How long should your sales page be?So I think that if you cover most of what we talked about in these modules above, I think you're golden, in terms of how much to write per I'm sorry.Not module, but the the sales page lessons, the different segments of it.If you write even I don't know.I would say 3 to 4 sentences, at a minimum per segment, I think you you're already doing a better job than most sales pages that don't that omit some of these sections.
So the more of the sections you can do, minimum 3 to 4s.I just I'm just saying 3 to 4¢.It's not because it's some kind of formula, magical formula, It just seems right to me that if you write 1 or 2 sentences, it's probably not enough to say something.So probably 3 to 4 is a good minimum.But you might, you know, you might have a lot more to say, and that's okay too.
I think eventually, if you if you try to integrate a lot of the sections above, your your fear is to have too long of a sales page.So I think this is where the feedback will be helpful when you do the circles of feedback.So hope this helps.