
Wesley Evan Smith

About Wesley Evan

I'm on a mission to gather and empower a tribe of fellow introverts and, through the practice of mindful productivity, transform our time anxieties into life mastery. 


Mindful Productivity Academy: Instructor, Coach, INFJ


I’m gathering a tribe of fellow overwhelmed creatives, deep workers, and mid-lifers rebelling against procrastination, disarray, and existential anxiety.

Together, we confront our chaos, empower our priorities, and transform our lives into meaningful journeys of our own design.

I’m a coach, course instructor, and founder of the MINDFUL PRODUCTIVITY ACADEMY. I’m also a solid INFJ on the MEYERS-BRIGGS personality spectrum, which influences much of the insight and observation I bring to the game.

My courses and coaching combine mindfulness practices and productivity methods for achieving sustainable flow states, powerful positive mindsets, and leveraging technology.

The guiding perspectives of my teaching draw from elements of BUDDHISM, EXISTENTIALISM, and STOICISM with a twist of REBEL MUSICIAN HEART.

I consider MINDFULNESS as the crossroad of SPIRITUALITY and PHILOSOPHY, an ideal spot on the map for individuals to transcend and grow.

The techniques and methods I teach are designed to help our tribe do and get done more of what matters most in our lives while experiencing each day as a step forward along a meaningful path of a fulfilling journey.

If you resonate with my sharing, I encourage you to JOIN MY TRIBE and check out my “INTRODUCTION TO MINDFUL PRODUCTIVITY” course in the MINDFUL PRODUCTIVITY ACADEMY!


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