
Nikhi Joshi

About Nikhi

Hi all!

I am Nikhi Joshi - I'm a trauma-informed spiritual teacher, psychic and soul guide, with a 15+ year background in healthcare strategy consulting. I'm so excited to be here with you all. Felt such a resonance with George for a while and felt the call to join you all and trusting all the signs.

I am on a journey of swapping long work hours, so much PowerPoint, big pharma clients that have all felt increasingly misaligned with my core values  - to hosting beautiful guided, healing group and 1:1 meditations and channeling hundreds of hours of messages and insights for my soul clients, helping them reconnect with their true, soul selves.

My mission is to reconnect people with their soul magic - by 1) deepening their understanding of themselves, separate from the conditioning and projections of others, 2) bringing love and acceptance to their soul pain as well as perspective on their emotional patterning across lifetimes, and 3) helping them receive spiritual guidance from their higher power within.

I use various soul languages to share the story of your soul, including the Akashic Records (containing the energy of your soul and past lives), Human Design (a navigation tool to your energetic soul gifts and inner "parts") and Astrology (the archetypes and timeline of your soul).

Given this unexpected path I’m on and many pivots over the last 3 years, I’m learning to put specific, tangible words, outcomes and forecasted plans around my flowy, intuitive offerings and invitations.

You can find me at:


I'm here to serve (still figuring out a concise description of this):

  1. Empath and seekers; women who are tired of giving their energy to everyone else to fuel their worth and purpose, and are ready to experience relief and acceptance around who they are and all parts of themselves.

I've been in business for the last 3 years (through multiple pivots) while keeping my day job till now. My growth edge is to create a plan for 2024 and practice experimenting, tracking and evolving vs. the plan! With a significant push in Feb 2024 where I expect to have more bandwidth. Else I tend to make a plan and eventually when things change too much, I abandon the plan and make it mean that I can't earn more / scale.

As of now, accountability to develop the plan as per the BizPlan course would be great!

I'm also a mom to a 6 year old, married to a super supportive husband even though he is super practical and grounded and doesn't totally get the world of psychism / astral travel / emotional trauma healing that I live in.


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