Kate McNeill

Active 2y ago Joined 20 Aug 2022 Guadalajara (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West

Coercion in the name of friendship (vs natural alignment)

Because of the need to protect the privacy of the person concerned, I probably won’t publish this piece anywhere else so it means even more to share these insights here.

Last week I wrote about a peak experience I had when a dear friend abroad gave me a one-to-one journalling party as a belated birthday present. 

The party lasted an hour and resulted in a heightened, productive state all that day. I believe because of the power of natural alignment.

This week, life has provided a perfect illumi…


@Dorota Godby well done for listening to your sensitivity especially when a friend cannot hold space for it. 

How vulnerability and genius play together

This week I have been exploring the important (and somewhat difficult and scary) topics of vulnerability and asking for help.

And the question that has been the center of my exploration is:

How can you allow yourself to be truly vulnerable by not trying to do it all on your own, and allow others to contribute their genius to help you reach your goals?

When I explore something, I like to combine head and heart. 

I like to understand the deeper mening of a word or a topic while I'm getting a di…


I love this inquiry so much @Marianne Nygaard 

When I read it, I see the answers pop up in the questions themselves - as a felt experience or appreciation of the fine balance between intention and surrender, between self determination, allowing the contribution of others and a pinch of chance. 

And thank you for teaching me this: 

The word authentic comes from the Greek ‘autentas’ and interestingly it means ‘the mark of the hands’. So, authentic means, what starts in the heart ends up in our hands! 

What Is Helping?

(I noticed just now that only part of my story had made it through the copy and paste process. Sigh. Here's the Whole Enchilada!)

Recently a client asked about supporting a friend whom she described as a stress-bucket taking on the weight of the world. She had a brief, upcoming visit with her and wanted to give her the self-care tools to better manage her experience.

She asked me for any shamanic tips, breathing practices, etc, that she could share.

I sat with that for two days.

In those two …


@Mara Clear Spring Cook  this is so juicy, thank you! Contemplation caves - I may borrow that! :) 

Polyvagal theory and social psychology - a passionate inquiry

Hi Soul Gymsters

Here is a post that starts a set of content I'm exploring on applying neuroscience to understanding group and social environments. 

I notice I have resistance to posting this one as it feels niche and perhaps many won't relate to it...or it may have too much intellectual content. Feeling the right balance of academic content is an ongoing inquiry for me. 

I'd love to hear your initial thoughts....

Making Presence for Kairos time

Hi everyone 

Here is my content offering this week. 

The seed of its idea was my reaction (anger, annoyance, dread) to hearing the first mention of Christmas and end of year planning. 

In reflecting on my reaction, I saw my commitment to living with presence and not defaulting to social habits in communication. 

One of my teachers in Australia - Christine McDougall - uses Kairos time as a module in her curriculum and encourages us to use it to rebuild our relationship with mother nature, in business and in life. 



LOL I can relate - I see the christmas things and have a few feelings come up! 

I haven't heard about Kairos time and I love the idea. I'm going to look into it a bit more x


Great @Natasha Berta  thanks for the feedback


If I ever come across as unfriendly to you, it’s not because I don’t like you. It’s because I’m so busy in the back of my head calculating what is the appropriate level of acknowledgment, affinity, or outright affection to share with you. I feel deeply, so I want to run up and hug you and tell you I love you. But your partner might not like that. Or you might think I’m flirting with you. I’m not. I’m not trying to date or sleep with you. I just want to let you know how loved and accepted you …


I relate to this post so captures beautifully the experience of us sensitive humans affirming they don't have to be easy for the world @Ericka O'Cain

Do I really keep these stuff?

I was thinking to quit my commitment of Soul Gym Postings here, because my main task is to declutter the house of my parents at the moment. That means go on a discovery journey of 50 years.
And then the idea came up, what if I share my thoughts and learnings (maybe).

One thing what I start to reflect on myself is, to ask me and to check my drawer, do I really need to store these things? For example, greetings cards from 5 years ago and more?

I am on the way to change my view on this topic.

Thanks for your patience, if I post lately and also thanks for the energy support of this group.


@Jutta Held i get a sense of how deep and slow this process is. It could be tempting to rush it or not give yourself space to have this inquiry. Courage and blessings to you. 

Heather Tobin 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Drop the Ball Wednesday

I dropped the ball... totally forgot to do my writing this week.. AND... I broke my writing streak in my journal and my gratitude book.  

HOWEVER.. I've been VERY on the ball with business things this week.  So there's that. :D 

Maybe... this is a lesson in juggling. One can only have so many balls in the air at once.. eventually something is going to drop. 


Maybe the ball didn't just temporarily lost sight of it in an outer orbit :) 

How Connection Helps your Motivation

I was working on the concept of transitions this week but I just made this one this morning prior to checking in here so thought I'd post. Any comments directly on the post itself super appreciated if it feels good to do so xx


How your office environment shapes your options, for better or worse

I’m helping a newly self-employed therapist set up her home office and this week I heard her gasp with excitement, halfway through the project.

It’s not surprising. She’s juggling being an older, single parent, developing her client work and finding her way in a new house and neighbourhood. That’s a lot to handle and it was reflected in the state of her environment at the start of the project.

All floor and furniture surfaces were covered with piles of MIXED-purpose, jumbled up objects and pap…


If I offered compassionate, online handholding for reorganising a home office, would you prefer that as a concentrated project over a long weekend or more spread out, say as half a day per week for a month?

My answer - half a day per week for a month. It's the kind of thing I'd like to learn about some reflection privately ....have you generate ideas with me about what I really want .....and then move into the practical elements of how to create that environment. Good luck @Dorota Godby

Full Moon and Flowers - Full Moon October 9th/10th

Hi Everyone, 

I've just added my first article to Medium where I can show case my passion for astrology, weaving this with the healing flower essence for the lunations. 

There's a Full Moon this weekend - Monday in Australia. So I have added some insight you may find useful for healing and personal growth.

I also sent this to my email list - so I hope you enjoy.

Here's the link for you to check it out.


Hi @Tracy O'Meara Smith yes great to see help for people to attune to moon energy. 

Just sharing a curiosity that came up reading your post - how do the flower essences work to support the adjustment and use of the full moon energy? 

Reflections on "leaving the cave"...

Hi peeps,

This week I'm reflecting on taking the results of my spiritual practice "out of the cave"... and "into the world".

And noticing what came/comes up (resistance, doubts, fears) when I do so.

And I'm also adding the link to my YouTube channel I reference as well;

Be light, Andrew


Thanks for sharing.....I'm in the cave today as I right this....but cheering you on! @Andrew H Hryniewicz

Let them stew in it for a's sometimes the. best thing you can do

It's easy to think we have to DO something to help others, and sometimes, choosing to wait and do nothing is the kindest thing we can do :)




This really resonates with me @Natasha Berta clients and work partners are characteristically living and working in flight and fight / panic mode and I just have to leave them to it. Sometimes I feel rude and sometimes my laissez faire attitude (refusal to react) is misunderstood as not caring. But it's the best and only way to sustainably be of service imho. 

Bingz Huang 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

The Value of Dancing 'Under The Radar'

Lately, I've been feeling called to learn contemporary dance from Will Johnston through his STEEZY classes. I love how he encourages us to move 'under the radar'. Our movements don't have to be louder than the music.

We don't need to push and whack the beats all the time. Dancing this way to two of his routines helps me relax more into exploring the space around me, and to relax more into melting into myself. 

I started dancing through hard-hitting old-school hip hop moves two decades ago as a …


This is delightful @Bingz Huang  you inspire me each week, thank you 

An Inner Shift Sweeps the 'I'

I’ve been feeling within my being a shift coming for the last few months.  It is like a wind from another part of the globe which is making its way to my land.  As it arrives, it stirs up my inner landscape, breaking old tree limbs, and scattering the dry leaves from this year’s growth.  I also know that it brings news – small messages that will also fall like the leaves at my feet – first gently and then more strongly as the wind fully comes to inhabit my world.

As it fills my being, my emot…


Yes I can feel it too @Elaine Harding :) 

Connected to Help

In last week’s post, I described a method for writing which involved getting into a meditative-like, open to receive, state of being.  Some people responded that they use something similar, and I really like the way it was succinctly described as “Don’t stop, Don’t edit, Don’t worry”  (thank you @Pam Sourelis !)  This week, I tried this same method for my post, including putting on instrumental/no-words music to keep the mind from interfering and getting in the way of the download. 

Of course…


I'm borrowing this one for next week @Marlene Yamashita  I had a rough week with the the inner commentary. It's all a practice! Well done. I can hear hope in your share. 

Quotes - use them sparingly and when stuck in a content bottleneck

Posting my wednesday post on a friday....

So what happened? 

I had 2 content pieces that kept falling to pieces in front of the keyboard.....I noticed I was in a cycle of frustration - fitting writing into small chunks of time and cumulating more tension with each 'failed attempt' to land the piece. 

Then what?

Well, I had recently decided that I don't want to use quotes in my content. I rarely resonate with one liners and affirmations that feel like they gloss over the gritty multidimensiona…

Intention: Week of September 19

A Glorious Sunday + Much Love & Joy to You All!

I am thrilled to be back in my space in Sussex Borough, NJ. As it is my first full week back, I am taking a luxurious week to fully be re-centered and grounded.

  • I have declared Wednesday, September 21 as my New Year. Who says the New Year must start on January 1? I'm unconventional and I am ready for a fresh beginning so I am declaring it so. 
  • Starting this week, I am changing my morning practices. I will do a Wake, Walk, Wonder session for the…


Wake, Walk, Wonder! That is so catchy @Julie Jordan Scott

Bingz Huang 💗 Conversation Booster 🔤 ABC

Celebrating Me Wearing a Crop Top

Yes, that’s me in the photos! 😁

I’m 41 years old and I’ve put on a lot of weight throughout three pregnancies. My youngest son is going to celebrate his fifth birthday soon and I’ve yet to lose much weight since I gave birth to him. Two years ago, I bought a cute crop top, thinking that it’ll motivate me into having a flat and toned belly if I kept up with the daily workouts.

I didn’t keep up with the 45-minute workouts. But I did continue to do the 6-minute warm-up routine in the F…


Oooh I'm inspired. I'd like to take up the challenge to do a similar post in coming weeks....not sure about the crop top....will contemplate could have started something! @Bingz Huang

"Unexpected Change"

There are times where, spiritually, I feel "something is coming." Recently I've been feeling this in a bigger way, and possibly on multiple fronts.

Tonight I couldn't settle on what my focus would be for this week, so I drew a card from my current favorite tarot deck ... aaaand I drew the tower. 😅🤣 

I generally like the Tower card, I'm not in the camp that's scared of it. It does feel a little more ominous right now than usual, but I think that has more to do with the depth of unknowing tha…


I use the tarot cards too @Sonja Amundson ... I hear in your post a willingness to greet the Tower card however it's energy presents. 

Writing About Writing

I haven’t quite figured out ‘my way’ of creating content each week other than honoring my commitment to post something each Friday. (ok, sometimes it technically gets posted in the wee hours of Saturday morning, but I still like to count that as “Friday”).  This week I’m in a 3-day workshop event, leaving less free time for my writing.  I’m sure I’ll eventually find a way to get my writing out “on time", but today I feel under pressure to “get something out there”.  This doesn’t feel like a h…


@Marlene Yamashita  this really resonated with me and reminds me of the art of circling / dancing with the writing process. I'm curious - what was the beginning question you all started with? 

Work In Progress

I often think of myself as a turtle. Slow and steady wins the race. I remember years ago when I set out on “being an artist for a living” journey, someone told me to always remember that it takes 20 years to be an overnight success. I have been chipping away very slowly claiming a bit more of what I really want until I get to the kernel of truth. So many people on the outside now want you to know what that is instantly and begin marketing it but that’s a bit challenging for me. I am reflectiv…


@lauren this is stunning! I love it that you are practicing and honouring the slow burn of artistic life and allowing yourself to be supported in community 

Continue doing the work

This week I have continued working on feeling my emotions. I have noticed how much comfortable I feel about doing it. I don't feel the resistance quite as much anymore. It is helping me become more aware of my inner self.


Well done @Itziar Navaridas  keep going, keep being, keep feeling :) 

Our Sacred Scars as a Pathway to Deepen Our Service

I gave a talk at our local spiritual center on Sunday on 'Sacred Scars: How Our Wounds Become Our Greatest Teachers'.  I have been exploring how these scars are our friends and also become a pathway to deepen our service.

Here's my Instagram Post on 'How to Deepen Your Service':

Enjoy the week!


Hi @Elaine Harding , I commented on your Insta. Great post. 

🌊 Allowing The Waves 🌊

Hey Soul Gymers! 

I am continuing to use the new InVideo platform to create content. I like it. Here is the latest content creation on both TikTok and IG. So grateful this community has inspired me to do consistent creation. :-) 

🌊 Allowing The Waves 🌊

And if you are interested in exploring InVideo (as a few people have mentioned interest in) you can use my affiliate link here to explore. :-) 


Lovely to watch your Insta video. I commented directly that it felt very soothing and meditative to watch. @Antonio Aversano

'Holding space' in the world of business

Here is my wednesday weekly post. 

I was inspired to write about being on a leadership panel, where one of the terms I usually associated with healing and energetic medicine communities, has appeared as management lingo. 

Incorporating embodiment language into business cycles excites me, and also warrants caution. As soon as a term becomes well known, it loses its energy because it is (perceived as) just another management tool. 

Does this resonate with anyone? 

In What Areas Of My Life Am I Still Holding Back?

This week I reflected on the question: "In which areas of your life are you still holding back until you feel like you know what you are doing?" 

I explored what is holding me back and what could help me move forward. 

Here is my post on LinkedIn:

The same post on Instagram:


I commented on your Linkedin article @Manuela Pauer. I also found myself wanting a solution at the end of the article.....I don't know if you have solutions to it and not all content needs solutions...but I wanted to share my first /fresh response. 

Vulnerability Hangover - Disclosure Reaction

(This is a work in progress. I'm thinking of sharing it with my audience who seem to love it when I share my own "shadow stories.")

Recently I had the opportunity to be a guest for a new podcast in development, Mindful Politics.

My Authentic Marketing and Joyful Productivity Coach, George Kao, is the creator and host of this concept: create a space and format where people can open-heartedly discuss the admitedly land-mine ridden topics of and territory of political issues.

My first reaction -…


Thank you for sharing this @Mara Clear Spring Cook  I relate personally and want to tell you that 

When I have a vulnerability hangover, I watch a movie and sometimes hide out and work as little as possible from the comfort of my bed. 

I am a political economist & social psychologist by training and bridging the divide between the outer and the inner worlds is a really important area for new content in the current world. 

Look forward to seeing more content from you 

Making Peace with Tradition - Vale Elizabeth II

A reflection piece about media, social conversations and the death of a monarch. 

I was inspired to write this content which bridges my professional experience as a government advisor and social scientist, with my personal experience and sensitivity taking the pulse on how news affects people.