Grace Carter
Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

I am a retired attorney and administrative judge.  I am a coach and mediator with a long-standing interest and expertise in workplace conflict.  I am certified as an Elephant Rider-- a facilitator in the Emotional Culture Deck.  In addition to developing a coaching practice around conflict resolutio…

Active 2d ago Joined 20 Jun 2022 San Leandro (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West
2 Begin by imagining your ideal 20 3:40
Let's begin imagining your 20...

Imagine 20 people you love to work with – they enjoy your style and skills just as you are now, without you needing to change or improve anything – and you enjoy them as well. Part of this work – as all work of "authentic business" – is to practice believing in the value of your skills and presence, and stepping more into your authentic service-oriented power. Those 20 people probably already in your life/network right now. Draw them forth by writing a heartfelt description of them...  You're welcome to comment below as you tell us about them – anything you can tell us is great, their inner characteristics, outer (visible) demographics, their interests, and most importantly – why they like and trust you. And what they believe that you can support them with. No perfection needed here... just write what comes to you.  You can always update it later – and likely will :) After writing your comment, turn around and comment on 2 others' descriptions, especially if you resonate or know someone who is exactly like that! :) Just because you reply to someone's comment doesn't mean that you'll get a spot as part of their 20 ;-) but later in this course, if there's still space, and it seems aligned for the time being, they might reach out to you with a gentle invitation to play :-)

Grace Carter Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Over the years, I have input several descriptions of my ideal client in chatGPT.  So I went to CPT and asked of all the various descriptions I've done, and your understanding of the work that most resonates with me, who are my 20 people for a group program.  Here is the answer: 

Your Ideal Client for the Group Coaching Program
They are highly motivated women, mostly over 45, who are:

1.       Professionally Mid-Career or Beyond

o   Lawyers, legal professionals, or those in high-responsibility careers who are seeking well-being and balance.

o   Women in leadership or influential roles, eager to transform their careers, relationships, and personal lives.

2.       Open to Personal Growth

o   Curious about exploring their potential, embracing change, and creating new paths.

o   Eager to adopt tools and frameworks that improve productivity, manage workplace conflict, and cultivate emotional awareness.

3.       Emotionally Ready for Transformation

o   They resonate with your calm, confident, and encouraging energy, feeling safe to share and explore in your presence.

o   Ready to challenge their limiting beliefs, adapt to new ways of thinking, and take intentional steps forward.

4.       Values-Oriented

o   Driven by a desire to align their life and work with their personal values, such as justice, equity, and meaningful impact.

o   Seeking a supportive and like-minded community for accountability and inspiration.

5.       Prepared for Commitment

o   Interested in structured, practical coaching programs that address their specific challenges.

o   Willing to dedicate time and energy to a program that offers measurable outcomes and sustainable progress.

Google Sheets with Gemini

I'm not a big spreadsheets person (AT ALL!), but I wanted to create a Google Sheets spreadsheet that would help me track content creation for next year (like "deliverables" for each day).

Knowing essentially nothing about formulas and scripts, I laid out one tab exactly the way I wanted. Header row, columns, dates, days of the week, etc. And then I asked Gemini to create a script to make tabs for months Jan-Dec of 2025.

After a handful of iterations due to error messages while running the scrip…

Grace Carter Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

was there eventually just one prompt, Mike?

consistent time & place (but inspired not at the laptop?) 9:16
Consistent Time & Place

"I wish I could record videos with my laptop, but often when I'm inspired, I'm not near my laptop..." Inspiration is good, but consistency is required for the practice of authentic speaking. For most of us, inspiration is not sustainable for practice. In part because you'll often get discouraged if your inspiration isn't reciprocated by your audience's engagement. For sustained practice, see it as a sustained practice! How then to relate to inspiration? I would recommend habituating the writing down of ideas whenever inspiration comes... but then dedicate yourself to a consistent time/place when you record videos. During your planned time/place for making videos, take out those ideas you wrote down, and pick one that inspires you in that moment :)

Grace Carter Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

I am planning to batch prep some videos on Sunday afternoon this week, but otherwise Saturday afternoon.  I have been doing it in the evenings.  I will edit 2-3 of them on Monday and Wednesday.


I thin, I'm quite weird on video (being my authentic self): My voice when I get into 'teaching mode', my movements when I move my head weirdly or think and look up too often, my speed when I'm slow talking (my German still isn't as my Dutch, even though Germans don't notice that I'm not German which is cool. But I definitely think my video would be better if one would listen to me on 1,25 speed!), and probably many other reasons.

Grace Carter Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

@Yvette Berg - van Groeningen I was just wondering the same thing about the 1.25 speed - because in authentically speaking - it takes time to frame the thoughts, and it feels slow. But, perhaps to the listener, it feels like they are drawing from a deep well.

Joyful Productivity Implementation Session on June 27, 2024

More details are in my original post below, but if you desire some focused time to work on a joyful productivity habit - here is the time to do it.  Join me on June 27, 2024 at 6:00 a.m., PDT for an hour of focussed work.  

Here is the sign-up link: https://gkhelpers.as.me/Joy...

Here is the direct link to the zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8...

This session is open for all things Joyful Productivity.  Here is my list of those skills.  

  • 1)    Habit Creation
  • 2)    Morning Review
  • 3)    Co-…

Joyful Productivity Implementation Session on June 13

More details are in my original post below, but if you desire some focussed time to work on a joyful productivity habit - here is the time to do it.  Join me on June 13, 2024 at 6:00 a.m., PDT for an hour of focussed work.

Here is the sign-up link: https://gkhelpers.as.me/Joy...

Here is the direct link to the zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8...

George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Feedback about George-led ABC Calls for 2024

This is an ongoing / placeholder post that you can comment on after you attend any of the ABC calls that I lead... 


I welcome your feedback -- what was particularly good about the call that you just attended... and what might be changed/improved to make it even better? 😊 

Comment below (this encourages others to attend the calls and comment as well).

Or if you need to give anonymous feedback, click here instead 🙏🏼

Grace Carter Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

This was such a great call!  So worth the time to get on these in person every once in a while.  I left the meeting inspired with lots of ideas about next steps.  Thanks, George