Alright.Great question from someone here who has been getting clients through Instagram.Wonderful.And but now that you know, her her practice is pretty full, she is getting too tired about staying consistent on Instagram.So when I asked her what part of Instagram got you the clients?
What what was your effort there?She said, well, the carousel posts.When she run the ads, because these carousel posts got some good traction.So she ran ads for it, distributed more people.That was great.
She was having fun with reels.And, again, one carousel post a week, one reel per week was what she was doing.And then she was doing daily stories, daily stories to get more engagement, things like that.But now that she's so busy, it's like it's hard to keep all that stuff up.It's too much too overwhelming.
So I say, okay.Well, what I heard was the carousel got you clients or had had the most positive impact.Definitely should be keeping that up.Now even if you say, well, okay.This week, I for some reason, I I tried I tried I tried, but I couldn't do a carousel this week.
Then then my question is, are you boosting one of your older carousel posts that did well?Like, there should be in my opinion, if a channel marketing channel is working well for you like Instagram, there should always be something that's currently actively out there, like having a boost that's running right now.I always always have an ongoing ad.Every month, I have a new ad for Instagram and for Facebook.It's just always.
It hasn't stopped for years, and it's helped.It's anyway.So, but she also said she has fun doing reels.Well, the fun may be energizing enough to keep it consistent.And then stories drop the stories.
Sorry.You know?But I don't know.I I I I don't have enough energy to do stories either, so that's why I do so few of them.But, the consistency, I think, is there if you realize it's making an impact or you're have you're having fun doing it.