I wanna show you one of the neat features of the platform, which is that you can change whether it's in light mode or dark mode.And, no, this does not have to do with your your moral compass.Personally, I actually like dark mode because it's easier on my eyes.Just I'm more photosensitive.So, having having mostly the dark background with light text is is easier for me to to to look at and read.
But, you know, you might you might want I think the default is probably the light mode.So that's probably more understandable, more, yeah, it's easier for most people to understand and kinda navigate, but feel free to play around with the light and dark mode.Auto just means whatever your own system is set to my my computer system is set to dark mode whenever possible, so auto automatically defaults to dark mode for me.So, anyway, play with that, and, let's move on from here.