mel pegley
💗 Conversation Booster


As a life and recovery coach, mindfulness & yoga teacher and compassionate inquiry practitioner,  I support people to recover holistically from addiction, mental health & life challenges to reconnect compassionately with their authentic selves and live a life of their choice, which brings them purpose & joy x

Active 9mo ago Joined 7 Jun 2022 (GMT+00:00) London

Star struck!

This week I met one of my teachers in person for the first time, Dr Gabor Mate.  I confess I was rather giddy with excitement and thrilled to be so close to the real person. Living in Canada, Gabor was on a book tour and yes, I got my book signed and we had a short exchange. I enjoyed the feeling of excitement and connection when we met.

I have been studying his Compassionate Inquiry approach through a series of videos for the last 12 months and recently graduated. The programme was a deep di…

mel pegley 💗 Conversation Booster

Thank you for your kind comments xx

mel pegley 💗 Conversation Booster

Thank you Michael and I'm sorry to read about your son - you will find The myth of normal enlightening and I hope helpful.  

Connection is key

🔥 If we share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame cannot survive. Empathy has no script.

🔥 There is no right or wrong way to do it. It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting and communicating that incredibly healing message ‘you are not alone’.

🔥 Connection is why we are here, it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

🔥 I have 1 or 2 spaces for individual clients working in person in Chesham or online.

🔥 My ap…

My Pilgrimage Recording

I did my talk this past Saturday and recorded it after some requests. I was actually surprised how many people have watched the recording (my recording does have many lovely pictures I took along the way!!), and want to share it with you. 

As an FYI, I interview traditional Catholic pilgrimage background with my current Druidic (Nature Spirituality) path -- nothing like loving Nature and relishing time spent there!

mel pegley 💗 Conversation Booster

Thank you @Jeffrey Keefer I was sorry not to attend the live call - I look forward to dipping into the recording :)

Thrive Where You Land

(This is from an FB post I made today. I do short pieces there, and share them to IG as well.)

Water Hibiscus grow in the water. Our Mother Plant seeded a pot near the pond and actually grew an impressive stalk of its own.

I noticed it Saturday night when this gorgeous bloom demanded my attention. 

Then I remembered another sprout that recently appeared in the gateway between our backyard and our neighbors. Sara (our neighbor )asked if she could transfer it to a pot for her yard. Yes, of cour…

mel pegley 💗 Conversation Booster

beautiful ♥️ @Mara Clear Spring Cook thank you for sharing x

Learning opportunities

Every moment and experience you’ve ever had has led up to this one. All your experiences prepared you for now. 

How do those statements feel? Heavy, like a burden or responsibility? Or light like a feather?

I’ve had so many “learning opportunities” in my life. (Yes, that’s code for challenges and shit I really didn’t want to have to deal with.) I’ve also had a great deal of education, not only academic, but also personal, spiritual, mental, and physical. So many of the experiences seemed mean…

mel pegley 💗 Conversation Booster

Thank you for sharing so vulnerably @Ericka O'Cain x