Brian Cormack Carr

Hi, I'm Brian, a business activation coach. I teach coaches and experts simple, soulful ways to use their gifts to launch and grow magically abundant businesses that attract a steady flow of aligned clients. Through a combination of energetics and strategy, we can achieve our business and creative d…

Active 2mo ago Joined 24 Aug 2022 (GMT+00:00) London

Intentions: Week of Mar 13

  1. Comment below with your intention for this week. @mention your Helper so they know what you're up to 🙏🏼
            For example: To practice a specific Joyful Productivity skill, or to complete a project.
            Tip: What method will you use to remind yourself of this intention? Perhaps schedule time on your calendar 😊

  2. You might want to set a reminder mid-week to check-in here, to help you keep on track with your intention 👏🏽

  3. At the end of your week, reply to your comment with an update on how…


I'm giving myself some grace this week - the day job is busy, our kitchen is being repainted, our bathroom is being refitted next week, and I'm about to drive 400 miles north to visit my mum in Scotland.

@Helen Giles - I relate to the "house in chaos" feeling! Even when it's not actually impinging directly on my working space, it DEFINITELY impinges on my usual energy flows.

Nonetheless, I have carved out a bit of time tomorrow evening to get some thoughts on paper for a group coaching offer I'm working on for this year. I'm just reminding myself to pace myself, to not expect myself to have it fully fleshed out yet, and to take some rest this week too.

cc. @Shweta Parmar


I am noticing in recent weeks just how much I push back on intuitive, guided direction - even when I think I'm really doing it, I'm layering my own rules and expectations over it. It boils down to something like ...

Guides: "go learn Qabalah"

Me: "ok great, I'll do that eventually, in the meantime what should I do for client growth?"

Guides: "go learn Qabalah" 

Me: "right cool. It's really confusing, and maybe totally unnecessary and possibly appropriation? So I'm going to--"

"Go learn Qabalah"

... etc.

I notice that a lot of my resistance comes from having expectations about what I "should" be doing for business development right now (which falls into a lot of Chronos territory). I'm also noticing how what I really want is a thriving paid community I can support with my skills, and I keep trying to create these "taster" offers that aren't what I enjoy, they just seem like what other people do ... so I don't like to sell them! Go figure. 🤣

And finally I'm painfully aware that taking care of my mom is a kind of "care for others" that is not fulfilling in the slightest for me, so I'm trying to find humility in this arena (and often failing). 

So my intention this week is to continue to see as much of my guided direction as possible, and continue to be aware of how much I push back with "modifications." Working to squash those mods as much as possible and lean in to the instructions, finally. 

@Helen Giles 💜🥳🙌


@Sonja Amundson "I am noticing in recent weeks just how much I push back on intuitive, guided direction" - this resonates SO strongly - it's exactly this that I found myself addressing my 'Cracks That Let The Light In' process that you commented on. It's almost like we're conditioned to ignore these intuitive promptings... all the 'shoulds' and 'musts' start crowding in. One of the things I like to remind myself is that sometimes, these intuitive promptings are literally 'just for fun'. They might lead to some interesting business growth - but sometimes they're just for sheer pleasure and interest. And they can take us down some wonderful rabbit holes...


Embracing feeling unwell as I enter this week. Four days of fever and fatigue, headaches, swollen glands and sore kidneys have meant I've been lying low. For someone who prides herself on being healthy and strong, it's always a rude shock when an illness sets in and puts me back in my place.

This week I want to work gently. I've already cancelled my Monday night yoga class and considering whether to go ahead with my early morning Wednesday class (6:30am). Will see how I feel later this afternoon.

 My priorities this week are:

  • follow up with @Colleen Adrian re starting our fortnightly accountability catch ups
  • formalise plans for two event offers
  • send out one last promo for this Saturday's movement workshop with a guest presenter
  • continue retreat planning work I started last week
  • and somewhere amongst all that, create some content
  • plus homeschooling and caring for my mum.

@Leah Cooper Feel better soon - sometimes our bodies just force us to take some much-needed rest, don't they? Frustrating at times, though!

The most FUN and FLOWING offer I've ever created! 🌀

I mentioned in my intro post that I had been struck with inspiration over the Christmas break to create an impromptu offer. It turned out to be the most intuitively-guided, fun, flowing offer I've ever made, and I'm convinced this was made possible by much of what I've been learning from @George Kao's teachings.

At times, it felt like 'making it up as I go along' - but I think it would be more accurate to say I was 'allowing it to emerge as it wanted to'

And actually, that really embodied wha…


This is _fantastic_! Congrats! That must feel really amazing 😁


@Sonja Amundson It was great fun, and I definitely learned a lot about getting into action without over-thinking...

Gifting my TAROT COACH SESSION SUCCESS online workshop

I'd like to offer all ABC/Masterheart members my Tarot Coach Session Success online workshop as a gift.

Tarot Coach Session Success is a 90-minute workshop (plus two recorded Q&A sessions) which teaches participants how to combine life coaching skills and tarot card reading techniques in a single, high impact session. In essence, it's a great way to prompt inspired insights and lead these towards real results.

It's ideal for anyone interested in using tarot (or oracle) cards in a coaching con…


What a cool offer! I look forward to checking it out. 🙏🏼


@Sonja Amundson Please do - I hope you enjoy!

A belated HELLO, as I come up for some ABC air! 😄

Hi everyone - it's lovely to be here in ABC! I have finally found some time to (re)emerge from the shadows! 

I've spend a very pleasurable morning re-orienting myself with the platform and all that's here. I'm so grateful to my program helper@Shweta Parmar for her patience and graciousness in helping me to engage.

I had of course intended to plug in earlier, but a combination of a burst of activity on the day job (I'm CEO of a local social action charity here in Birmingham, UK) plus…


Heyyy, Nice to meet you! 👋🏼

What IS that picture from? 🤣


@Sonja Amundson Nice to meet you too! It's fabulous, isn't it? I first saw it as a gif (which I couldn't figure out how to attach here) and it took me a while to track down its origin. Apparently it depicts Rita Repulsa, the "evil space witch" from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! I must confess I've never seen the film, but this almost makes me want to track it down...

I've made it!

It's official...I am now being quoted by Chat GPT, alongside some pretty big names 🤣

@Tamsin Young 


@Vix Anderton Ha, awesome!! How did you make that happen?  If you have an idea... :)


@Vix Anderton That must have been QUITE a surprise! Very cool!