What are "nichemates" and why they matter... vs "competitors"

Updated May 19, 2023

Your most ideal connections are your niche mates: same audience, similar service. If there’s friendship, they can refer overflow clients to you... and you to them. 

You can also learn the most from them because their business (and marketing) lessons are applicable to yours too. You can perhaps share resources as well.

There are no competitors. There are only niche mates who have the potential to become ideal connections.

Unfortunately, not everyone is so open-hearted or abundance-minded…  so please spread the word about this concept!

A second tier (still very good) type of niche mate is someone with: 

either (1) the same audience and different service 

or (2) same service, different audience. 

You are professionally “adjacent” to one another, therefore can also refer clients or opportunities to each other.

Comment below… describe a nichemate (without using their name) – what work do they do, and for what audience?

Netcaring Nichemate example Nadine Mazzola
Netcaring Nichemate example Nadine Mazzola.mp4