Marilyn R Flower

Writer, novelist, blogger, and humorist, whose latest passion is exploring and sharing how SoulCollage® can inform, inspire, and support writers of fiction, nonfiction, and/or poetry. My favorite archetype is the Sacred Fool. as such, I'm working on a satirical novel I call Man Pregnant! and a book …

Active 6mo ago Joined 6 Jun 2022 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Help me find my best design or logo for “Dementia Wisdom and Joy,” my new newsletter to help people who live with dementia, like my husband, and their care partners, like me, thrive as well as possible, as long as possible.

Help me find my best design or logo for “Dementia Wisdom and Joy,” my new newsletter to help people who live with dementia, like my husband, and their care partners, like me, thrive as well as possible, as long as possible.

I already know so many of the stories I want people to know:

How doctors who live with dementia are teaching other doctors how to diagnose and deal with dementia the right way, with compassion, unflinching honesty, and loads of creative resources.

How people who live wi…


send us the rain, please. we  need it and I miss it!!!


Hey Pat, I'll put my thinking creating cap on---one on my head, and one on my heart!  xoxo

What is SoulCollage® for Writers? A way to visually explore story, muse, and characters

Photo by Techanoir, collaged by Marilyn on

Why SoulCollge®?

Our souls speak to us in the language of images.

Have you ever been drawn to an image or a scene and not known why? You’re just riveted. It may be a delightful image. Or it may be horrific. But something calls or compels you to pay attention. Like the eyes on the cat above.

Something bubbling up from deep within.

This is your soul finally your attention.

Some of us are so intuitive we feel deep soul co…