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Feeling and Thinking / Heart vs Head (?) as we discover our energy signature...

Alright, Shovic. Thank you for letting me record this as part of your energy signature to to not mind and and to enjoy it. And so your question is, you were saying, oh, you know, I should I should stop thinking so much and be feeling more as we go into these answers. And I I I think I feel. That it's actually a dance between the two.
As you'll notice, as we go into this course, the exercises seem like they are thinking exercises because they're obviously regarding words and writing and reflecting. But, obviously, hopefully, when you're reflecting, you're also I'm encouraging you hopefully, I did before and now to feel into what the answer is and to let the answer come to you. Because later on, we will be analyzing more. Ultimately, energy signature, if it's gonna be applied to our business, to attract resonant clients, needs to have some analysis in regards to our position among all the niche mates that we have, and also our position among all other types of services that are out there. Service providers also that are out there.
And so it is a mixture between feeling and and thinking. So I appreciate that you brought that up. Yeah. Can can I quickly add something? Yes.
Yeah. George, when you were speaking about it, the dance between the heart and the head, it does bring up a lot of pain for me. To be very candid. You know? And it's simply because I've been told about this brilliance and incredible intellect in the past.
I grew up with it. And since I couldn't feel my body below the neck. Nothing I could feel in an immensely traumatized body mind. I didn't know how to handle the intellect. So the intellect used me versus me using my mind.
Right? And that that pain remains the remnants of not looking at people as people, you know, chasing excellence, but trampling on feelings because I thought the world were was of robots because I thought of myself as a robot. Yeah. But now it's a very beautiful different journey as painful as it has been to, you know, stay with my heart and open up to the world. So wanted to share that.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing that. I'm sure that resonates now just with me, but with others here. And, yeah, I think you bring up this very important point that just diving into this topic of energy signature requires a lot of courage, the vulnerability. And like you said, willingness to go to the places that may be painful for us from their childhood or or even recent.
And thank you. Thank you for being here. You, Shabbic, but all of you who are here witnessing your own involvement, but also each other. So thank you.

Thanks to Shoubhik for bringing up this topic, and Sophia's additional video below!

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Last updated 13 Jan 2024.