How to get fewer (or no) emails when there are new comments

Updated Jan 9, 2023
Judy Solomon 🔤 ABC

Jaaa !

That is very helpful, thank you


@George Kao Thank you for the clear explanation and guide through your course! I'm curious, if I mark the whole course as "not following" and then mark "following" for one module, will I get notified?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Veronika Archer thanks for asking! According to Simplero's support team, it is true that you will get notifications by following a course lesson even if unfollowed the course as a whole.  If you find it behaving differently, please let me know 🙏🏼


@George Kao If I click on "staff only", will I still receive emails if someone has tagged me? I'm thinking I will, but just want to be sure. Thanks!

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Colleen Adrian  It's a valid question. I've gotten different answers depending which Simplero staff I asked 😂 so perhaps we can run an experiment.  Colleen, click "staff only" for (1) this course overall, and also (2) at the top of this comment thread.  Once you've done so, comment below and we'll move onto the next step of this test...


@George Kao Thanks George. Okay so I've clicked 'staff only' above the comments on this page. To click 'staff only' for the course overall, is that on the "home page" for orientation? If so, that's what I've done.  I've attached a screen shot.


@George Kao thanks for leading me through 1 step at a time 😂

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Colleen Adrian Great!  Let's see if you get this very message I'm writing to you now, as an email? 🙏🏼

One more setting to check is your account notifications. Do you have "mentions" turned on for "Anyone"? If yes, then hopefully you'll be notified when anyone mentions you.   See this screenshot:


@George Kao Yes, I got the email! And yes, I have "mentions" turned on in account notifications. So it looks like I will get emails as long as I've been tagged--right?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Colleen Adrian One thing I'd be curious to test... would you able to turn off "following staff" for this thread, as well as at this course's homepage, but keep your "mention" notification on, and let's see if in that case, you get an email when I tag you in a comment here?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

In other words, what if you unfollow the thread and course... would you still get email when you're mentioned in this thread?


@George Kao Okay, I've unfollowed this Orientation course, and this thread, but left the mention notification on. Let's see what happens!

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Colleen Adrian Thank you!!  Let's see if you get this message.  Here's a secret phrase: authentic experiment :)


@George Kao got it! "authentic experiment" 😂 🙌


i like the explanation of turning notification on or of 

Kim gordon-cumbo 💗 Conversation Booster

This was helpful.