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🤗 "Coaching & Check-In Calls" -- Member-Only Community and Q&A Calls

Welcome to the ABC Mastercard Community And Q And A call. So I want to tell you what these kinds of calls are about A lot of you are watching this in the orientation ABC later, and 15 of you, 14 of you are here live, so I'm really grateful and glad to have you here. This is I'm recording this on New Year's Day, so I know a lot of folks can't show up. But so going forward, we have these ABC community, q and a calls, something like ten times a month, but a lot of these. You don't have to come to every single one of these calls.
You're welcome to. I always, you know, love having you here. It's interesting because at the beginning of the year, January February, the calls are pretty well attended. I mean, fourteen people here is one of the largest calls we're gonna have all year long. Even though there are I've lost count a little bit.
I think there are more than 80 of you in the ABC Mastercard program. And 14 is gonna be one of the largest calls. So in other words, when you come to the calls, it's a fairly smallish community And in terms of the q and a portion, we're gonna have plenty of time for me to facilitate anything you wanna bring to the call questions, direction for your business. You're working on a particular launch. You'd like to get our feedback.
You're just completely confused about what this program is about, and you need some hand holding from me personally to say, George, I've been away from the program for 2 months now, and now I'm coming back. What should I be doing next? Great. Tell me about what you're working on, what your goals are, blah blah blah. And so really, we get we, meaning you and I get plenty of time.
1 to 1 so called, but in a in a nurturing community throughout the rest of the year. And so I see a few of you nodding because A few of you are part of ABC 2023, and you are one of the few people on the calls starting in March or April. And so, yeah, starting in March, April, I'm not gonna promise this, but the average size of the calls are gonna be usually around Now let me actually look at the numbers. I can I can tell you numbers? So the average size of the calls are gonna be thirteen people.
13 people. Average size. Smallest will be 5, and the largest ever in January was 30 for last year. Right now, there are now fifteen people on the call. And so anyway, I I wanted to emphasize the sides because I want you to know that you can get time with with me and with the community to share your launches, your direction of your business, and ask any questions about any of my courses.
That's the other thing I wanna say. If you're not sure what questions to ask. But you have a sense that maybe the community, maybe George, can have some encouragement from me, some guidance from me, some insight from me, some feedback, come to the calls, and tell us that. Say, hey, you know, I have a sense that I could get some encouragement feedback, energy, direction, insight, troubleshooting, and what my guy asked. Right?
And another type of question that I love getting is, George, I had enrolled in XYZ course of yours. But I haven't watched a single module. I haven't watched a single video. I haven't even looked at it. What's the next step I should take in that in that area?
Facebook ads, I know I, you know, would love to do some Instagram ads. I haven't watched any of your court. Could you tell me what the next step is? Sure. No problem.
You don't have to have watched any of my courses to ask me the next step for you to take in that topic, whether it's Instagram ads or whether it's you know, getting interviews, you'd like to be interviewed on a podcast, or you'd like to launch a 20 person program, reprogram yourself, would you be like to publish a book, whatever it is. I have all these courses. You can just ask me what is the next step for you on that if you don't have to watch any of my courses. Even if you haven't enrolled in the course, you know, George, I ran out of credits and I can't enroll in your YouTube mastery class. But can you tell me what the next step I should take on YouTube is Sure.
Tell me what what your situation. So I'm I'm really welcome all questions. You could you could tell desperate I am for questions. Most of the year, I'm like, any questions? No questions.
Alright. Let's total our films together in 1. No. I I always have something until I always have something to say. So there's always something interesting on the calls, but I really truly welcome any and all questions.
Alright? And, yeah, so come to the calls. Oh, one thing one last thing I'll say about these calls. There's kinda like 2 tracks. To the ABC Community Q And A calls.
I called them community and Q And A calls this year. I'm trying to make get better about that. Someone else said, George, you really call them coaching and checking calls because I realized I just come to the call, I get energy, and I could check-in with you. Even if I have not, I don't know what I'm gonna get on the call. I just come and it brings me energy and I feel better for the rest of the week.
Am I great? Maybe I should call it a check-in. ABC Community check-in call provider. Anyway, so there are 2 tracks for the call. One track is, well, what you're hearing right now.
It's whatever I'm saying. And if I'm answering someone's question, that person's question and response might help you at some point, maybe now, maybe later. So the q and a is one track of the call. The other track of the call is the community. And a lot of people come here just to hang out with the others who are here.
I I hear this frequently. It's like, you know, I I come here. I just love seeing the those who show up and I also love engaging with others who are here in the chat. So even if you just wanna show up in, like, chat with everyone in in the Zoom chat. You can turn down the volume, so I can do You can still chat and and enjoy the conversation, enjoy the company of the other fellow kindred spirits here.
So anyway, that is the purpose of these community and q and a calls. I hope you'll show up to these as often as you can. I'm gonna be pretty lonely starting in March, January, pretty well attended. February starts to peter out, and then March through October. It's It's pretty lonely.
And then November, people realized that they were part of this program called ABC, and they start showing up again. So so that's generally how the how how the year works. Right? So let's yeah. I'll see you on one of these calls.
Thank you for watching.

Watch the video above to understand what our member-only Community/Q&A calls are about! 

There are about 10 of these per month. As a minimum, do your best to attend one of these calls each month so you can check in with the community and with me.  But come to as many as you'd like!  See our calendar.

You don't have to have any questions to come to the call.  Simply attend to create some fresh energy for your authentic business :)

Last updated 27 Feb 2024.