
Nicola Newman

About Nicola

Hello fellow ABC & MasterHearts! 

I'm Nicola Newman, a creative business coach, award-winning artist & mentor for Creative Hearts who want to Flourish, Flow & Prosper. After 20+ years of experience running my own creative business full-time, I love getting to share what I've learnt with others.

Here's the official part... :D 

My mission is to support Creative Hearts

…to dissolve creative blocks, develop a loving relationship with themselves, nurture their creativity and reframe the beliefs and patterns that keep them from following their heart and making the creative contribution they would love to make in the world.

My approach is to embrace gentleness, playfulness and self-care to navigate self-doubt and instead cultivate deep self-trust so you can truly enjoy the creative process, bring together your body of work, make money doing what you love and leave a creative legacy you’re proud of.

I offer courses, in-person retreats, a monthly community, and private and group coaching. I love working with my clients - it truly brings me SO much joy. 

I'm here in George's community because I'm keen to rekindle the practice of making authentic videos as part of my marketing.

After some big life changes (caring for my aging mother, living on board a 35-foot sail boat for three years while cruising the east coast of Australia, and now settling down in a new country town), I'm feeling the pull to focus more on reaching new audiences with my work, and I feel like video will be a great way to do that. 

I am an HSP, INFJ, and I love reading, yoga, walking, snorkelling and of course painting. Being around other Creative Hearts and heart-centred entrepreneurs lights me up. I love being able to work gently from home, honouring my needs for quiet time, contemplation and creative expression. 

I'm so excited to meet you all and look forward to connecting throughout the year! Thanks for reading! 

Nic  :)


Posts and comments

14 Jun 2023 Commented on 💛 How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program