Someone recently tried to launch one of their offerings.It was a, like, a program of some kind.And they did a gentle launch and they did gentle launch like four times.Okay?Like or maybe 4 steps or, you know, reached out four times to their audience and didn't get any sales.
From that.Now first of all, I wanna say that's discouraging because I've experienced that.Trust me.I have experienced that myself.Probably more times than most of you have because I've launched way more times than most people have.
I've I've launched this this year, it's gonna be 13 things in 1 year.I'm launching 13 different products and programs and services.Most years I do between 8 to 12.Okay?So I've I've gotten 0 sales in the past, not not in the past couple years now that audience is grown.
Anyway, long story short, I'm gonna say this.When you have a product, what's called product market fit, when your program service webinar course, you know, one on one package, whatever it is, when it's a good when it's really aligned with what your audience wants, not but they need what they want.Very important distinction.Because what they need is what you think they need.Oh, you need to learn this deeper modality and this dip.
They don't understand that and they don't want it.If they don't want it, they're not gonna buy it no matter how much they need it.Okay.Anyway, so when there is alignment between what you offer and what they want, even one announcement.Even one gentle social media post about it will get you sales.
So when I notice that when I post something and even the first announcement after 48 to 72 hours gets no sales.Now let let me explain here.What I also do whenever I launch is I track the timing to say, okay.After 24 hours, how many sales did I get?1, whatever.
You know, 3 days before my course starts, for example, how many sales do I have?Is it, you know, 15?85, whatever.Okay.The day of my courses beginning, how many sales do I have?
I track those numbers for every launch.So I know very well by now.Even if I only have one sale after 24 hours of announcing it, I could have 70 by the time the course starts.Actually, those numbers pan out.So so that's that's important to understand that there is a timing to whenever your people tend to buy.
But if you have done your your market site, your launch cycle, let's say your launch cycle is 2 weeks, and you launched it, and you did the 2 week launch, and you got 0 sales.Don't do it again.Right?I I'm actually need to clarify with this person whether they they did 4 separate launches or 4 outreaches for the same launch.If you get 0 sales, or very, very low, so low that you feel discouraged and don't think it's worth it.
That just means the problem is not whether you reached enough, 1 half, reach is always a factor, of course.But if you're reaching several hundred people, right?And you're getting 0 sales.It's not your effort in reaching out.It's the alignment between what you're offering and what they want.
That's really the problem.So this is why I want you to come to my q and a calls because I want to workshop your offer with you.I want to help you package your skills, experience, and energy signature into an offer that your audience is gonna be like, Wait.Where do I sign up?How do I sign up?
Even one general social media post should get you several sales.Sure.I say should, by saying should, not could, but should, if it's aligned.The more aligned, the more it should.Gets you several sales, even with one gentle social media post.
Let alone 2 or 3 of them.Let alone an email to your list, etcetera.So please come to my q and a.So let's workshop your offers so that it's such a good alignment that it's like it sells like hotcakes because it should sell like hotcakes.Right?
So I hope this is helpful, and and thank you, and I look forward to seeing you on a q and a call.