Hi everyone !

I'm an IFS and Shamanic practitioner, based in France, but who also works online in English and French (mostly USA, UK, Israel and France, until now).

I deal both with physiological difficulties - using more particularly Shamanism and dietary guidance (GAPS); and psychological issues…

Active 1y ago Joined 30 May 2022 (GMT+01:00) Paris
Notifications tutorial - get only the emails you want from my course platform 5:25
The "Notifications" Page - get only the emails you want from my course platform

Click here for the Notifications Page ...and if you're not seeing the courses you're enrolled in on the Notifications page, see the video below.


I turned off notifications except those mentioning me, and because I put a number of posts yesterday I'm still receiving a large number of "individual" emails. I

Is it possible to have a daily digest, rather than an email for each "like", etc. ? 
