Margo Helman

I'm here to build my online business where I teach people how to bring mindfulness to fights and arguments. Practice calm and confidence in the most difficult moments of the most precious relationships.

I'm a clinical social worker in private practice. I live and work in Jerusalem and also  on Zo…

Active 4d ago Joined 29 Feb 2024 Jerusalem (GMT+02:00) Asia/Tel_Aviv


@Wesley Evan Smith I feel this too! Seems like a higher percentage of honest conversations happening on Substack. I found that right away I had ideas for 4 different kinds of posts, so once a week but different kinds once a month. And then found it easy to jump in and write. I've been unclear about what to do with my small email list for years, rarely sending them anything, and substack just solved that for me.
Since my email list is so small, it feels so much more energizing and inspiring to write for this platform where potentially hundreds, thousands? could see it and people will talk to me about what I write, rather than sending it into the ether of my email list.
My email list is 200. In three weeks I've reached almost 50 subscribers and about 30 followers on Sub. Without yet having invited or moved my email list people.

JP1 The essence of joyful productivity - the energy reboot - origin story and what it's done for me 15:46
The essence of joyful productivity - the Energy Reboot - and what it's done for me...

Daily energy reboot is the secret of working lightly. My secret of staying healthy and personally sustainable, working focused hours more consistently than most people, even though I’m actually easily distractible. But I keep returning, returning, returning... In this lesson's video I describe the foundation of the Energy Reboot.


I have to disagree about one thing @George Kao. I think this is a wonderful practice to do when we're having family or couple time too! I'm going to experiment with that. It may look different. But as someone who teaches (and must practice) equanimity in precious, challenging relationships, I think this would be super helpful there too.

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

@Margo Helman thank you! As you experiment with multi-person energy reboots I'd love to know how it goes.


@George Kao I wish we all took part in the energy reboots in the interpersonal space. I'm not there yet, sadly. Or we're not. But I am experimenting internally with a family/couple-time energy reboot. So far it's been powerful. Exactly as you say here, reconnecting to the deeper truth that all is well and so much to be grateful for.


This is wonderful every time.

What is Deliberate Practice and my background with it 19:15
What is Deliberate Practice and my background with it

What comes to mind when you hear "Deliberate Practice"? What are your initial thoughts and feelings about applying this concept to your work and life?


I haven't heard the phrase "deliberate practice" before. My first thoughts were not directly connected to what you're teaching here. I was thinking more about the deliberate aspect of the practices of working. I hear that what you're talking about is a deliberate approach to the practice of skills.

Taking notes here. The four steps of deliberate practice:
1. What do I want to get better at.
2. Find a particular subskill within the skill, the practice of which would contribute to the skill as a whole.
3. Design the next step of practice.
4. Seek feedback on your practice results.
5. Repetition with refinement.

Developing Consistency and Discipline, and the importance of moving through resistance 19:24
🧘🏻‍♀️ Developing Consistency and Discipline, and moving through resistance...

George Kao's Focusmate Group Yes, everything in business is spirit-based, but don’t use that as an excuse to not be organized. 😄


I've become a totally different person about so many things: being calm, being happy, knowing what I think and feel, speaking my truth thoughtfully and choicefully. Over the decades.

More recently, I've become a different person about enjoying posting on social media! And that's because of practicing your ideas of first stage content @George Kao and experimenting lightly .

Practice leads to changing myself and that leads to results.
So beautiful and true. Thank you.
I also love the idea of generating flow while doing the work.
I find this very moving.


This is such a Core Teaching! I feel like I hit this so often when I'm struggling with calendaring in particular and things I don't want to do in general.

My takeaways:

Consistency (discipline, this kind of change) takes years. Be gentle.

Consistency ---> Skillfulness ---> Results

To create:
1st Sidle up and make friends at (or rebel against) the BAR (Boredom, Anxiety, Resistance).

2nd Energy Reboot frequently to generate flow once I'm in an activity.

Calendaring can be my friend. Give it time!

(Thanks to the person below for the arrows!)