I'm gonna address a key question, which is when we're writing the copy, describing our program, describing the vision, even describing who they are, the problems, etcetera.Do we address pain versus desire?Meaning, the way that most copywriters will teach you is to get to the pain that they're feeling and emphasize the pain.Like, you know, like, really make it bad.So that they go, oh, yeah.
Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.I cannot keep going like this with my life.I have to join your program, and I just find ChatGPT to be manipulative.
I don't like it.I don't like doing it to people.I don't like it when it's done to me because I can smell it.And so what I like to say is be as a caring doctor would be.That's my reframe of it.
Meaning, the caring doctor doesn't like when you go with the with the hurt knee, it doesn't go See, that hurts really right where you gotta use me.No.You'd be like, what the hell are we doing?This very painful.I know.
I know it's very painful.Right?No.The caram dodges go.Oh oh, is that is that the place?
Oh, okay.I just wanna check.Then maybe maybe it'll tap different places.I mean, you you we've all laid down.And the doctor kinda does this to our stomach.
Right?Right?Or whatever.I don't want whatever they do.Hey.
Does this hurt?Does that place hurt?They don't do it very hard.They try to is gentle, but as to diagnose the correct problem so that 2 things happen, they can provide the right therapy and and medicine or And secondly, so that you and they are both on the same page.Like, you feel like, okay, the doctor gets me.
That is where it hurts.And and the doctor says here's why I think it's hurting because of this root cause or of this context of why it's hurting.Oh my gosh.Thank you.Oh my I was so I was so worried.
That's what a care and doctor does.That's what I recommend me do in our copywriting.Right?So hope this helps.