Olga Brovko

Hi! Happy to be here!

I'm Olga from beautiful country of mountains and sea - Montenegro. Half a year ago I finished a Mindfulness instructor Course and now I'm working on implementation of this knowledge, that's why I'm interested in Youtube, as it could be my creative platform for sharing what I like so much. Also I'm a photographer and videographer & former teacher with years of exploration of self-discovery field, so hopefully these skills will be helpful in my YouTube Journey too. 


Active 10mo ago Joined 27 Dec 2023 (GMT+01:00) Belgrade
1 Warm Welcome 4:22
Welcome to the YouTube course! + Our Community Values

A warm welcome here! I see this course as a community... but it’s not just random comments from random people, but rather, focused and kind comments, from your fellow authentic YouTube creators, for the purpose of encouragement and learning.  The most important part of a community is its culture. I consider each of us to be culture-setters. We influence the culture with every interaction we have here.  A few values I recommend that we keep in mind...  Comment once, reply twice. For each comment that you make, look for 2 other people's comments (especially ones with few comments) and add a reply – with your encouragement and suggestions (if appropriate). This helps to balance the comment/reply ratio, and gives you practice in seeking and giving support in this community. Start with appreciation. Begin your comment about another person's video with your appreciation. Each person's energy signature is unique. It can be difficult to notice one's own, and easier to notice others'. Try to name something, however small, that you appreciate about their video. We all have a fear of being fully seen. Let’s help each other feel accepted and received. Offer suggestions with kindness. It can be hard to receive feedback, especially when someone is new to making video. We do like offering each other suggestions here -- it helps us improve -- however, be gentle/considerate in how you offer your suggestions to one another. Be generous with sharing tips. We are all learning about YouTube together, myself included! If you discover something that works, or hear about a great tip, please do share it with us. Go to lessons learned and choose the appropriate segment to comment on. Sharing will make this course better for all of us. Let me know below if these values are helpful, and if you have any suggestions. The values we embody together here is what makes this course experience amazing for each other 😊 (This is a preview segment. If you don't see any comments below, you might not be logged into the course, or perhaps not enrolled. If you haven't enrolled, you can do so here.)

Posting here, my first ever YouTube Video, as I promised to all of you today: With great love, compassion and the highest of commitment to our collective journey on the planet:

If You Cannot FEEL, You Cannot Heal
@Shoubhik Purkayastha
As I’ve read, we can post our videos in a Facebook group (private only for the course participants), there all the links are clickable, you can find the group in Module 1 - video 7

Here in your comment the link is not clickable, at least for me reading it from the phone)
Really appreciate the idea of value-based commenting, it will definitely help the community building and nurture the feeling of support 🙏