
Winifred Hunsburger

About Winifred


Just an old gal trying to figure it out. I was active as an educator for much of my life and am now focused on facilitating and writing.

I am the co-founder of the Inside Outside Retreat Centre – we offer in-person and online opportunities for folks to put aside obligations, expectations and busyness and engage in personal, private reflection and gentle, reciprocal dialogue.Β 

I love walking, being among the trees and good, open questions.

I live in Toronto, Canada – the traditional territory of many Indigenous nations including the Haudenosaunee, Wendat, Anishnabeg, and more recently the Mississaugas of the Credit. It is the ongoing home to many, diverse First Nations, MΓ©tis and Inuit people. Toronto is part of the Dish with One Spoon Territory covenant and as a resident here I am invited into and accept the agreement to share and care for this land and its people.
