Elena Foucher
💗 Conversation Booster

Transformational Healing (Subtle Energy Trauma Release) & Meditation Coaching

I've had a life long drive to understand myself and the world around me, to uncover Truth and to share the fruits of that journey with others. In the beginning I wanted to conquer the fears and uncertainties that arise fr…

Active 2h ago Joined 12 Jan 2024 Portalegre (GMT+00:00) Lisbon
Developing Consistency and Discipline, and the importance of moving through resistance 19:24
🧘🏻‍♀️ Developing Consistency and Discipline, and moving through resistance...

George Kao's Focusmate Group Yes, everything in business is spirit-based, but don’t use that as an excuse to not be organized. 😄


I had an inspiration - with the idea of 'rebel against the resistance' which I love. I am mindful, though, our inner child (children) can be so terrified of failure. So another option is a curious approach, which is gentle/trauma informed side: 'I wonder what I can get done during an hour of focused work on this subject? Remember doing work little and often will adds up fast!'

I am loving the content here. 

Elena Foucher 💗 Conversation Booster

@Linda Friedman ...in a similar vein, I thought about, instead of the Universe giving way - as if I need to fight the Universe (yikes!), how about "the Universe conspires with you" (for a more rebellious feel) or "the Universe helps you" (for a gentler, supportive feel).

I am loving this, too! Such a great teaching and sharing! @George Kao, this is definitely a highlight for me. I'd post it on my forehead, but I don't think I'd see it. 😂 (I'll make a beautiful drawing of it in order to to sit with and integrate it and have for future inspiration. Then I'll post it on my forehead.) Thank you so much! 🙏🏾

(This is why you get paid the big bucks.😉💛)

Elena Foucher 💗 Conversation Booster

This is such a Core Teaching! I feel like I hit this so often when I'm struggling with calendaring in particular and things I don't want to do in general.

My takeaways:

Consistency (discipline, this kind of change) takes years. Be gentle.

Consistency ---> Skillfulness ---> Results

To create:
1st Sidle up and make friends at (or rebel against) the BAR (Boredom, Anxiety, Resistance).
2nd Energy Reboot frequently to generate flow once I'm in an activity.

Calendaring can be my friend. Give it time!

The stupid secret to my success -- more focused hours and way more breaks than most people take 13:09
The stupid secret to my success -- more focused hours and way more breaks than most people take...

This is a preview lesson and you can watch it by clicking the Play button above.  Enjoy :) (To read or add comments, log in first and be sure you have access to this course. Info about getting access here.)

Elena Foucher 💗 Conversation Booster
I love this video. I also feel it's one of your best. Your authenticity speaks volumes, and your genius shines through. 

I really appreciate such a simple take on the use of focus. I think I can get lost in all kinds of things, like "how am I going to stay motivated overtime?" Re-framing work as focused time dissolves it into a simple choice, "Am I going to sit down and focus now, or not?" It's like a trick to stop me thinking about the complexities of passion, purpose, etc.. and just focus on focus.

Also, such a clear and consistent way to work with confidence (or any  fear that arises); to meet it and support it every 10 minutes, is brilliant. It asks for constant self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love, which not only makes it easier to do the work, it will also imbue the work with these qualities. Everybody wins.

Thanks for sharing these beautifully simple, powerful ideas. Genius.