Christopher Schmitz

From Denmark, work as a clincian helping people with cannabis addiction.

Active 1mo ago Joined 3 Jul 2024 (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West
Sales Page - let's begin 3:54
Sales Page Principles / How to think about writing it

Imagine you're writing an invitation to play/work with you... directed to your kindred spirits, your "soul mate" clients... I like to imagine the authentic joyful invitation of a child to a good friend, rather the cunning manipulation of an adult salesman... And yet in response to their response (or sometimes, lack thereof!), it's good to embody the wise unattached adult rather than the needy child ;-) In this module let's lightly work on the various pieces of your sales page. First of all, start a new document (open a google doc here) and begin filling in each section as follows...


Much needed, thank you for this meaningful picture! "it's good to embody the wise unattached adult rather than the needy child ;-)"