Jenny Clift
Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Hi, my name is Jenny Clift. I'm an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping Coach and a professional violinist. I'm English but have lived in Madrid, Spain for decades! My husband is Spanish and I have three, grownup daughters.
In my coaching business I work with musicians, stage artists and creati…

Active 23d ago Joined 3 May 2023 (GMT+01:00) Madrid

💥FINAL Instagram Mastery Implementation Session 💥

This Wednesday 11th December, 10amPacific, join me to cowork/cocreate on our IG accounts.

It's been such a joy - and so helpful - to cowork and connect with so many of you in these INSTAGRAM MASTERY IMPLEMENTATION SESSIONS. Thank you so much for dedicating this time to your IG.

I'd love to see you and spend 60 minutes together talking and creating.

This is the FINAL one - we'll be in my zoom room:



Instagram Mastery Implementation Session TOMORROW!

Tomorrow Wednesday 27th, 10amPacific, join me to cowork/cocreate on our IG accounts.

Different activities we get up to on these 60 minute zoom meetings:

- Create a carousel info-post 🤓

- Make a video and get it out there 🤩

- Work through George and Shawn's course 🤗

- Track numbers 🤔

- Celebrate, cooperate, even commiserate!! 💖

This is the penultimate one - I'd LOVE to see you in my zoom room:



Final Instagram Implementation Sessions for 2024!

It's been so great working alongside so many of you on our Instagram accounts over the months. @jenny Pim @Fi Kahani @Donna Becker @Christine Weddle @Mary Veerkamp @Eva Chen

I'd love to cowork/cocreate in the last sessions of the year! THEY ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE, WHETHER YOU'VE ATTENDED BEFORE OR NOT. 🤗
They will be:
November 6th and 27th
December 11th. 

On Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9152277800
All sessions run from 10am-11am Pacific, are totally free to attend, and are a great way to keep the Insta habit going. 🤗😍🤩



Join me this Wednesday October 23rd at 10am Pacific (that's 1pmEastern/ 6pmUK/ 7pmCentral Europe) to connect and cowork for an hour on our Instagram accounts and/or continue to work through George and Shaun's Instagram Mastery course.

It's fun, it's free, it's fabulous. And OPEN TO EVERYONE (even if I didn't tag you!)

Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9152277800 - email me at jenny@jennyclift.com for a reminder. 😀
@Christine Weddle @Eva Chen @Fi Kahani @Donna Becker @Mary Veerkamp

Christine Weddle 🔤 ABC

I appreciate these reminders, @Jenny Clift. Even though I haven't been able to join you recently, these reminders have helped me re-engage with IG and remember what I learned when I joined you before!

Thank you!

Jenny Clift Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Christine Weddle Great to hear that the reminders keep you on track. Have a good journey with your mom. 💖

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC

Hi Jenny - I can't join this Wednesday. I have two puppies and I'm losing my mind 😔 but hopefully things will be settled down later. Thank you for organizing these and tagging me

Jenny Clift Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Fi Kahani That's a great reason! Enjoy your crazy puppies. 💖 Hope to see you in the next one.

New clients -- how are they finding you?

Look at your new clients from this year... how did they find you?

  • Content?  If å new client has signed up because of your content, on which platform did they find you?

  • Netcaring?  Did a conversation turn into a client or a referral?

  • Market discovery?  Did a market research call turn into a client or referral?

  • Aligned Offer?  Did improving your offer make a noticeable difference in getting interest in your work?

  • Collaboration?  Did you get an interview or other collab that resulted in a new cli…

Jenny Clift Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Definitely relate to the 'all over the place' that Jessica mentions!
New clients this year, one each from:
- A free EFT intro workshop I did for a group a couple of years ago (within someone else's program)
- A group course I did for a priest (her parishioners/pastoral care people), then I offered a reduced fee for 1 to 1 sessions
- YouTube video
- Instagram content
- An article I wrote for a music magazine in 2023
- A podcast I did for classical musicians in 2022
- A free-to-attend workshop. No one paid for the replay (sigh) but sometime scheduled a session afterwards so that made it worth it!
I feel like I've been coasting a little bit this year (which is very restful) - having a membership group (based on GK's 20 model, though with 12 members) gives me a client 'cushion' and takes away a lot of the stress. But, yup, still showing up!