Michael Lardizabal

Hi, I'm Michael Lardizabal (flows kinda like "Water Bottle"). 🌊

Full-time voice and guitar teacher forced to start over after a jaw/ear condition changed everything. 

7 years of growth, learning new creative skills, and rebuilding, and now I'm an artist multi-passionate creative, and a coach looki…

Active 3mo ago Joined 2 Jun 2023 (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

What Content Do People Want From Expression-based Creatives?

Today, I'm thinking a lot about what people want from content when it comes to expressive artists, so I can better learn how I want to steer my own content. 

There's the obvious content that shares finished works whether visual art, music, dance, fiction, etc. 

But often finished pieces take a long time. 

Most content advice talks about providing value, often through education. 

For expressive creatives, this can be a slippery slope if education isn't a big part of their revenue strategy; i.e…


@Susan Tutt Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. It's truly helpful to hear not only confirmation that what you seek out as a viewer of artists is similar to my own viewer perspective. In addition, thank you for the specificity of some of your examples. You've given me a lot of great insights to reflect on. 😊🙏 

Forget the "how" when you want to heal

Wow! I just received a powerful message from the Divine.
Care to listen?
I was composing some content about healing.
In one particular moment, I focused on the idea of "Don't worry about the how" -- meaning, HOW you are going to "get there."
I emphasized the importance of "staying open to possibility" and "trusting in the process"... like any good manifestation protocol...
...when all of a sudden...
... a beautiful brown-speckled sparrow flew in through the open window of my office!
It r…


This one drew me in from the title, the story, and the message all the way through. I already share the belief around "being married to the mission, not the method", so to observe myself experiencing your content. 

  • I saw your headline and had some reaffirmation around a previous belief, but applied to a new domain (interested!) 
  • Told a story, but held off on the payout until after connecting your idea (felt good and complete, felt myself reading it with ease like it was something I was reading I sought out online versus stumbled upon in the group if that makes sense) 
  • Great, quick wrap-up. 

Great job! Definitely resonated with me. 

Forget Dystopia & Utopia- Try Thrutopia Instead

Open any newspaper, watch any news, turn on your favourite streaming service, and it seems like you cannot avoid a devastatingly dystopian view of the future. Everything is terrible, life is going to be awful. We’re on an inexorable and inevitable nosedive into apocalyptic disaster. (​Watch video​)

The only alternative that is readily available is some rather delightful utopian ideas about how things could be, you know, if only we all just banded together, and were friends and just kind of de…


I love the idea of a Thrutopia. Also, I gave a little listen/watch to your IG video, and you've got a great voice and calm presence on video. 

Affirmations To Help Reframe Excuses


If you've recently gone through some life-changing events or emotional trauma, then it might actually not be the time to reframe or challenge your excuses. You may just need time to process your feelings. 

These affirmations are mainly for people who are feeling habitually stuck, but from a less emotionally charged place, who are looking for a little challenge, empowerment, and reframing of their current beliefs around excuses.

I no longer have to give excuses all m…

Healing Yourself From Illness

Recently I was asked how to cure yourself from chronic and even terminal illness. 
While there is no magic formula, I have the honor of sharing some insights of what helped me recover overnight from Multiple Sclerosis about a year after my diagnosis. 

I came up with a memorable phrase to help you tap into your body’s innate ability to heal: 


 STEP 1: Curiosity. Be curious about what’s possible for you. When I healed with faith from Multiple Sclerosis, I was open to the miraculous. I saw…


I love that you start out with curiosity, and what is curiosity but enough belief, enough hope, to explore possibilities? 

During my darker periods of dealing with chronic TMJ, I felt hopeless and took little action. It wasn't until I approached things with that curious mindset that I found better help. 

What is true well-being?

Human well-being is made up of human needs.

The more I’m able to care for my needs the more I increase my well-being.

Examples of needs are - the need for security and certainty, the need to be seen, heard and understood, the need for play and fun, the need for freedom and independence, the need for meaning and contribution and the need for connection, belonging and community.

A comprehensive list can be found here

In fact this is what we are all “doing” here on earth. We are all longing and …


I enjoyed the breakdown of connecting every action to a different human need, as well as your big take on well-being. After a few years of survival/desperation mode, it's definitely taken me time to become aware of more needs than the few that are most natural for me to keep front-of-mind, and then apply that creativity to meeting them.

I think this is a great way of thinking about these things. Thanks for sharing!