
Anna Kamila

About Anna

Hi there. My name is Anna. I am originally from Poland.

I currently live on the West Coast of Canada with my partner, a beautiful daughter and our beloved cat.

My biggest passions are conscious movement and personal growth. 

I love being in the nature, biking, skiing, hiking. 

In my work as a Life Coach I help women to regain their strength and confidence during major transitions in their lives. I have been in the business for approximately 5 years now, but it wasn't until last year, when I quit my corporation job that I started seriously dedicate my time and energy towards building the business.

My major accomplishments during last year are:

1. Consistency in providing content to my audience on social media

2. Collaboration with colleagues 

I struggle with attracting clients in my business who are willing to pay money for my services. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my intro. 

Looking forward to connecting with you.




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