Sarah Bonza

Active 1y ago Joined 21 Jul 2023 (GMT-05:00) America/Kentucky/Louisville

Why The Future of Medicine Is Rooted in Wellness and Lifestyle: A Focus on Perimenopause

I am Dr. Sarah Bonza, the founder of Bonza Health, an online medical practice dedicated to helping women navigate the perimenopausal changes. Our focus lies in a deeply holistic approach, with an emphasis on wellness coaching, lifestyle medicine, and functional medicine. Today, I'm excited to talk to you about the future of medicine - a future that I passionately believe rests firmly on the pillars of wellness and lifestyle medicine.

Why the future of medicine rests on the pillars of wellnes…


So, yes, this was a post I generated w Chat GPT that reflects the modalities I’m integrating in my business.  (Please don’t judge too harshly!  I am working 15 hour days in the hospital and generated this before a hospital shift.  This is my dream to be able to truly help women and find freedom for myself.)

Greatest tool I didn’t even realize that I need! Just had to stop what I’m doing to list my courses in this!