
Michele Stans

About Michele

Hi - I am Michele Stans - co-creative life coach and your friendly neighborhood super woo.  I left a 25yr career in muggle law for a life long drive to learn, practice and teach Universal Law as it relates to the spiritual journey a lot of metaphysically minded folks are on.  A cerebral way to say, I teach people how to consciously and actively manifest the lives they want.  Mostly, my clients are women in their 40s & 50s who want to leap from corporate into their own soul aligned businesses - which is what my 1:1 coaching is about.  I also have a group that is for these same ladies but instead of giving business advice, i am helping them to be accountable to their own self care, as a lot of times that is something that woopreneurs preach but usually they are last on their own lists and that's not helpful to them or others.  And lastly, I want to work on creating a collection of self-paced courses for every walk of the spiritual journey and be able to market them in a compassionate way that is invitational rather than overwhelming or pushing for others and definitely less overwhelming and more peaceful for me.
