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Course Content
    • ✍🏽 Start of Course Assessment
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Course Platform Orientation
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Add to your calendar 🗓 Our live session dates
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • 🛜 The Zoom Link (keep private)
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Q&A Webinars -- Live Support Calls
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Market Research ✍🏽 Work Retreats to give you time to learn & implement the course!
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • General Questions (if you don't know where else to ask)
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Suggested ways to manage your time with this course ⏳
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
  • 0 / 14
    (April 24) Module 1 -- Begin with your energy and ideas...
    • What are your Easily Referrable Issues? (ERI)
      ERI - easily referrable issue
    • (Optional) Poll when you have "too many issues" 😄
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Google your ERI's and look for "People also ask"
      ERI validation via Google "People also ask"
    • For "People also ask" you have to use Google search, not DuckDuckGo or other search engines...
      For "People also ask" you have to use Google search, not DuckDuckGo or other search engines..
    • Ai chatbots can help too, with wordings & additional ERIs
      AI chatbots for ERI clarification
    • (Optional) Search social media for your ERI's and update if needed
      social media search to get more ERI ideas
    • Set up your appointment calendar first...
      set up a scheduling booking calendar link
    • ⭐️ Outreach Message for Market Discovery Calls (MDCs)
      Post your MDC outreach post
    • Ask your supporters for help spreading your post... especially if not getting enough responses
      send your social media post to your supporters to support it
    • When they respond “Yes”...
      What happens when you say Yes to MDC outreach post?
    • What if people say "no" or "I already have someone"...
      What if people say "no" or "I already have someone"..
    • Alternative to conversations -- private messaging threads
      do private messaging instead of a call?
    • 🎁 What about offering an incentive / thank you gift?
      incentive for MDC's?
    • Schedule your reminder emails
      Schedule reminder emails for your MDCs
    • Larger audience therefore less able to say Yes to 1-1 convos?
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Module 2 Check-In / Homework
      Market Discovery Module 2 homework
    • (Optional) Udemy Research
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Good (and bad) reasons to do MDCs
      reasons to do MDCs
    • Want vs Need
      want vs need
    • ⭐️ How to do an MDC (Market Discovery Call)
      how to do MDCs?
    • What if during the MDC you find out they're not your ideal client?
      What if during the MDC you find out they're not your ideal client?
    • At this stage, take the offer formats lightly...
      MDC - don't worry about formats
    • Stay organized -- fill out a Google Form for each MDC
      Taking notes for your MDC
    • Would you like to practice MDCs with your fellow students?
      practice MDCs with others?
    • Follow up message to send after an MDC
      MDC follow up email
    • (optional) Follow-up google form example
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery
    • Advanced -- Market Discovery GROUP Call
      Group MDC calls
    • 2 possible niches - which should I do market discovery about?
      2 possible niches - which should I do market discovery about?
    • I already offer things - what do I do with those re: market discovery?
      I already offer things - what do I do with those re: market discovery?
    • corporate fitness training - 1-1 price too much?
      corporate fitness training - 1-1 price too much?
    • ADHD coach wants to launch a group program - how does market discovery help?
      Example - ADHD coach wants to launch a group program - how does market discovery help?
    • "I polled people, created a product, they didn't buy... why?"
      "I polled people, created a product, they didn't buy..
    • speak to empowered people vs vulnerable people?
      speak to empowered people vs vulnerable people?
    • "My ERI are personal issues -- not easily referrable -- what to do?"
      "My ERI are personal issues -- not easily referrable -- what to do?"
    • Which is more useful -- nichemate calls or MDCs?
      Which is more useful -- nichemate calls or MDCs?
    • MDC: should you ask demographic info from someone you already know?
      should you ask demographic info from someone you already know?
    • sample MDC -- Michael Williams
      sample MDC with Michael Williams
    • MDC: what if you find yourself creating solutions for them already?
      MDC: what if you find yourself creating solutions for them already?
    • What if what THEY want, you believe is a bad solution for them?
      What if what THEY want, you believe is a bad solution for them?
    • Your offers aren't selling well - you need to do market research because of your saturated market...
      Your offers aren't selling well - you need to do market research because of your saturated market
    • Market Research - Most Important Questions
      Market research_ most important questions_
    • How to decide which product to work on and launch next?
      How to decide which product to work on and launch next
    • Market research request posts -- How to get more responses?
      Market research request posts -- How to get more responses?
    • Group Q&A Call Strategy to engage with your audience and do some market research
      Group Q&A Call Strategy to engage with your audience and do some market research
    • Live attendees -- fill out this feedback form 🙏🏼
      Clarify Your Calling with Authentic Market Discovery

When your things don't sell... why not?

Alright. So you've brainstormed, some of the things you would love to offer, and some of you have already tried offering some of those things you love to offer. And you're really curious why people aren't as excited as you are about the thing you're offering. Has anyone had that experience? I'm gonna raise my hand.
I'll give you an example. Joyful productivity. I first came up with that idea in 2,008. 2,009 at at the at the latest, 2009 was when I came up with the idea. I started talking about it.
I was I got really excited by it. Of course, it's evolved a lot over the years, but the core idea was already there in 2009. I tried selling a program, joyful productivity 2009. I tried I tried hard, got a total of 1 client out of it. I was actually quite lucky to get it.
That person wasn't even hiring me for joyful productivity. Not really. Was hiring me for for, like, social media stuff, but they they they said, alright. Well, sign up for whatever you say. Couldn't make money.
Couldn't make a living out of it for sure. Tried selling in 2010 crickets with, like, very few, like, barely any. 2011, still kinda crickets. 2012, the on and on. 2013, 2014 could not make any anywhere near even a part time income with joyful productivity.
No. 2015, 2016, something shifted. How many years in in was that? 7 years of trying and talking about Driftwood productivity on at least a monthly basis, if not weekly, maybe even. But some sometimes it was weekly, but at least once a month, I talked about it.
7 years. Now take courage. I'm not saying it's gonna take you 7 years. It might. Some of you are taking longer than 7 years.
Here's why what we passionately want to sell isn't selling. Because we've already taken the journey up to the mountain top, and our audience has not. Our audience are still at the river. They're at the river because that's where all the resources that's where the it's it's easier at the river. It's more fun at the river.
Okay? We have taken the hard work of going taking the trek up to the mountain top. And the more, you know, the more we've taken gone up the mountain top, the more the people of the river don't know what we're talking about because they haven't taken the trip yet. We're shouting, in fact, from the mountain top, hey, y'all, come up here, the the site's beautiful. Can you hear me?
The higher up we go, the less people can hear us, no matter how much we shout every day. Now if we keep shouting every day, maybe occasionally, one person from the river goes, I think someone saw me up there. Oh, wait. Trying to hear, and they have to be. They're really good hearing.
You know? You use that now. They have to have really good hearing to hear us. So what do we do? We can't we can't offer our core work to people at the river because they don't get it.
They haven't taken the trip up to us. So what we need to do? From the mountain top, we gotta come down to the mountain top. We gotta come down to the mountain top from our peak experience and talk to the people at the river and say, hey. I know you're here.
I know things are easy. Things might be enjoyable right now. Maybe things are hard. Maybe things are a little are are are shallow, you might say. Not very meaningful.
Come with me. Let's let's go on a journey together. But we have to talk in their language at the river, you see, and that's what market discovery is. So that's why you're here. You're learning how to come come down from the mountain top so you can speak the language of the people of the people, So you can bring them along on the journey up to the mountain top with you.
So let's do this journey together. I forgot to finish the story. Okay? So in finally, in, 2016, I sold the Georgia productivity course. I was like, k.
It's starting to pick up. More people are buying it. Still can't make a living off it, but maybe going to be a part time income before long. By 2018, I launched a joyful productivity program, and it sold out. And there were 70 members who joined my monthly paid membership.
I forgot what the price was, but it was, like, 50 to $75. I think it was $50 a month. 75 people. Hey. That's at certainly a part time like, 3, $4,000 a month per month.
Joyful productivity. That was 9 years after I've been shouting from the mountaintop. And so I'm not saying shouting from the mountaintop doesn't work. It just might take you 7 to 9 years of shouting. But you have to be doing it daily, like regularly shouting because then someone eventually, a few people, hey.
Hey. Come here. Someone's been shouting for the mountain top 7 years, but I finally heard heard them. Okay. So I'm hoping if you don't wanna take 7 to 9 more years of doing it or shouting very cleverly and loudly, then do market research, because then it'll take you instead of 7 to 9 years, it'll take you 7 to 9 weeks.
Yeah? Alright. So let's go on to the next lesson.

Why do you think that is?

Before you continue to read, comment below first on what your hunch tells you... 

If your stuff isn't selling well, here's why it might be... 

You might be thinking a lot in isolation when it comes to what to offer.
Analogy of mountaintop vs people at the river.

To get clients, you must sell what others want (not just what you want).
To understand what they want (to buy), you must do market discovery... that's what this course is about!

Find out what your people are hungry for... for which they aren't finding satisfying options.
Find the gaps in offerings that your people are *eagerly* looking for.

Finding "product-market fit" is life or death for a business. For us who are coaches/healers/mentors, this translates into "You-topic-format-audience fit".
You = your energy signature
Topic = what your services are about
Format = offer format, e.g. 1-1 services, group programs, or something else?
Audience = of all the people you can reach, who's most interested to work with you?

This is what the Authentic Market Discovery process unconvers.

We help you discover what your ideal clients must buy, not just would be "nice to have."

Bottom line -- You must choose the right thing to offer, if you want people to buy from you...

Last updated 25 Apr 2024.