Angelo Mussoni

I'm a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, I took trainings in Gottman Method, DBT, ACT and CBT; and I coach skills to improve relationships and overcome crisis. 

Active 15d ago Joined 17 Feb 2023 (GMT+01:00) Rome

Are you interested in getting together with others at similar business stage and discussing strategy/next steps?

Would you be interested in having discussions with other ABC/Masterheart members who are at similar stage of business as you... to discuss what strategy/next steps are most relevant?

...and then have me advise your group on those next steps?

We can easily do this as breakout groups during our weekly ABC calls.

Or would you rather discuss specific areas of business, with people who might be at different levels?

If we do breakout groups for stages of business, what do you think about coordinatin…

Angelo Mussoni 🔤 ABC

Hi! I agree with Mike. I would like really much to get to know different approaches and histories about audience building and clients acquisition, even with google ads. 

Market Research Request: Self Doubters, Procrastinators, Stuck in Comparison

Hi Everyone,

I'm working on some market research and I wondered if you could help.  This theme has been coming up in my work a lot, clients are coming to me with this issue more and more so I would like to dig into it and explore it as a niche.  My aim is to better help solopreneurs or small business owners who feel stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and self-sabotage and are tired of feeling like they're getting in their own way. I'm interested in learning more about their experience and would l…

Angelo Mussoni 🔤 ABC

yes! I'll write you right now

Advice on my new course

Hi George,

I'll be in the Q&A call later today and, if there's time,  would love your thoughts. 

Here is the Google doc with my provisional ideas:

Many thanks. 

Jenny Clift

PS Just changed the Google settings so commenting is possible - thanks 

@Angelo Mussoni for pointing that out.

Angelo Mussoni 🔤 ABC

Hi Jenny! First: I'm happy you came out with a new idea, I really would like to do that too! I tried to comment but no access to the file, here my 2 cents: 1) I would change the title toward more clarity about the problem you want to address, and the strategy you want to apply (may be the latter in a tagline); 2) I would put more effort explaining how tapping could works on that issue, and how you are going to implement it (i.e. each session?); 3) about the price: here to give a feedback could be useful to understand how did you come to that amount (previous courses baseline?) hope this helps! keep on!

2 Begin by imagining your ideal 20 3:40
Let's begin imagining your 20...

Imagine 20 people you love to work with – they enjoy your style and skills just as you are now, without you needing to change or improve anything – and you enjoy them as well. Part of this work – as all work of "authentic business" – is to practice believing in the value of your skills and presence, and stepping more into your authentic service-oriented power. Those 20 people probably already in your life/network right now. Draw them forth by writing a heartfelt description of them...  You're welcome to comment below as you tell us about them – anything you can tell us is great, their inner characteristics, outer (visible) demographics, their interests, and most importantly – why they like and trust you. And what they believe that you can support them with. No perfection needed here... just write what comes to you.  You can always update it later – and likely will :) After writing your comment, turn around and comment on 2 others' descriptions, especially if you resonate or know someone who is exactly like that! :) Just because you reply to someone's comment doesn't mean that you'll get a spot as part of their 20 ;-) but later in this course, if there's still space, and it seems aligned for the time being, they might reach out to you with a gentle invitation to play :-)

Michael Williams 🔤 ABC

My 20 people are all people who like conversation and thinking deeply. They reflect on themselves and the world around them. They trust me because I create safe spaces where they can be honest and authentic. They trust me because I take time to remember who they are and integrate them into the conversation. I ask challenging questions and offer affirmation and constructive feedback. I encourage them to act as peer mentors to each other. They are interested in being themselves and are interested in helping others be authentic too. I enjoy their company. They’re all people I’d enjoy meeting 1:1 over coffee or tea. I admire their willingness to learn and grow and to support others doing the same. 

My people are creative and long to express themselves through a variety of media. They are willing to take chances on the road to learning and connecting with something bigger than them. They believe in an infinite energy available to all of us. They see the brokenness of our environment and seek to use their creative energies to heal and transform where needed.

Angelo Mussoni 🔤 ABC
I resonate with this