Welcome to module 5.I'm so glad you're here.And so at this point, I know you're probably still working through doing some market discovery calls.That that's probably an ongoing thing, actually.It's it's not like, oh, I'm I'm done understanding the market forever.
So keep doing your market discovery calls.Keep integrating like we've already talked about in the previous modules.And I hope you will move on as soon as you can to doing some market discovery polls.I have been really encouraging all of my clients to do at least 10 well, not at least.How about just 10 market discovery polls per year?
10 is because I do at least 10 per year, sometimes 12, sometimes more.So if you could do work through your way to doing 10 per year, that'd be great because then you really, understand your market even better.And let me show you what you're gonna learn in this module.By the way, my interface might look different than yours depending on which version of Simpliaro you're using, so don't worry about it.You're you're still getting the same content anyway, just a different interface.
So you're going to learn about the different types of polls, macro topical polls, subtopical poll, title polls, image polls, format polls.And, you know, you don't have to do all of them, but I do all of them.Actually, the format poll, I don't I don't do as much anymore.I I did that earlier on in my business, but I really I really do the ones I do most often are title polls and image polls.Those those 2 I do, every month.
Every time I launch something, I I always try to do at least a title and image pull.Sometimes I also do top topical subtopical pulls are pretty common for me too.Macrotopical pulls, I only do several times a year, like 2 to 3 times a year.But, anyway, you're gonna learn to do all of these, and you're gonna see examples of all of these.And then, and then that's it.
So, once you learn these polls, I hope that you will get going as soon as possible.Probably start most of you will probably start with a, you're gonna do your mac your this market discovery calls will help you understand the various topics you could possibly offer or shape your offer into.So that's you're probably gonna start with a macro topical poll, but some of you might jump directly to a title poll because you already know what you're offering next.So you gotta you wanna, like, workshop your title of the of your offer with your audience.And just as a final reminder before we finish and let you keep going with this module is that the more you involve your audience in your marketing, the more they tend to care about it and to talk about it and to refer refer you because they've had a hand in creating the product rather than this fantasy of I'm gonna make the perfect thing in my closet, and then I'm gonna present it, and they're all gonna love it.
Maybe, maybe not, oftentimes not.But instead of that, because I'm I'm gonna make something with the people I'm selling it to so that it can be more of what they want.And naturally, when I finally offer, they've already told me this is what they want and they're much more likely to say yes.And plus, they feel some investment towards the fact that they at least voted on something.Like, oh, I see it now.
There it is.And they're much more likely to talk about it and get it themselves, etcetera, etcetera.So, anyway, enjoy this module, and I look forward to seeing you, comment below the various lessons on on your to share your polls as well.