logged out, or don't have access to this course.)


Creating and refining this structure is one of the key reasons I've joined ABC! 😊

For now, I have these foundations in place:

  • Self-hypnosis & Energy Reboots: I do morning self-hypnosis when I wake up, and then I do Energy Reboots throughout the day. 

  • Accountability buddy: I connect with my accountability buddy twice weekly over WhatsApp. On Monday, we share our intentions for the week, which include self-care activities in addition to work tasks. Then, on Friday, we share our progress. Our approach is gentle and supportive.
  • Content plan: For the first time since starting my business, I have put together an annual content plan. I'm using it as a framework for blogging, social media posting, emails, and new resources (meditation audios and worksheets). This gives me a weekly to do list, working a month out with creation. I expect to refine and edit the plan during the year.
Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

@Francesca Sciandra Congrats on laying down a plan for the year! Looking forward to seeing how it goes. 

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Thanks for asking, George. It had been a while since I reviewed how I spend my time on a weekly basis. I created my own weekly planning spreadsheet with inspiration from the one you discuss in your Weekly Planning recording and it made it clear that I will be saying "no" to some things in order to say "yes" to others. 

In terms of targets, I have number goals for various kinds of content and program/products/launches, very loosely inspired by the 111 formula. I will make that into a coloring sheet to view my progress in each category. :) 

2024 Goal: Sustainable and Sane Productivity

Hi all!

Our ideal client is someone who is looking for support with design, copy, or illustration needs. 

I've been in business for 2.5 years, but I'm pivoting with 2 other people in 2024. 

I'm working on sane productivity in 2024, because I found I can be very unbalanced. 

We don't have our website set up yet, but our facebook is

My personal Facebook page is: and my personal Instagram is:

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Wonderful "meeting" you, you are in the right place, you'll love it. Good luck with grad school! What program are you starting? 


Hello!  After a very long hiatus due to caregiving, Im activating my work travel life 🥳🥳.. Full of inner n outer adventures.   For ABC members who know, you know this is a huuuuuge. 😊 

Ill be in Lisbon most of January.

Anyone here there, or know good peeps there?  Suggs of places to visit?  Any and all feedback appreciated! 🌹  Thank you.

Brigitte Gemme 🔤 ABC

Bertrand Bookstore - there's a sizeable section of books in English including many that I was unaware of. It's the world's oldest continuously operating bookstore!

Kong restaurant - tradition-inspired Portuguese food... made with compassion. 

My family and I took a lovely tour of street art with Street Buddha tours. The company is owned by a really nice couple and it feels like a truly authentic business. Warmly recommended.