✍🏽 Authentic Content Flow (ACF) 2023+

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Authentic Content Flow -- Course Info


Content ✍🏽 Work Retreats to give you time to learn & implement the course!

General Questions (if you don't know where else to ask)

✨ Valuable Bonus Content

Authentic Content Challenge (Monthly Theme)

ACF 1st Content Challenge
1. Clarify your own reasons for creating -- and share that with your audience

ACF 2 post your content in our Soul Gym group
Post your content in our Soul Gym group...

ACF Challenge 2 - 3 Stages of Content + Lightly Creating + Creative Discomfort
2. Stages of Content + Lightly Creating + Creative Discomfort

ACF Month 3 Challenge
3. Best Content Prompts, Part 1

SG April Challenge
4. Best Content Prompts, Part 2

5. Optimize Your Process for Creating Content

ACF Theme 6 - Content Distribution checklist
6. Posting/Distributing Your Content More Effectively

Tracking Your Content (so you know what to take to Stage 2)
7. Tracking Your Content (so you know what to take to Stage 2)

Bust your myths about Content Creation...

ACF 1 Do you have a clear consistent method for creating? Here's mine
Do you have a clear consistent method for creating? Here's mine...

ACF 2 Create to find clarity about your business message
Need clarity? Create to find it.

Content isn't primarily about getting clietns
Authentic Content isn't primarily about getting clients...

Do you need an overall content plan?
"I need an overall content plan before I can really create content..."

Overview of Content Strategy

Content Creation vs Tracking vs Repurposing vs Distribution
Content Creation vs Tracking vs Repurposing vs Distribution

When to start repurposing content? How much do you need to have created?
When to start repurposing content? How much do you need to have created?

An easy way into Tracking and Repurposing content
An easy way into Tracking and Repurposing content...

Get clear on why you're creating...

Why create? Because it brings clarity - the goo-goo-gah-gah method
Why create? Because it brings clarity - or the goo-goo-gah-gah method πŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸ½

Find your authentic voice and confidence via consistent creation
Find your authentic voice and confidence via consistent creation

Don't worry about order or sequence of your content for now -- create then organize later
Don't worry about order or sequence of your content for now -- create then organize later...

Create to serve the many who might never buy from you
Your content will serve many who might never buy from you...

Create consistently because it grows you a true audience
Create consistently because it grows you a true audience πŸ€—

Your content makes a difference even if you're not getting reactions or engagement
Your content makes a difference -- even if you're not getting reactions or engagement

What creating consistently has done for me
What creating consistently has done for me ✨

Inspiration from most successful Youtuber of all time
Inspiration from the #1 Youtuber of all time...

ACF Content is energy work
Content *is* energy work

The 3 Stages of Content Creation

Overview of the 3 Stages of Content Creation
Overview of the 3 Stages of Content Creation

Stage 1 content should be light to distribute
Stage 1 content should be *light* to distribute

ACF - Should you only create the same format all the time? Or is it ok to do various formats?
Should you only create the same format all the time? Or is it ok to do various formats?

Stage 2 content should be easy to create
Stage 2 content should feel easy to create...

Is guest podcasting Stage 1 or Stage 2 content?
Is guest podcasting Stage 1 or Stage 2 content?

ACF Stage 3 Content - Integrate & Productize
Stage 3 Content - Integrate & Productize

Stage 1 Content

Stage 1 Content - Why and How?
Stage 1 Content - Why and How?

What's your rhythm of Stage 1 content?
What's your rhythm of Stage 1 content?

What is your 3-minute-makeup routine for Stage 1 creation?
What's your "3-Minute Makeup" routine (even if you don't wear makeup)?

Remove all your limits for Stage 1 Content
Remove all your limits for Stage 1 Content

Stage 1 Content Frequency
Stage 1 Content Frequency

ACF 2 disorganized content ideas - simple system for putting them into Stage 1 content
Disorganized content ideas? Simple system for putting them into Stage 1 content...

Stage 1 content - can you create pre-considered content?
Stage 1 Content - can you create pre-considered content?

ACF 1 Clarify your own Stage 1 creation process
What will be your own Stage 1 creation process?

ACF3 Let your stage 1 videos be uniform as much as possible
Making videos in Stage 1? Make them as uniform as possible...

Clarify your own process for creating...

The 1 technique that unlocks my creativity -- temporary constraints
The 1 technique that unlocks my creativity -- temporary constraints

Batching vs Frequenting
Batching vs Frequenting

Simple understanding of what grows an audience of true fans
Simple understanding of what grows an audience of true fans πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

CCC for content creation
"CCC" for content creation

ACF Clarify the When & Where of your creation
Clarify the When & Where of your creation

ACF Create your Hat Manual for creating
Create your "Hat Manual" for creating...

George Kao's process for writing -- Part 1: gather ideas + create a draft

ACF 1 How I gather my ideas into one place
How I gather my ideas into one place

ACF 2 Why I post my Stage 1 onto Twitter
Why do I post my Stage 1 content onto Twitter?

ACF 3 Drafting a piece of writing before editing
Drafting a piece of writing (before editing)

George Kao's process for writing -- Part 2: expand, edit, and publish

George's writing process part 2
George's writing process part 2

Posting Your Content (Checklist / Hat Manual)

ACF Formatting
Formatting: make it look better with subheadings, bold, italics if needed

ACF Cover Image for Blog Posts & Videos
Cover Image for Blog Posts & Videos

Content Posting Hat Manual
Content Posting Hat Manual

Creative Discomfort

ACF Creative Discomfort
Introduction to Creative Discomfort

Difference between creative discomfort and overstretching & the solution of balance
Difference between creative discomfort and overstretching... and the solution of balance

Working with Prompts: begin with your own ideas!

ACF1 you are the most authentic prompt creator for your content
You are the most authentic prompt creator for your content

ACF1a First practice creating your own prompts
First let’s practice generating prompts...

ACF2 this has already been said before, why should I say it?
Doesn’t matter if it’s been said, if You haven’t said it.

Prompts 1

ACF Passionate critique of your field
Passionate critique of your field

Prompts 2

ACF - pause after each client session and answer these questions
Pause after each client session and answer these questions...

ACF Client Case Studies
Client Case Studies -- educate & inspire

Prompts 3

ACF1 Prompt - Popular Idea and your take on it
Popular idea and your take on it...

ACF2 Prompt - popular book
Well-known book in your field, and your unique take on it...

Stage 2 Content

ACF2 Stay an amateur or go pro? The analogy of the traveling musician
Stay amateur or go pro? The analogy of the traveling musician...

Stage 2 requires that you selected the best of Stage 1
Stage 2 requires that you select the best of Stage 1

Choosing best of Stage 1 - based on reach or Like %?
Choosing best of Stage 1 - based on Reach... or Like %?

ACF Stage 2 Content - what if you've gotten clearer or more advanced since then?
Replaying your best old content - what if you've gotten clearer or more advanced since then?...

Stage 2 Content Frequency
Stage 2 Content Frequency

ACF - stage 2 a short video? Try lengthening it
How to "stage 2" a short video? Try lengthening it...

Expanding or contracting Stage 1 and 2 Content for repurposing?
Expanding or contracting Stage 1 and 2 Content for repurposing?

ACF z1 Getting clear about your framework & core message
Seeking message / framework clarity?

Refining Your Content

ACF Refine how you start your content
Refine how you start your content

ACF 1 Refining the ending of your posts
Refine the ending of your content

ACF Ai helping to refine the start & end of an article
Using Ai to help refine the start & end of an article...

Creating Better Titles πŸ˜…

ACF 2 Learn to create better Titles for your content
Learn to create better Titles for your content -- "Title Tips"

ACF Easy quick basic SEO titles with AI chat
SEO Titles -- easy, quick, basic -- Ai chat

ACF Process for creating a better Title
Step by step process for creating better Titles

Tracking Your Content (so you know what's really working!)

ACF1 Intro to Content Tracking
Intro to Content Tracking

ACF2 What content to track?
What content to track + the basics of tracking

ACF3 Tracking Template - Simple Google Doc
Simple Content Tracking -- Google Doc Template

ACF4 Tracking a good title vs good content?
Tracking a good title vs good content?

ACF Content Tracking Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet for Content Tracking

ACF how much backtracking to do?
How much back-tracking to do? Plus other tips

ACF content tracking why Stage 1 & 2 averages aren't showing up?
Spreadsheet Q&A -- how come the Stage 1 & 2 averages aren't showing up?

ACF Keep video files of our content?
Keep original files of our content?

Content Distribution: Why Social Media is a Must...

ACF2 It's demotivating to post without engagement
...but it's demotivating to post without engagement...

ACF3 You surveyed your ideal clients and they don't use social media?
You surveyed your clients, and they don't use social media?

Content Distribution: Choosing your social media platforms

ACF1 How many platforms do you need to distribute your content to?
How many platforms do you need to distribute your content to?

ACF2 How to choose among many social media channels
How to choose among the many social media channels?

ACF3 Word of mouth distribution -- how to increase it?
Word of mouth distribution -- how to increase it?

Ensure that you now have a clear plan for content...

ACF2 recur your best regularly
Recur your best 100 regularly

ACF4 is your Best only metrics based?
Do you choose the "best" only based on metrics?

ACF3 your best 10
Your best-of-the-best 10

ACF1 clarifying your content plan
Clarifying your content plan

Misc. Q&A about Content

If you feel like you're dragging yourself to create content consistently - flow is at the end not the beginning
Dragging yourself to create content consistently? Flow is at the end not the beginning...

Youtube - sensing your audience's wants based on your video views and likes
Youtube - sensing your audience's wants, based on your video views and likes

What if a specific topic of yours gets popular - do you change your niche?
What if a specific topic of yours gets popular - do you change your niche?

Creating larger content projects but still showing up consistently?
Creating larger content projects... but still showing up consistently?

After a long break how to get back into creating consistently?
After a long break how to get back into creating consistently?

When you post vulnerably on social media (even if sharing a win) and people send pitying replies
When you post vulnerably on social media (even if sharing a win) and people send pitying replies...

SG how much is oversharing or being too personally vulnerable in our content?
How much is oversharing, or being too personally vulnerable in our content?

ACF 1 Energized for a few days then crashing - how to maintain momentum?
Energized for a few days, then crashing - how to maintain momentum?

Content pillars important to clarify at the beginning?
Content pillars important to clarify at the beginning?

ACF5a what are you already consistent with? Borrow from that to create your system of consistent creating
What are you *already* consistent with? Borrow from that to create your system of consistent creating...

Questions about Making Authentic Videos

If you don't like watching videos and therefore feel less motivated to make them
If you don't like watching videos, therefore feel less motivated to make them? 3 reasons why I recommend making them...

How do I make my videos? Basic thoughts
How do I make my videos? The basic method...

Zoom to FB Live - I also record a local copy for Youtube
Zoom to FB Live - I also record a local copy for Youtube...

Do I store my videos somewhere?
Do I store my videos somewhere? (only on Youtube)

Is it ok just to do video and not writings when trying to grow an audience?
Is it ok just to do video and not writings when trying to grow an audience?

ACF 1 Video size and storage?
Video size and storage?

More questions about videos?

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