
Tracy O'Meara Smith

About Tracy

I am a Flower Essence and Bowen Practitioner who supports mainly women to gain relief and also gain their inner strength to cope better through times of deep inner change, chronic pain and remedial health issues.

Flowers Essences play a unique role as they work alongside the body work in such an integrated way. Bowen therapy has this ability to help people to find their inner strength and let of the automatic trauma responses

The flowers also help to support the awakening of the internal intelligence of their system.

Many of the flower essences spark a reawakening of the structural ( and also energetic)  ability of being in alignment with their internal intelligence. The Bowen and the flowers play a special importance in this within my practice.

I work 1:1 within my clinic and online through the flower essence readings - there are incredibly powerful and you receive a custom made flower essence, I also run a 3 month 1:1 Flower Essence program that supports a long term transformation changes.

Working in this way gifts time to those who are ready to embark and gentle and life affirming shift out of old pain patterns or simply empower themselves to create a new way of relating to themselves and the world. I also have my own flower essence range.

I've joined Masterhearts after completing an incredible research paper through the Flower Essence Society (FES) gifting this work transformative proof.

I want to share this with as many people as I can and also be supported and support others through their business processes.

I know how amazing this group(and George is) and looking forward to our time together.

I'm here to expand my network, gain support, support others, increase my income, collab and make as many friends along the way


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