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Content Expressions of Energy Signature

How does your angiosignature play into your content creation and your content plan? Okay? So I like to talk about it as 3 stages of content. If you're not familiar with the 3 stages of content, I've given you a link below to read more about it later after you watch this video. But briefly, stage 1 content we always create that first because the first time an idea, an expression of ours touches another human being, by definition stage 1 because we haven't had a chance for another human being to react, reflect, respond.
To whatever expression that we put out there. No matter if you took 5 minutes to create that or 5 years to create that, if it's first time touching another human, it's stage 1. I don't care how long it took you, how much effort it took you, which is why ideally stage 1 doesn't take 5 years. Stage 1 content should take, not maybe not 5 minutes. But it probably should take an hour or less to create a stage 1 piece of content because it's an experiment.
Let's see what other humans respond back to your audience respond back. So Stage 1 is your experimentations with your energy signature. When you're making a video, Bring your energy signature back to you, do your energy signature form, look at your energy signature imagery, look at your energy whatever your poem, whatever helps you to get back, and then express try again expressing your own signature on video in writing, with an image, with a podcast episode, however you create content, a webpage, okay, stage 1 is you experimenting. With your energy signature on a particular topic. A topic that's related to your business, a topic that's related to your field of expertise.
You're placing your energy signature stamp on that topic. Go experiment. Right? That's stage 1. And you do this.
I do this. When I first started creating content, I was creating stage 1 content 5 days every week. 5 days a week, I was experimenting to you with my energy signature. I did that. For a hundred videos and a hundred written short blog posts before I brought it down to 3 days a week and then eventually 2 days a week.
And eventually now, I so many years later, I have so much content that I'm usually repurposing my my best older, best content. And I'm just resharing it. And so now I only do a stage 1 experiment once every 2 weeks, something like that. But most of my other content is what's called stage 2. Stage 2 content is to take the best of stage 1 you know, the best of 5, the best of 3, the best of 10, whatever you want us.
The best of your recent stage 1, and then you tweak it a little bit, maybe improve it a little bit, very lightly, improve it a little bit, and then reshare it more out. Because stage 2 content is essentially your audience has told you this resonates with us. Your expression there not only resonates with you, it resonates with me, it resonates with us. That's what becomes stage 2 content. Your other stage 1 content doesn't resonate as much for them.
It's average. It's just, you know, you usually get 3 likes on your post, 1 like, 0 like, Okay. Let's say you used to get 0 likes on your post. How come this one got 3 likes? That's above average.
3 is more than 0. You usually get 3 likes on your post. Let's say you usually get 3 to 6 likes on your post. How come this one got 10? More than 10 is more than 6, more than 3.
So stage 2. Stay that then that's worth taking it to stage 2. Do tweak it a little bit not too much because you might lose the energy signature if you tweak it too much. To get a little bit improve it in some way that's obvious to you to improve it, add more of your energy signature, and then reshare it. Right?
So stage 2 is is the evidence. Of your energy signature. You can look at your stage 2 and study your stage 2 content go. Something about that is I need to study my stage 2 to say, What does this say about my energy signature that I should emphasize more? Because it's not only meaningful to me, it was meaningful to them.
Stage 2, it was worth studying for you. Okay? Very much so. Stage 1 is play. Experiment.
Stage 2. Hey. Let's study this stuff. Smoothing is resonating. There's that there's that Venn diagram I also wanna talk about, what resonates with you and what resonates with the world.
When there's a when there's a match there, that's magic. That's authentic marketing. Right? It's authentic to you and it's marketing to the world because it resonates with them. And then finally, stage 3 content is simply a productized, wider distribution of your energy signature.
Stage 3 is when you take the best of stage 1 and stage 2, categorize it into a theme and produce a book. Or produce a course or produce a YouTube playlist. It's a it's a organized collection. Of your of your content into a product or into a playlist. And that is sort of like, alright.
This thing I'm proud to to distributed far and wide. Like, when people say, what's your legacy? Well, this is one of my legacy, this stage 3 piece that I put together. It's it's a it's a shining example of your energy signature. So that's how energy signature weaves into your content, I think, leads into content planning.
And so I hope this is helpful, and I welcome your your comments below as well.

Refer to the 3 stages of content creation.

Stage 1 content allows you to experiment and further practice your ES.

Stage 2 content is clear evidence of ES resonating with your audience.

Stage 3 content is further wider distribution of your ES.

Last updated 23 Jan 2024.