Guillaume Wiatr
Ⓜ️ MasterHeart


I am Guillaume, a French management consultant living since 2008 in Seattle, Washington.

My business is MetaHelm. MetaHelm specializes in Strategic Narrative for professional services firms (Consultants, Coaches, Engineers, Advisors, Software Developers, Architects, Designers, etc.). We g…

Active 4d ago Joined 17 Jul 2022 Guadalajara (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Launch Your Group Program Implementation Classes (July & August) 💜

Join us to launch the group program you've been dreaming about for too long. Or to enhance your current group program.

Here is George's corresponding course:

  • Wednesday, July 24th, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, July 31st, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, August 21st, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, August 28st, 2024, 4:00 pm PST


Session Format:

  • 5 minutes for gr…

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Happening now, the Launch Your Group Program Implementation Class! Join us.

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Hola! Class is starting now! Come work on launching your group program. It's joyful!

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Fi Kahani Sure, I'll take a look! Send it to
Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

We're doing it again today!! Join us for an implementation class on Launching Your Group Program. You can also work on semi-related topics too! Whatever helps you with accountability. We love it! 😍

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Hello all - Launch Your Group Program Implementation Class starting in 5 minutes. Join me and 

@Fi Kahani !

Feedback Needed on an Offer for a coder support online community


I'm putting together one offer after seeing George's Doorway Challenge...

I'm going to run it by the UnblockMe community we're serving too for their honest feedback.

Could you give me your thoughts?

@Colleen O'Connor thanks for your advice! I already included it.

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Very clear and compelling. Although I am not a coder, I got the point and might be able to explain the offer to people I meet. Great work!

Fi Kahani 🔤 ABC
actually wait 

@Guillaume Wiatr could you comment here? so it's all in one place for me when Igo back and make edits 
Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Fi Kahani Yes of course

Tool to get you to use simple language when answering "What do you do?".

One of my clients came across this site, which forces you to describe a hard idea using only the thousand most used words in the English language. It's quite hard to do, but I found it really worthwhile to help me explain what it is I do, in really simple language:

Here is my attempt at explaining what I do. I am only three non-permitted words away from the goal... arrrrhhhhggg... so hard. Apparently, I can't use (OWNERS, CHOICES, VALUES). But hey, not bad, right?…

Ginny Branden 🔤 ABC

This would be really difficult for me to do since "Owners," "Pet," and "Connect" all came up flagged! I'm not sure how else to explain what I do without those words that wouldn't make it awkward to understand. 
I serve pets and their owners and help them connect better! 🤣

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Ginny Branden What matters is the intention of implications. Only 3 non-permitted words is excellent to me. That's what I ended-up with. "owners" was also one of mine, as "business owners". Another kind of pet... 😀

New Authentic Outreach Implementation Classes (June 2024) 💜

Join us to shine Like a lighthouse through authentic outreach

  • Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 4:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 4:00 pm PST


Why is Authentic Outreach needed? => Watch George's Answer!

Session Format:

  • 5 minutes for greetings/check-in. “Where are you at with implementing this course, and what would you like to work on in this session?”
  • 50 minutes of co-working time where each pers…

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Class is now! Jump on the call.

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Reminder - class is today, Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 4:00 pm PST. See you there!

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Yes, officially, this is for Authentic Outreach.

But feel free to attend these sessions and work on Market Discovery instead. Both topics are so connected anyway...

Thanks for checking.

Behind The Curtain Of Your Content Creation Process: Revealing The George Kao Magic

Hi George,

I've been wondering what your entire workflow and system looks like for content publication. Would you be able to walk us through it in your Q&A session today? Or maybe you already have a video about this?

I ask because I am (only) sharing through 3 channels - email list - Linkedin - and YouTube, and I feel like I am maxed out and think I would need help to go beyond this point. So, how do you possibly post on 15 different channels? I want to learn your magic trick. 🪄🤣

Joke aside, I am simply looking for possibilities to update my publication workflow to make it broader and easier.

As always, thank you!


George Kao Ⓜ️ MasterHeart 🔤 ABC

Here's the recording!

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@George Kao Thank you so much, George, this was a GREAT Q&A session.

ConvertKit - free up to 10K subscribers

Hello all, I’m currently using Mailchimp for my newsletter and sometimes think about moving to ConvertKit or Substack for a few different reasons. They each to seem to have their benefits. 

ConvertKit has launched a new plan offering up to 10K subscribers for free (I think it was up to 1K previously) ⬇️

If you use ConvertKit, would you recommend it? Do you like it? Thanks! 

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

That's an incredibly great deal. I left Convertkit last year because I had to pay almost $400/year for less than 500 subs.

New Authentic Outreach Implementation Classes (March & April) 💜

Join us to implement Joyful, Honest Methods For Keeping Your Client Roster Full.

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 5:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 5:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 , 5:00 pm PST
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 5:00 pm PST 


What January & February participants said:

  • "Thank you for your gentle facilitation and sharing of your experience, Guillaume!" - @Bingjie Huang 
  • "Made 3 reels for Instagram with 1 ready to post…


I am so sorry I have to miss today's session :( Thank you, Guillaume, for organizing and I hope to see you at another one.

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Aurora Meneghello No worries, thanks for letting me know.


Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Hello all! Reminder => Another implementation class is today! It might be a good change to dive / dive back into Authentic Outreach.

Brandon Wong 🔤 ABC


@Guillaume Wiatr, for today's session! I haven't co-worked in a while, and it felt really nice to do. I appreciated your guidance, too, to check out the "easily referrable issue" + "gentle launches" section of Authentic Outreach and getting your support around the niching stage that I'm at right now. Even just saying out loud where I'm at right now felt integrating and energizing. I hope to be back for a session in the future! 
Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Brandon Wong Wonderful!
Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Reminder => The first implementation class is tonight!

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

The first class is this Wednesday => come work joyfully together on your authentic outreach

Re. FTA Webinars

Do you still recommend doing this on a weekly/monthly basis? Or is it more efficient to focus my attention on creating content regularly and addressing the same information in the regular content? Thanks and looking forward to Thursdays Q&A! 

@George Kao

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Jonathan Breshin I've been doing FTAs since 2021. In the beginning, I framed them as simple webinars. I started with once a week for 20 weeks. It was exhausting, but I shed all the shallow thoughts in my mind and dug deeper into the core of my overall perspective. The idea of my main framework emerged from this exercise. It was valuable but a bit brutal. My audience couldn't keep up... Then, in 2022, @George Kao  introduced me to his version of FTA, and I started doing them monthly. That's a suitable rhythm for me, and I've been able to do 19 of them in a row, almost all of them on different topics, but all related to my model. I am still learning and more and more excited about this practice. Pace yourself, and explore possible format options. It's fun!

Quick Question on "Direct Sales"


@George Kao and ABC community!

I have a quick question. I feel comfortable with marketing, but I would like a breakthrough in a more direct selling approach. What I mean is that I am comfortable with people finding me, reaching out, even maybe inviting them very gently to a conversation after we have connected, but I am not comfortable with more direct outreach approaches (e.g. emails asking for referrals, approaching a company I am not already well connected to, etc.).
I would like to …

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart


@Aurora Meneghello . Authentic outreach is the course you need. I raised my hand to help with the implementation course because I constantly study this theme. I think that having a business model based on referrals can be a great strategy as long as you embrace the approach, let your network know that your business is based on referrals, and make it as easy as possible for people to refer new clients to you. George's business is one of the best examples I know. I found him through a referral and keep referring business to him because it is so easy to do, and I am proud to say that I work with him and his community. It's all about authenticity. George's course on Authentic Outreach includes many important principles such as "circle or enrolment," the "Director of admissions mindset," and "netcaring calls." I hope this helps!

How to set up FTA webinar on Simplero

@George Kao I'm planning on running some webinars - Free to Attend but with a Paid Recording - to help my supporters get to know me and my teaching style better. Would you be happy to share a brief walk through of how you set these up in Simplero? I'm guessing it involves a landing page, an event and a product? And is there a way to automate adding a tag to people who actually attend? Many thanks in advance if this is possible. 

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@George Kao @Mark Ridsdill Smith I would love to learn more about this too. I am on Simplero as well and think I could do a better job using it for my monthly FTA live workshops.

💜 Authentic Outreach Implementation Class 💜

This class will make you LOOOOOOOOVE selling if you're not already obsessed with this theme like I am.

Details here:

See you soon!


Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

Another joyfully productive Authentic Outreach implementation class today. A few of us gathered to reconnect with this topic and share the positive intentions that help connect with our past, current, and future clients. Thank you all for the great energy!

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

In our first implementation session, we were able to accomplish our goals. This hour was the opportunity for me to revisit my strategy for launching FTA (Free-to-attent, paid recording) live workshops.

Thank you @TeAroha Haunui and @Bingz Huang for showing up and providing the accountability that I needed.

Energy signature class-wide exercise - recognize each other's ES 4:12
Notice and help name each others' energy signatures...

The most valuable part of this course is the natural filtering process that gathered us here: we each resonated with the energy of this course, then cared enough about working on becoming keen observers and expressers of energy signature, to be here! Let's utilize this precious opportunity 💛 Step 1 -- Find a piece of content that you believe strongly reflects your energy signature. It could be a video, piece of writing, an image you created, a podcast episode, a webpage, or a social media post. Step 2 -- Add a comment below and give us the link to that piece of content. (First make sure it is publicly accessible, so we can see/experience it.) Don't tell us what part of your energy signature it expresses. Let us discover it for ourselves. If you don't yet have a piece to share with us, just go to Step 3 for now and reply to others' pieces. In the (near) future come back when you have a piece to share with us and take the above steps. Step 3 -- Reply to 2 other people's comments, especially if they haven't received any replies yet, to let them know: What aspect of their energy signature is very apparent for you... try to name something that other repliers haven't yet named... ...and also, what potential do you see with their energy signature that you'd love to see them strengthen? Enjoy this exercise! Besides the comments below (scroll down), also check out the live chats from zoom for this segment here. (If you don't see any comments below, it means you're not logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)

Kayli Larkin 🔤 ABC

Request: If you watch this, please let this piece of content run even if you turn down the volume, because otherwise it's going to hurt the analytics :)

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Kayli Larkin I should also add these words came to me without visiting your Youtube profile or website.

Guillaume Wiatr Ⓜ️ MasterHeart

@Heather Lakatos Impressive! Thank you so much for all this hard work.