Current Lesson
Course Content
Course Content
    • "Some people I talk to really need 1-1 support, but cannot afford it..."
      "Some people I talk to really need 1-1 support, but cannot afford it..
    • Alex Hormozi's goal setting method
      Alex Hormozi's goal setting method
    • One offer can have multiple doorways in (niches) and therefore different landing pages
      One offer can have multiple doorways in (niches) and therefore different landing pages
    • Niching down a 1-1 coaching offer
      Niching down a 1-1 coaching offer
    • Important for improving productivity -- Context Switching
      Important for improving productivity -- Context Switching
    • Polling within a client experience / systematizing feedback collection?
      Polling within a client experience / systematizing feedback collection?
    • A tiny business, moving beyond 1-1 client sessions to group programs
      A tiny business, moving beyond 1-1 client sessions to group programs
    • Idea Alchemy - discrete ideas, combined (or contrasted) in various ways...
      Idea Alchemy - discrete ideas, combined (or contrasted) in various ways..
    • How to find more of your people online?
      How to find more of your people online?
    • Speed of implementation + tracking your learnings (your system of mastery)
      Speed of implementation + tracking your learnings (your system of mastery)
    • Free content -- hard skills are better. Soft skills could be sellable among dedicated fans.
      Free content -- hard skills are better.  Soft skills could be sellable among dedicated fans
    • Best way to spread a volunteer project/message?
      Best way to spread a volunteer project/message?
    • Law of attraction as related to social media platforms?
      Law of attraction as related to social media platforms?
    • Free coaching calls aren't leading to paying clients -- what are some solutions?
      Free coaching calls aren't leading to paying clients -- what are some solutions?
    • Feedback on video by Deborah Munhoz
      Feedback on video by Deborah Munhoz
    • 1-1 Sessions with 7-days of follow-up messaging -- how to avoid it being abused
      1-1 Sessions with 7-days of follow-up messaging -- how to avoid it being abused
    • Is it worth starting a free FB group to create a community feeling (for potential clients)?
      Is it worth starting a free FB group to create a community feeling (for potential clients)?
    • YouTube channel - what videos are worth turning into a mini-course?
      YouTube channel - what videos are worth turning into a mini-course?
    • Providing free content vs. launching courses successfully
      Providing free content vs
    • What if I'm reaching out for collabs and people aren't replying back?
      What if I'm reaching out for collabs and people aren't replying back?
    • Feedback for Matti Kripa's homepage
      Feedback for Matti Kripa's homepage
    • Overview of my weekly content plan
      Overview of my weekly content plan
    • inspired to up my work ethic...
      inspired by Alex Hormozi re: work ethic..
    • How to get started with business, if not in hurry for income?
      How to get started with business, if not in hurry for biz income?
    • Selling at end of a workshop or webinar -- if it feels awkward to you...
      Selling at end of a workshop or webinar -- if it feels awkward to you..
    • How to get more distance clients without using social media?
      How to get more distance clients without using social media?
    • Potential clients are saying "no"... what to do?
      Potential clients are saying "no"..
    • Do your videos need to have subtitles (captions)?
      Do your videos need to have subtitles (captions)?
    • Content idea -- reading books out loud
      Content idea -- reading books out loud
    • After doing an FTA webinar, how to talk about the recording ready for purchase?
      After doing an FTA webinar, how to talk about the recording ready for purchase?
    • Pricing your services -- mindset, charge more or less to begin with?
      Pricing your services -- mindset, charge more or less to begin with?
    • Pricing for membership program - Tomar Levine example
      Pricing for membership program - Tomar Levine example
    • At networking event -- transitioning from being friendly to asking for something?
      At networking event -- transitioning from being friendly to asking for something?
    • "I have many ideas -- how to begin creating them into an organized framework?"
      Lots of ideas -- how to begin creating them into an organized framework?
    • Example of Framework -- Gaianna
      Example of Framework -- Gaianna
    • Building skills in a new field -- share my learning journey, even though I'm more established in another niche already?
      Building skills in a new field -- share my learning journey, even though I'm more established in another niche already?
    • "I offer 1-1 coaching -- how to do gentle launches if it's just 1 service? How to repackage it each time?"
      "I offer 1-1 coaching -- how to do gentle launches if it's just 1 service? How to repackage it each time?"
    • "I offer emotional healing support -- how to make it more specific?"
      Sina_ ideas on how to interpret market discovery calls
    • Email newsletters -- if you've been using your direct/personal email address to send them, you might want to start a new account...
      Email newsletters -- if you've been using your direct/personal email address to send them, you might want to start a new account..
    • "Is it okay to be spontaneous with content creation?"
      Jess_ Is it okay to be spontaneous in Content creation_
    • How to come up with valuable content ideas?
      How to come up with valuable content ideas?
    • How to decide on Easily Referrable Issues if I don't want to promise outcomes?
      How to decide on Easily Referrable Issues if I don't want to promise outcomes?
    • If selling different things, what might be a rhythm of gentle launches?
      If selling different things, what might be a rhythm of gentle launches?
    • Hiring an assistant -- general guidance and tips?
      Hiring an assistant -- general guidance and tips?
    • Offering sample group sessions which lead into new clients
      Offering sample group sessions which lead into new clients
    • Zoom tip -- when interviewing someone, spotlight their video quickly via keyboard shortcut...
      When interviewing someone on Zoom, spotlight them by using keyboard shortcut..
    • Feedback for Masha Rosen re: her offer -- Regression Therapy
      Feedback for Masha Rosen re: her offer -- Regression Therapy
    • YouTube Ads vs Facebook/Instagram Ads? + Minimal level of involvement in Instagram?
      YouTube Ads vs Facebook/Instagram Ads? + Minimal level of involvement in Instagram?
    • If not engaged with a social media platform, should you delete your account there?
      If not engaged with a social media platform, should you delete your account there?
    • Is it a good idea to create an Assessment/Quiz as a lead magnet?
      Is it a good idea to create an Assessment as a lead magnet?
    • Feedback for Swetha Jadapalli re: her offer specificity
      Feedback for Swetha Jadapalli re: her offer specificity
    • I love my modality but it's really general -- how to make offers that are targeted to specific people? aka "niche down"?
      I love my modality but it's really general -- how to make offers that are targeted to specific people?
    • A better freebie (lead magnet) strategy
      A better freebie (lead magnet) strategy
    • Beginner coaches -- should you sell high-ticket programs?
      Beginner coaches -- should you sell high-ticket programs?
    • After free coaching session with you, people feel it's enough... what to do about that?
      After free coaching session with you, people feel it's enough..
    • FTA webinar email invite -- what to include?
      FTA webinar email invite -- what to include?
    • If one of your blog posts is going viral -- how to utilize that opportunity?
      One of my blog posts is going viral -- how to utilize that opportunity?
    • FTA Webinar Model -- 1st one free rest of the series paid (Magic School)
      FTA Webinar Model -- 1st one free rest of the series paid (Magic School)
    • Should you also launch your own regular Q&A calls?
      Should you also launch your own regular Q&A calls?
    • If you have multiple niches, should you rotate them throughout the year or...?
      If you have multiple niches, should you rotate them throughout the year or..
    • Feedback for Jerry Souter website
      Feedback for Jerry Souter website
    • Feedback for Deborah Munhoz offer
      Feedback for Deborah Munhoz offer
    • You've recorded a bunch of webinars -- what to do with them?
      You've recorded a bunch of webinars -- what to do with them?
    • When you get busy, how to stay consistent on IG?
      When you get busy, how to stay consistent on IG?
    • Various things have gotten clients (and haven't) -- what marketing strategies to focus on?
      Various things have gotten clients (and haven't) -- what marketing strategies to focus on?
    • Why I don't believe in "ethics" πŸ˜† (as regards to market discovery outreach)
      Why I don't believe in "ethics" πŸ˜†
    • You have group of friends interested in your work -- how to "monetize" them? πŸ˜†
      You have group of friends interested in yoru work -- how to "monetize" them? πŸ˜†
    • If consistent creation feels like #hustle -- counter to the spacious way you think & create
      If consistent creation feels like #hustle -- counter to the spacious way you think & create
  • 0 / 24
    April 2024
    • Which course of mine should you take first / now?
      Which course of mine should you take first / now?
    • What ideas/topics should your "Work With Me" page have? And show the price?
      What ideas/topics should your "Work With Me" page have?
    • Example of outreach email -- seeking referrals by gifting coaching sessions
      Jeremy Blanchard gift sessions email
    • FTA Webinars - how often to do them? How to stay visibility continuously?
      FTA Webinars - how often to do them? How to stay visibility continuously?
    • Your concern about misinforming (and causing harm) when you create content...
      Your concern about misinforming others when you create content..
    • If your content goes viral but it's not your topic, what should you do?
      If your content goes viral but it's not your topic, what should you do?
    • If you've recorded long presentations, put it on YouTube as unlisted? Or create a short snippet?
      If you've recorded long presentations, put it on YouTube as unlisted? Or create a short snippet?
    • Process Goals (aka "hat manuals")... with example of filling a group program or course
      Process Goals vs Results Goals, example of filling a group program or course
    • Is shorter content better than longer content? Videos and Blog posts...
      Is shorter content better than longer content? Videos and Blog posts..
    • You're working hard on your business but still making little money? 2-part prescription for you...
      You're working hard on your business but still making little money..
    • If we don't promise results, how do we sell effectively?
      If we don't promise results, how do we sell?
    • Address 2 audiences on the same channel? Asmaa's example
      Address 2 audiences on the same channel? Asmaa's example
    • WIll sharing controversial opinions jeopardize your professional credibility?
      WIll sharing controversial opinions jeopardize your professional credibility?
    • If your email newsletter gets high open rate but low click rate, what to do?
      If your email newsletter gets high open rate but low click rate, what to do?
    • You're getting great reach on your content... so when to create paid offers?
      Getting great reach on your content -- when to create paid offers?
    • How often to host interviews vs being a guest?
      How often to host interviews vs being a guest?
    • Do I organize my Google Drive as much as my computer?
      Do I organize my Google Drive as much as my computer?
    • Once you've created a lot of content... now what?
      Once you've created a lot of content..
    • If your knowledge is mostly from mentor(s), can you have a profitable business?
      If your knowledge is mostly from mentor(s), can you have a profitable business?
    • You've taken monk-like time offline... how to show back online when it dysregulates the nervous system?
      You've taken monk-like time offline..
    • Market research conversations... example of an industry: admissions consulting
      Market research conversations..
    • As business success starts stabilizing, it can get dull and empty -- how to reinfuse meaning and values?
      As business success starts stabilizing, it can get dull and empty -- how to reinfuse meaning and values?
    • If you have 2 core analogies, put both into your Framework?
      If you have 2 core analogies, put both into your Framework?
    • Newsletter example/critique -- Joanna K
      Newsletter critique -- Joanna K
    • "George I love your courses -- how to do it sustainably?"
      "George I love your courses -- how to do it sustainably?"
    • Overview of methods to grow your audience / expand your reach
      Overview of methods to grow your audience / expand your reach?
    • Introverted coaches - how do you manage your energy? Being a joypro athlete...
      Introverted coaches - how do you manage your energy? Being a joypro athlete..
    • LinkedIn strategy -- personal vs company pages
      LinkedIn strategy -- personal vs company pages
    • HSP overwhelm with solopreneur activities? Simple solution ✨
      HSP overwhelm with solopreneur activities -- simple solution
    • How to convey your credibility if you don't have fancy degrees...
      How to convey your credibility if you don't have fancy degrees
    • "Why didn't you buy?" survey / market research...
      "Why didn't you buy?" survey / market research..
    • Feedback for Kayli re: her offer
      Feedback for Kayli re: her offer
    • Questions about Google Local business pages...
      Questions about Google Local business pages..
    • You've got more education & experience than most peers -- can you communicate that yet still seem approachable?
      You've got more education & experience than most peers -- can you communicate that yet still seem approachable?
    • Possible to offer spiritual coaching in a group format?
      Possible to offer spiritual coaching in a group format?
    • Should you diversify your social media presence in case a platform gets shut down?
      Should you diversify your social media presence in case a platform gets shut down?
    • Concerned about deepfakes impersonating you and ruining your brand?
      Concerned about deepfakes impersonating you and ruining your brand?
    • Creating a forwarding email address/alias - web hosting company or domain registrar?
      Creating a forwarding email address - web hosting company or domain registrar?
    • Getting free images for your website or social media
      Getting free images for your website or social media
    • Distribute your content to multiple social platforms at once?
      Distribute your content to multiple social platforms at once?
    • Selling low-cost course, and it's still not selling?
      Selling low-cost course, and it's still not selling?
    • "Empath Moms" -- feedback for Bingz Huang
      "Empath Moms" -- feedback for Bingz Huang
    • If you serve both individuals and service-providers or organizations...
      If you serve both individuals and service-providers or organizations..
    • Got multiple offers, yet no audience, how to test it?
      Got multiple offers, yet no audience, how to test it?
    • Different offers - put it into one website or separate? (Same re: social media pages)
      Different offers - put it into one website or separate? (Same re: social media pages)
    • Is Ai going to kill our websites? (Will it devastate SEO?)
      Is Ai going to kill our websites?
    • Feedback for Tommy Zee re: his audience journey
      Feedback for Tommy Zee re: his audience journey
    • Example of referral outreach email -- Claude Whitmyer
      Example of referral outreach email -- Claude Whitmyer
    • What if your offer isn't understood by most people?
      What if your offer isn't understood by most people?
    • Feedback for Dipanshu Rawal "about" page
      feedback for Dipanshu Rawal "about" page
    • Market research survey example via Google Forms
      Market research survey example via Google Forms
    • Analyzing market research results via Google Sheets / Forms
      Analyzing market research results via Google Sheets / Forms
    • Should you turn OFF comments on your videos (or other content)? Effect on algorithm?
      Should you turn OFF comments on your videos (or other content)? Effect on algorithm?
    • "I'm not clear on my offers right now... should I make content?"
      "I'm not clear on my offers right now..
    • How to stay consistent, if your calendar is so irregular? The fitness analogy...
      How to stay consistent, if your calendar is so irregular? The fitness analogy..
    • InsightTimer -- example of a successful course -- Dylan Perese
      Insight Timer -- example of a successful course -- Dylan Perese
    • Your personal outreach -- if you don't hear back from many and feel discouraged about it...
      Your personal outreach -- if you don't hear back from many and feel discouraged about it..
    • "It feels like my offer is a commodity... not special"
      My offer is a commodity
    • What is your easily referrable issue (ERI)? Examples...
      What is your ERI (easily referrable issue)? Examples..
    • πŸ€” Several launches but no sales? let's workshop your offer...
      several launches but no sales? let's workshop your offer
    • Organizing receipts e.g. for taxes -- physical and digital
      Organizing receipts
    • FB feed - doubting whether your friends seeing your posts?
      FB feed - doubting whether your friends seeing your posts?
    • How to prioritize your many business ideas?
      How to prioritize your many business ideas?
    • How did I build an audience / global community?
      How did I build an audience / global community?
    • The baby analogy πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ for market research for course sales...
      baby analogy market research for course sales
    • After some market research, what's the next step?
      After some market research, what's the next step?
    • You already have a marketing team (your network) - help them to help you...
      Tap into your existing marketing team (your network) - help them to help you..
    • 🌳 How to get clients soon -- yet without an audience? The fruit tree analogy...
      How to get clients soon yet without an audience? The fruit tree analogy
    • Masterminds - what are they, or what are your experiences with them?
      Masterminds - what are they and your experiences with them?
    • Group programs -- why I recommend starting with 20 members
      Why 20 members for a group program and not another number?
    • If potential clients are finding FREE help... instead of using your services 😒
      If your potential clients are finding free help elsewhere instead of using your services
    • How to know if someone is right for your group program?
      How to know if someone is right for your group program?
    • Being a good netcaring peer on social media without spending too much time
      Being a good netcaring peer on social media without spending too much time
    • FTA webinars using Simplero?
      FTA webinars using Simplero?
    • When are you ready to launch a group program?
      When are you ready to launch a group program?
    • Heather Tobin - raise price on her low-cost membership program?
      Heather Tobin - raise price on her low-cost membership pgm?
    • You're probably preparing too long for your courses...
      You're probably preparing too long for your courses
    • Feedback for Francesca
      Feedback for Francesca
    • Launching a new thing - has some good feedback - how to get more traction?
      Launching a new thing - has some good feedback - how to get more traction?
    • Client is using you as a therapist even though you want to work with them on other things...
      Client is using you as a therapist even though you want to work with them on other things
    • The essence of market research for us is to discover the titles & topics of what they're buying
      The essence of market research for us content-based businesses is to discover the titles & topics of what they're buying
    • "How to put it all together?" Organize yourself for your next offer...
      Organize yourself for your next offer
    • Put several offers out there and see what the market resonates with?
      Put several offers out there and see what the market resonates with?
    • Collabs are important - don't let time go by without doing them...
      Collabs are important - don't let time go by without doing them
    • Newsletter email address - use different one from your personal one!
      Newsletter email address - use different one from your personal one
    • Posting on social media -- max frequency? How often is too often?
    • πŸ€ Luck... how much does it matter in business?
      How much does Luck matter in business?
    • Get curious about opinions that offend you - create content about it :)
      Get curious about opinions that offend you - create content about it
    • Which social media platform should you choose to use, with limited time and energy?
      Which social media platform should you choose to use, with limited time and energy?
    • Send newsletters with fresh content, or summary of your other (social media) content?
      Which is better for you - newsletter with fresh content or summary of your other (social media) content?
    • How to analyze Stage 1 content to know what to take into Stage 2? Simple way using FB Posts as an example...
      How to analyze Stage 1 content to know what to take into Stage 2? Simple way using FB Posts as an example
    • Joanna Kaniewska sales page feedback
      Joanna Kaniewska sales page feedback
    • Automating system emails
      Automating system emails
    • Pricing your group program
      Pricing your group program
    • High ticket pricing for group programs?
      High ticket pricing for group programs?
    • Group program pricing education - Yvette's example
      Group program pricing education - Yvette's example
    • Newsletter segmentation / multiple newsletters - good idea?
      Newsletter segmentation - good idea?
    • Give a free gift after a new subscriber joins newsletter?
      Free gift after a new subscriber joins newsletter
    • FB Profile vs Page... which one should you use to market your business?
      Q&A FB Profile vs Page - which one should you use to market your business?
    • Starting a business without an audience - start offering sessions right away?
      Q&A Starting a business without an audience - start offering sessions right away?
    • If you've already created lots of content... how to follow the 3 Stages of Creation plan?
      If I've already created lots of content how to follow the 3 Stages of Creation plan?
    • Starting your creator journey... and you fear crickets (no response to your content)?
      Starting your creator journey and you fear crickets (no response to your content)?
    • Your professional title -- use a term that's popular or one that you most resonate with?
      Your professional title -- use a term that's popular or one that you most resonate with?
    • Prevent your email newsletter from going into people's spam or junk box...
      Prevent your email newsletter from going into people's spam or junk box
    • YouTube Video Titles? Drive curiosity...
      YT Video Titles -- drive curiosity
    • FB Groups - worth starting one?
      FB Groups - worth starting one?
    • Are free webinars a good way to promote courses?
      Are free webinars a good way to promote courses?
    • How much content planning is wise for the long-term, e.g. work towards a larger "whole" asset once a quarter?
    • After a long break from social media, how to get back to being visible there?
      away from social media for awhile? How to get back?
    • 🎀 How to get paid speaking gigs?
      How to get paid speaking gigs?
    • If you use Ai to help your writing, do you need to mention that?
      If you use Ai to help your writing, do you need to mention that?
    • Free webinar attendees - can you add them to your email list?
      Free webinar attendees - can you add them to your email list?
    • Why did this post do well?
      Why did this post do well?
    • If a post does well, how to replicate it?
      If a post does well, how to replicate it?
    • Do you need an active FB page in order to to run FB ads?
      To run FB ads does your business page need to be active?
    • Keep your launches short -- and track the numbers...
      Keep your launches short -- and track the numbers
    • What social media platform to use, for deeper resonance?
      What social media platform to use, for deeper resonance?
    • If you're still clarifying your offerings, should you run social media ads?
      If you're still clarifying your offerings, should you run social media ads?
    • Repurposing your older blog posts - change title and URL?
      Repurposing your older blog posts - change title and URL?
    • Should you do monthly Q&A calls like I do?
      Should you do monthly Q&A calls like I do?
    • If you like someone else's copy or bio, is it ok to copy them?
      If you like someone else's copy or bio is it ok to copy them?
    • Newsletter strategy -- Why would people sign up if it doesn't have exclusive content?
      Newsletter strategy -- Why would people sign up if it doesn't have exclusive content?
    • Which of my courses should you focus on?
      What to focus on in regards to my courses
    • The stupid secret to my success -- more focused hours and way more breaks than most people take...
      The stupid secret to my success -- more focused hours and way more breaks than most people take
    • Is is OK to put your website link at end of your posts? (why I don't do it)
      Is is OK to put a link at end of your posts?
    • πŸ”˜ If you use a ring light you might look like eye of sauron... here are other lighting solutions.
      If you use a ring light you might look like eye of sauron - other lighting solutions
    • Is it unethical to copy or emulate someone else's format for creating content?
      Is it unethical to copy or emulate someone else's format for creating content?
    • Good or bad idea to market our stuff between Christmas and New Years?
      Good or bad idea to market our stuff between Christmas and New Years?
    • Do I do end-of-year reflections of my business metrics?
      End of year reflection of my business metrics?
    • How to get more followers on your social media page? A quick overview.
      How to get more followers on your social media page_
    • To succeed on social media, must you niche to ONE specific problem or topic?
      To succeed on social media, must you niche to ONE specific problem or topic_
    • Creating your framework - how to get started
      Frameworks - thoughts on getting started
    • Separate content from selling... but what about a free CTA?
      Separating content from selling but what about a free CTA?
    • Jessica Jennings sales page feedback
      Jessica Jennings sales page feedback
    • How much time I spend marketing my courses vs preparing and delivering them?
      How much time I spend marketing my courses vs preparing and delivering them
    • Is your course more (or less) valuable, if you spend time facilitating exercises and reviews?
      Is your course more or less valuable if you spend time facilitating exercises and reviews?
    • The importance of TITLES for courses and programs, aka "the title is the product"
      The importance of titles for courses and programs
    • Onboarding group members -- how to discover what works
      Onboarding group members -- how to discover what works
    • Delivering group coaching programs - a few key tips
      Delivering group coaching programs - a few key tips
    • Different formats (1-1, group, course) for delivering your skills -- how to choose?
      Different formats (1-1, group, course)  for delivering your skills -- how to choose?
    • Major medical issues - share with audience? How to keep building business?
      Major medical issues - share with audience? How to keep building business?
    • Unexpected caretaking takes you off balance in your business rhythm?
      Unexpected caretaking takes you off balance in your business rhythm?
    • Should you try selling lower price programs? Only if you do it very lightly... gentle launches.
      Should you try selling lower price programs or higher price ones?
    • Group program too few signups scrap it or do something else?
      Group program too few signups scrap it or do something else?
    • OK to treat your substack simply as a newsletter sending tool?
      OK to treat your substack simply as a newsletter sending mechanism?
    • Mike Wang Sales Page Feedback
      Mike Wang Sales Page Feedback
    • How many social media followers should you have before launching your first course?
      How many social media followers should you have before launching your first course?
    • How often to post offers on social media vs pure content?
      How often to post offers on social media vs content without CTAs?
    • FB biz page vs personal profile - how to understand the difference in usage - where to post what?
      FB biz page vs personal profile - how to understand the difference in usage - where to post what?
    • I don't like to seed my launches with content...
      I don't like to seed my launches with content
    • πŸ˜… Rant: If not getting enough engagement with your content... should you build your biz without social media instead? πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
      Rant: Getting not enough engagement with my content - build biz without social media instead?
    • When stuck with an idea or wanting more ideas, what to do?
      When stuck with an idea or wanting more ideas, what to do?
    • How much credit to give to others whose content has heavily influenced yours?
      How much credit to give to others whose content has heavily influenced yours?
    • How many posts must your page have, before you're ready to run ads?
      How many posts must you have before you're ready to run ads?
    • Market research if you have no audience?
      Market research with no audience?
    • Market research: what if you already asked all your friends?
      Market research if you already asked all your friends
    • Group facilitators - how to stop a sharing going too long?
      Group facilitators - how to stop a sharing going too long?
    • If you have multiple audiences - do you need multiple social media accounts?
      Multiple audiences - one or multiple social media accounts?
    • ADHD expert launching group program - how to get more signups?
      ADHD expert launching group program - how to get more signups?
    • Energy healer / mindset coach wants to do free webinar to enroll people into program - good idea?
      Energy healer mindset coach wants to do free webinar to enroll people into program - good idea?
    • Taking in-person work and launching an online program (piano teacher for toddlers)
      Taking in-person work and launching an online program
    • Health/wellness coaches: do you really need to use disclaimers like "I'm not a doctor?"
      Health wellness coaches - do you need to use disclaimers like I'm not a doctor?
    • Avoid burnout when launching programs and courses...
      Avoid burnout when launching our programs and courses
    • 10 year plan vs 111 formula?
      10 year plan vs 111 formula?
    • Is there an authentic way to use lead magnets? Or what to do with the valuable freebies you've developed?
      Is there an authentic way to use lead magnets? Or what to do with the valuable freebies you've developed
    • Geekery -- monthly Q&A eligibility as tracked by Simplero and Zapier
      Geekery -- monthly Q&A eligibility as tracked by Simplero and Zapier
    • Examples of bad cold outreach messages
      Examples of bad cold outreach messages
    • How to improve engagement rate on social media? Example with Vix Anderton
      How to improve engagement rate on social media? Example with Vix Anderton
    • Ensuring that only the right people show up to your webinars and events...
      Ensuring that only the right people show up to your webinars and events
    • Email newsletters - how many lists should we have?
      Email newsletters - how many lists should we have?
    • Can FTA webinars be interactive?
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Which course of mine should you take first / now?

Alright. Let's talk about prioritizing your business actions and say hello to that point in the right direction here with my hands. This is the thing weird thing about Zoom mirroring. It's like, this is actually my left hand, and I had to, like, learn to point in this direction. Here's my dog.
My dog is outside in the yard, so here here he is on on the on the Zoom filter here, just for fun. So prioritizing fun. Maybe that's that's really the number one thing you should prioritize, you know, in in your in your business. Right? Prioritizing joy and mindful mindful action.
But I I I I know that this is something that a lot of you have issues or trouble with and rightly so. I mean, you you are your own boss, and that's the hardest part. It's like you have to figure out what what you should be doing with your time. And I just wanna give a very simple way of thinking about it. And the simple way is well, first of all, if you are not sure what you need to be doing at all, like, you're just like, why could I could do all kinds of things, and I don't have any particular pressure right now.
There's no need for like, to get clients ASAP. I just I'm not sure what to do. Then I think you should probably take the biz plan course and review that course again. And, by the way, if you are taking the biz plan course or have taken it and you you you have question about what to prioritize there, please go ahead and comment below, and I'm happy to, you know, respond to you. Basically, when it comes to prioritizing, I I think the simplest way for me to talk about it is just well, I've got these series of courses.
Right? Like, in each course is essentially think about this way. Each course that I teach is essentially a prioritization exercise right there. It's like, hey. If you wanna learn this topic or get good at this thing, this is what you should be doing in this order.
And if you don't do it in that order, you don't have to. You can pick and choose whichever part of the course interests you. That's always what I tell you. It's like, hey. Ultimately, with prioritization, you need to decide because you need to practice being your own boss, which means, well, George says this, but I'm gonna do this other thing instead.
That's fine if you truly believe that's right for you. But first of all, if you don't know what to do and you haven't taken the biz plan course, that's probably a good way of going. Secondly, if you say, well, I know what to do, which is to offer something, but I don't know what to offer. Meaning, I know I need to sell something. I need to sell, like, product or service, but I don't know what to offer.
Well, then I encourage you to take my market discovery course. As of this recording, I'm just starting to reteach it again fresh. It used to be called core, clear offer, resonant engagement, and I'm, like, reteaching the whole process again except more streamline and more detail. So the market discovery course is essentially, the first few steps the first couple of steps of core. And then I have another course coming up that's, like, the next couple steps.
So I'm gonna be more detailed and more, hopefully, more hopefully, more fun and hopefully more streamlined and hopefully more community oriented regarding the steps of figuring out. Some people say, well, figure out your niche. I don't believe in that. I really don't. I I think niching yours yourself, in my opinion, is a bad idea.
I think niching yourself is a bad idea because who are you to know what you're supposed to do with the rest of your life? Come on. Right? Like, you are way bigger than any niche. Like, you can you can niche on values because that's gonna be the rest of your life probably.
You incarnated to learn certain values, I believe, and you need by still need to discover what that is. But you can niche based on your personality if it's relatively stable for the rest of your life. Probably not. You can niche based on your name. Great.
But don't niche based on this. I niche based on offers. You can you can have 10 different niches, but just focus on 1 at a time. And that's the secret of having a successful business, in my opinion, authentic business. It's like you you you test 1 niche at a time with a very specific offer.
You can say, hey. I serve women from 45 to 47 right now this month with this particular offer. We you're helping them with their their right leg, doing this particular spiritual exercise on their right leg. Only if you're women 45 to 47. So I'm focusing on this month.
Next month, focusing on men between 22 and 24, focused on their resume. Following month, I I teach knitting, and I'm I'm gonna try them out. Who knows? Following month, I do dog training. Hey.
Judge me all you want, but I'm gonna see which one really goes viral, which one does really well. Oh my god. The knitting and serving the women 45 to 47 did really well. Cool. I'm gonna keep offering those 2 things.
Following month, I do tech consulting to corporations. Cool. And see how that works. Now maybe maybe not once a month you're doing that dramatic. See, I'm being I'm always joking around this whole niching thing because no one's gonna be like that.
No one's gonna literally go in all kinds of directions. You're probably like, well, I'm I'm generally interested in yoga, so I'm gonna probably rest of my life, honestly. And so I'm just gonna focus on this part of yoga and that part of yoga and this this particular segment and that particular segment and and maybe something adjacent to yoga, but I'm interested in wellness, basically. Right? And that fascinates me to no end.
Focusing on that for the rest of my life, probably. It's reasonable reasonable guess. So but, yeah, I'll see. Fine. Do knitting for a while.
Do whatever. You know what I mean? But, like, you have to you have to do market discovery. Like, if you if you don't allow yourself, like yeah. This has turned into a mission talk.
Right? But long story let me let me stop here. Let me stop here and say, niching yourself ossifies you and presupposes your calling way too early. If you're not yet 95, you're not ready to discover your calling yet or determine the rest of your life what your calling is yet. If you're younger than 95, don't niche yourself.
Okay? Anyone younger than 95 year? Raise your hand. Maybe some of you are older than 95 and wonderful. Congratulations.
Maybe now you can now you can niche. But, but yeah. Anyway, so market discovery, if you don't know what to offer, it's like, hey. I could offer a bunch of things. There's nothing there's nothing that I'm really solid about offering yet.
Like, nothing's really taking off. Nothing I'm offering. So people go, oh my god. Let me pot selling my hotcakes. Let me buy this thing.
It seems so great. Nothing is taking off. You have to come back to market discovery. I come back to market discovery every quarter. Honestly, I mean, I have some things that are selling pretty good, but it's like I I often sell things that don't sell very well.
And I'm like, okay. Go back to market discovery. I still sell some of the things that sold well, but that's separate story. Okay. Market discovery, it's for the beginner.
It's for the advanced. It's for everybody in my opinion. Because I have a hammer, so everything's a nail, obviously. So market discovery is my hammer. Everything's a nail.
So doing market discovery, you're not sure what to offer and or if it's not selling well. Okay? Market discovery. So that's what you should prioritize. If you know what to sell, but you just need the motivation and the guidance to go out there and do the outreach, like, actually present what it is to more people then then do authentic outreach.
That's my other course about selling. Authentic outreach will get you a plan structured to say, alright. I'm gonna be announcing this as in a structured way. I know this thing is gonna sell pretty well if enough people know about it. Just not enough people know about it, so I gotta do authentic outreach.
That's what you should do. Okay? If you and by the way, if you don't have authentic outreach, you don't have enough credits to buy it or whatever, credits a b c members, or or currency to buy it, whatever. You can you can you can go to the simple authentic money making course. That's kind of a light version of authentic outreach, honestly, simple authentic money making.
And for ABC members, you all already have that as one of the foundational courses. So you can just go ahead and do that one. If you don't need if you know what to offer but you don't need clients for a while, like, 6 to 12 months, okay, then I recommend the net caring course. 6 to 12 months, I'll need clients for now, but I know I'm gonna need it. Maybe within a year, I'll I'll start to need clients again.
Net caring is good to focus on because it gets you reconnected with your colleagues, with your past clients, in a way that's caring and thoughtful, and it just it brings some more life honestly to this idea of outreach again and and connection. And by doing that, you're doing something that most people don't do, which is you're connecting with people. Most people are so isolated, to be honest, these days, particularly solopreneurs, so isolated or they or if they, like, post content, it's like one to many and they might respond to some comments, but they're not really connecting in a personal way. So net caring helps you to do that, which helps you get clients in the long term. Okay?
And if you say, George, I don't actually need to figure out what to offer. I don't need to sell anything. I just I'm really looking long term here, and I would like to build a really solid foundation for years to come. Then I then I have a simple then it's simple. It's joyful productivity and authentic content flow.
Joyful productivity and authentic content flow. Joyful productivity gets you a system of your daily structure. What is your daily structure? How do you balance your work, rest, play? How do you work with joy?
Just to have your precious life not be slipping away, especially if you don't need something. If you don't need to get clients soon, it's so easy to just like, oh, I don't know what to do. I'm just gonna play with my business, which is fine, but it's like joyful productivity. Let yourself get into an optimized and joyful structure with how you spend your day. Don't let your life life slip away.
Okay? And part of your structure probably ought to be creating authentic content on a consistent basis because that sets you up for an audience for the long term, which allows you then to do everything we've just talked about, market discovery, you know, authentic outreach, you know, net caring, on and on and on and on. So I hope this is helpful. You might need to maybe watch this video again on 2 x speed, and here's the exercise for you. If you like to comment below, you're welcome to, or just write on your own.
What are you prioritizing in your business at this time? You can give me one thing or you can give me several things. And here's 1 whether you give me 1 or, like, 3 things, you're you're prioritizing your business at this time. I also ask you to justify it. Okay?
Again, you could comment below so I can see it, or you can do it on your own. That's fine. But what are you focusing on your business at this time? 1 to 3 things. And justify why is it an an important priority for you at this time.
Okay? And and and if you want to say, George, I'm taking your your your, I'm currently taking xyz course. That's great. But tell me what about that course are you focused on prior are you doing at this time? Like, if you're doing the biz plan course, are you focused on creating your 12 month plan?
Right? If you're taking the authentic outreach course, are you right now working on what your 3, what your, enrollment circles are, which what what which people fit into which circles. So, like, give me a little of the specifics. What are you focused on as a priority at this time and why? So I look forward to seeing your comments below.
And I wasn't recording any of it, was I? Oh, I was I am recording. Okay. Am I recording? Why?
For those of you who are who are who are watching the recording is laughing because, apparently, with the new Zoom, the recording the recording the fact that something is recording isn't where it used to be. It's now higher up on the top right. So, yes, I can see I'm recording. Here we go. I'm glad I'm testing this right now.
Okay. Alright. Well, I look forward to seeing your comments below or in any questions you have below is great as well. Thanks.

Courses mentioned:


Market Discovery

Authentic Outreach

Simple Authentic Moneymaking


Joyful Productivity

Authentic Content Flow

This is a preview lesson and you can watch it by clicking the Play button above.Β  Enjoy :)

To read or add comments, log in first... or if you haven't enrolled in any of my courses (to get logged-in access), check them out here.

Last updated 26 Apr 2024.