
Tanya Chan

About Tanya

Hello Fellow Travellers,ย 

I have been called a daydreamer since I was a child, so I'm taking George Kao's courses to help guide me in grounding what I feel inspired to offer...namely practices to laying down barriers to our Heart and claiming our True Self. I have been in the healing field since I was 21yoa, initially inspired by Dr. Ida Rolf's work in Structural Integration (aka Rolfing, a wholistic approach to myofascial release to integrate the body, mind, spirit which allows greater presence, flexibility and inner knowing - pain relief was simply a side effect). I then transitioned into practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine as my next career, learning even more about the meridian channels of the body and how this ancient wholistic approach (Daoist philosophy, acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, qi gong, gua sha, Chinese herbs, herbal soups, Oriental diet therapy, etc.) incorporates the healing powers of ourselves, the earth, and the cosmos to embody a state of wholeness, harmony, wellness and Oneness.

Currently, my practice is embarking more deeply into the mystical aspects to include Beyond Quantum Healing, Mediumship, Channeling and being more brave in my creative endeavours. At the moment, I would say my point of resistance includes allowing myself to surrender even more deeply in trust and faith - the cliff's edge is giving the aspect of me that wants to feel in control, secure, and stable a whole lotta heebie jeebies!

And last, but not least...words cannot fully express my gratitude to George Kao and others who are providing service and guidance in how we may express, offer and be of service from our most authentic place within.


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