
Vyara Bridgeman

About Vyara

I am an Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner at

You can also find me on LinkedIn: Vyara Bridgeman | LinkedIn

BodyTalk is an energy healing modality based on quantum physics principles. I have been a BodyTalk practitioner for over 15 years and that’s my main framework for transformation, though I am trained in other modalities too, e.g. PsychK, Reiki, nutrition, etc.

I love working with people who take personal responsibility for where they are at. My ideal client is eager to transform their thoughts and beliefs not only for optimal mental and emotional health but also to heal their physical body. I strongly believe that disease starts out as an idea and I work with people ready to change their ideas in order to be able to experience physical healing.

I have been in business running my own practice for over 15 years, and I have done quite well for myself in the past. Lately though my revenue has been dropping, and that’s of course nothing else but a reflection of where my personal vibration is at. So I have had to ask myself “Where am I out of integrity?” Long story short, I have realized that since “traditional marketing” doesn’t resonate with me, I have hardly been doing any marketing at all.

So I am here to learn how to take the middle path, i.e. how to do authentic marketing (or as I like to call it “purposeful marketing”, on a par with “purposeful living”) so I can be of service AND make money without compromising my personal values in the process.

I would love to connect with people I can collaborate with in a true “win-win” spirit. I believe in the power of a strong community, and I often say that 1+1 makes 11. 


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