How to find the profiles of your fellow students

Updated Nov 1, 2024

Is there a directory of members? What about filters? Filtering interests and location, for example. 

Anyhow, I would love to connect with individuals in themmental health field who are interested in non-pathologising healthcare. 

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Roxanne Koh (Therapy Without Boxes) our course platform Simplero is actively working on a member directory but it might still be 6 months out before we switch to it.  Until then, you can use the search function (top right, click the magnifying glass) and type in any interest and it will pull up any members with those interests. For example I tried typing in "Therapy Without Boxes" and indeed, your profile came up!

@George Kao I'm trying to search for members using the term mindfulness. I found quite a few in the search, but they seem to come up without a name and not clickable.

Can you help?

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Margo Helman interesting... can you show me a screenshot? 🙏🏼


@George Kao What you can't see in the screenshot is that when I put the cursor over the "no title" instead of the cursor arrow changing into a clickable pointing hand, it turns into a an input cursor like this. 
George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Margo Helman interesting! I've sent the bug onto Simplero and we'll see what they say :)

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Margo Helman good news... they fixed it!! :)

Here's a special URL to search members ... you can change out the word that's bolded:

or add a + and another word, e.g.


@George Kao Amazing! Hope to try it out soon! 
Christine Stump 🎉 Member Anniversary

Looking forward to connecting! Nice to meet you all ;>

Judy Solomon 🎉 Member Anniversary 🔤 ABC

I can't wait to connect with many of the amazing people that you have gathers in your programs @George Kao 

What a blessing!


Thank you George. I found it very difficult to upload a good picture and kept having to resize it....and in the end, chose a mini image!
The lovely photo of Helen on your guide there, looks totally different in orientation that Simplero (my end) seems to allow. Her photo is large whereas in general, the profile pics are mini! But at least we can have an idea of someones smile!